Melonkatze/Cocolada, I want to start by saying this is dedicated to you. YOU MADE ME DO IT XD



I know I TRIED doing a girl on the island fiction a while ago…but I decided it was worth another shot. I really want to do one, and this time, I PROMISE IT WON'T BE PREDICTABLE….


So, to start things off with a bang, let's begin in a unique way.



CHAPTER ONE: Alice, you're late.

I never really knew what was beyond my bedroom door. I guess I should have expected that the world wasn't like story books; that there are people out there who might want to hurt me. Maybe I had known all along that my life would have turned out like that. Maybe I was just trying to live out a delusional fairy tale for just a bit longer.

Either way, when I finally opened that door, my welcome was not as I thought it would be.

The sky was black and thick with the scent of rotting flesh and molten bones. People screamed, ran in different directions, dissipated into the night. I, instead of following their example, held fast to my bag full of things and wandered the streets, looking in awe up at the sky. My pretty dress was covered in ashes now.

"This isn't like the books at all." I stated quietly, still staring upwards. Someone from the shadows caught me by the hand and pulled gently. I fixed them with a blank gaze. For some reason, everyone was always unnerved by my stare. My mother had told me it had something to do with my eyes. But, whenever I looked in the mirror, I found nothing wrong with them. Pretty and bright blue, I thought, they were pretty and big and blue.

"Girl," The man who'd caught me gasped, "You should be taking cover…no, wait, you should be at the planes! There's still a few left, underground at the military confines, for young kids like you!"

I turned my head to the side.

"Young kids…like me?"

"Yeah, follow me!" The man dragged me into the rubble with him. For a moment, I was startled, and for some reason scared. But it quickly opened up into a subway tunnel. The overhead lights shuddered with each bomb that fell from the skies. Either way, he lead me around the arching gateways, through back passages, into metal rooms, until the air became stiff and cold. We were deeper underground than we used to be. For the last time, he pushed through a large metal door and led me into one last room. It was the biggest room I'd ever seen; full of jets and tanks and soldiers. I smiled in awe and whipped my head around, trying to take it all in.

"What are you doing?!" The man urged, "Come on, hurry! They're loadin' up the last civilian transport, you fluff-head!"

A fluff head? Was my head really filled with fluff? Maybe.

I followed him between the bustling crowds and into a different section of the docks. We were in front of a massive propeller plane now, with only a few rows of children lined up obediently in front of it. I stood on my tippy-toes to see what they looked like. As far as I could tell, they were all boys.

"Sir, sir!" The man who'd accompanied me frantically motioned to a head soldier, who marched over.

"What appears to be the problem? Civilians aren't permitted down here, don't you know?" The soldier said with a bit of a warning in his tone. I tipped my head up at him.

"I found this girl in the streets. She was alone. Do you think you could fit her in on a plane?"

"The only one left is for boys. But, I think she'll be fine. We'll keep a close eye on her." The soldier admitted, "Thank you for bringing her in. I would get to a designated civilian safety zone if I were you."

"Yes, sir." The man I had been with rushed off, out of the plane decks. He left me to the soldier, who grabbed me by the arm and half-dragged me to the last plane. It seemed everyone had boarded while I was with the man. The soldier shoved me aboard, giving brisk instructions to the pilot, who showed me to a seat in the back. I gratefully bowed and stared at the crowd of boys a bit before sitting down. They stared rudely back.

"Manners." I reminded myself under my breath, taking my seat. I didn't really know what was going on.

"Take off is going to be a little hot, boys, so brace yourselves!" A flight attendant warned from the front of the plane. He gripped the sides with both hands, looking rather surprised and scared all at once.

The boys around me started to buckle up. I followed their example.

Before I knew it, the plane jolted forward unsteadily. What a rickety thing, I thought. Some hole opened up above us, and we were in the red-tinted sky. Instantly, the cabin started to shiver. A loud screeching erupted from behind us.

"We're taking evasive maneuvers!" warned the attendant. I held fast to the arms of my seat, coughing as a bit of ash fluttered up from the fabric of my dress and caught in my nose. The plane paid no heed to it though. All around me, boys were screaming and shouting in fear and excitement. People were shooting at us, they said, people were following us.

I looked out my window hurriedly. Silvery birds flanked us on either side. I waved to a pilot, and he waved back. The flag he wore on his shoulder was not ours, not the union jack. It was red and white and blue. Like the French flag, but different. I'd never seen this one before.

The ocean was beneath us in about an hour's time, rolling choppily with waves of a coming storm. Still, my plane followed us.

Someone screamed that something else was coming.


The engine roared and bucked in protest.

There was a creaking sound, then a snap.

And suddenly, the great bird I was in plunged downward, belly towards the sea, and fell out of the sky.


I hope I didn't just hand craft another freaking Mary-Sue…GAH!

*kicks over table*

Anyway, I hope you liked this first chapter. It was kind of uneventful, but oh well. Please review. I want to know if I should actually continue this, or if I'm just wasting my time….XD Not like I'm going to spend it doing anything else of use, amiright?! Sorry for the short chapter as well, the next one's longer.