Chapter 1: Meet Greet


Walking up the steps to Georgetown University Hospital main entrance, I think, this has to be one of the worst days in my life. In fact I think that it is quite possible that I will die aged 48, and that I am in fact having a midlife crisis. Gone are my rights to walk through the side entrance like the rest of the student body. Not that I think I want to be in their presence EVER again. Who am I kidding? Here I am looking to take just a year out of med school, but in actuality, I don't even want to study in this place again. Let alone set foot. But it's only a couple of minutes to 7:00, fingers crossed I won't bump into anyone I know too well; I don't usually at this time.

Too late! A sea of eyes focus on me, even the baby seems to be judging me. I avert my eye contact, keeping my eyes focused on my nude suede boat shoes. Left in front, right in front, left in front, right in front. Until I reach the lift. My body sighs with relief, I quickly press the floor I want, 11. I don't hold it for the out of breath nurse. The lift closes in time for me to catch her disbelieved face. I inwardly curse myself, I should know better, vital seconds to a persons' life lost. I know I should know better and yet for the past couple of years or so; I haven't known who 'I' am, and I certainly haven't acted like I know better.

The lift door dings, and I look to move before I realise it's not my floor, only level 5. A trio of scrubbed up doctors in mid conversation enter the lift and I avert my gaze to prevent theirs. My shoes are really interesting. And it is the first time that I have noticed that the leather tie is a darker shade nude to the rest of the shoe. I count the remainder of the floors until I reach my intended one. When I look up, I realise I am alone again. I breathe out another sigh; I seem to be doing that a lot lately.

1117 is the office that I am looking for. I gaze at my reflection in the gold plaque by the door. Despite the make up, I still look gaunt. My eyes resembles owls, maybe I was wrong to put so much mascara on. I check for lipstick on my teeth. None. Pinch the skin around my eyes, scrunch my hair in an attempt to give it more volume, add a bit of life to my presence. God knows it needs it. I make a face. It is a bit better. My eyes focus on the writing on the plaque: 'Dr F Mulder. Psychologist'.

I knock hard on the door and wait for a reply before entering.
"No one here but the FBI's most wanted", I hear from the other side of the door. I let out a girly giggle, it feels like forever since I last smiled, let alone laughed.

I open the door cautiously. I have been at SOM for two years and I have never met Dr Mulder. I've never heard students mention him. I wouldn't have known if he existed, if I hadn't been informed that he was looking for a nanny. I also wonder what sort of being I am going to see on the other side. How old? Black, White, Asian? Tall; short; fat? Brunette; Blonde; Black hair? Blue; green; hazel; brown? I roll my eyes at myself, Dana it doesn't matter what he looks like.

His back is to me. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding; place a 'trust me with your kids' smile on my face; and extend my hand in anticipation. "Hello, my name is Dana Scully. I'm here about the nannying job". But he doesn't turn, he's focussing on whatever it is in front of him, my smile begins to fade.

"Tell me something Dana" he asks swivelling his chair in my direction. "Do you believe in extra terrestrial life?"

And I falter. And it's not so much the question that has got me stumped. He is just so young! And beautiful, and young. Much too young for three children.
"Uhm"' I try to find my voice.

But he laughs. He's laughing at me, but I'm not taking offence. Too much has to be taken in. He's floppy golden brown haircut, lopse to the left side of his face. His smiling blue eyes, shaved chiselled jaw. His shirt sleeves rolled, exposing his tanned arms. One of them extends towards mine and shakes it. It's a feeble handshake from my part because I cannot remove my eyes off of his, which have now turned a shade of green.

"It's ok, I'm kidding. Just a patient of mine. Fox Mulder, nice to meet you" he says, and leans over to something on his desk.
"Einstein's Twin Paradox: a new interpretation", I realise he is reading last falls essay title. "It was a page turner" he says. And I don't know if he is joking or not because my mind still seems to be trapped in this haze, where my common sense has left my exterior and is banging on my outer shell to wake up from this trance I found myself in the moment I laid eyes on him.

"Yes well I passed top of my class" I say, hoping he will be impressed.

"I'm sure you did". And with my body mimicking my hand, I pull back from him defensively, because I am not sure what he means by that.

He rests his weight on the desk behind him, and his thrust out pelvis becomes the centre of my attention.
"I'm not sure this is the right job for you. I am looking a full time nanny. There is no way you would also be able to juggle studying and lectures.

"No, I'm taking a year out. I've ran out of"

"Oh I see. I'm sorry to hear that". And he sounds genuine. He removes his old fashioned Harry Potter glasses from his face and looks to be in thought of how to figure out a solution for me. "We'll it's 5000 a month, Friday evenings and Saturday days off".

I do a quick sum in my head. IF I decided to come back, I should make enough to cover my final year of med school.

"...You'll get your own room, food. I will actually need you to do the grocery shopping...". He purses his lips and knits his eyebrows together, making him look like a five year old. I stifle a laugh. He repositions his glasses, as he jots down something on a piece of paper.

Honestly who still wears glasses like that?

"Sorry" he returns his focus to me. "I have your email address, and I will send you a list of expected duties. I'm just not entirely with it today" he rubs his face with both palms, as if trying to spring life into it.

Now he mentions it, I recognise the dark circles, around his eyes, mirroring my own concealed by the make up.

"So yeah three children; Yvo and Xoë are twins, both four, and I'm not going to lie, they are little monsters. And Theodore is three months. He has not evolved to monster yet", he chuckles and becomes lost in his own joke.

He's really beautiful, a voice in my head reminds me in a whisper.

Eventually he remembers that I am also in the room. "So when would you be able to start, or have I scared you away?"

"No.I can start asap"

"Great, well why don't you come for a trial shift this weekend? I'll email you my address with the paper work. And hopefully sign this weekend". He glances at his watch. "Sorry I have a 7:15. Do you have any quick questions?"

"No sounds fine to me" I smile.

"Great". He followes me out the door. His hand positions itself on my back and it is all I could do not to jump at his touch, that sent electricity through my spine, and some how reached the ends of my nipples? Thank god for the layers of foundation, because my cheeks are on fire. "See you Saturday" he says, not showing whether he knows the effect he is having on me. But for a moment, I swore he was going to lean in and kiss me.

"Right Saturday" I manage, and run for the lift.

I steal a look back when I reach the lift doors; he is leaning against the door frame watching me. I wave a hand and instantly feel foolish. Come on lift. And then I realise I haven't called it. Idiot; and I slyly go to press the button, as I am sure he is still watching me.

I run straight into the lift the second it arrives, into a form who I guess is male by its build, it reeks of cigarettes. "Sorry" I mumble, not making eye contact, but retreating to the safety of the lift corner, willing my emotions to get a grip.

Please let me know your thoughts via a review, and whether I should continue.

I know I shouldn't be starting a new one when I have others to finish but studying is so boring and I am major procrastinating. this is my first attempt of writing something happy and written from Scully's POV, although I don't know how long that's going to last.

The rating is M, I don't know if that will be correct but i'd rather have it like that just in case. I have a vague idea of how I can lead on from this and still kind of follow the show, but as I say let me know your thoughts.

Lastly, if I do continue with this fic, updates will be slow as priority goes to the ones I have already started