These are poorly written, I did an 5 minute quick fix to the two chapter's I'll put more focus onto it when I finish 'Porcelain Sakura Doll' I just didn't want to leave it completely un edited.

Looking for a Beta-reader that wouldn't mind Beta-reading this. Rated M for Dark theme's, character deaths, swearing, and lemon. Story get's little 'meh' near the middle drastic sakura change. Completing after 'Porcelain Sakura Doll.' My other story.


Chapter One

~Skin Like velvet~

I, ilovetimbits do not own Naruto.

Her eyelids felt heavy however, she opened them anyway, only to squint at the bright light that shone down upon her. She sat up, causing the thin sheet covering her body to pool down at her waist. Being a Medical-Nin she recognized the place as a hospital, though you really don't need any medical experience to figure this out.

Sakura pulled the sheet back up, though it was thin it offered the small amount of warmth she needed against the cold air. She wrapped the sheet around herself, covering her naked body as she got off the bed. She fell, her legs gave out feeling like jelly, and hurting like hell with the rest of her body. Pulling herself back up she walked to the metal door which was unlocked.

She put her hand on the door handle and pushed out, she remembered what hospital she was in. The one she was assigned to assist at, but what happened? All she remembered was passing out, why did she wake up in a hospital bed as a patient? She saw a nurse who's shoulder she tapped, the woman jumped turning around her eyes wide as saucers.

"Y-you're awake!"

"Yeah, what happened?" She looked to the woman weirdly, of course she's awake she's talking to her right? 'Duh.'

The woman stuttered. "Um, l-let me get the h-head doctor for you." Sakura nodded waiting she tried to remember what happened she was in the middle of her coffee break when she just passed out, so what happened for her to be in the hospital bed?

"Aah, you're awake."

'No, I'm sleep walking.' "What happened?"

The man smiled. "Lets get you clothing, and I'll explain everything."

Sakura nodded catching the clothes tossed to her, and headed towards the washroom pointed out to her. Shutting the door behind her she got dressed in the clothing. It was baggy pants and a long sleeve shirt there was no mirror in the bathroom, and it smelt bad. She walked out to be greeted by the Nurse.

"Uh, this way please." Sakura nodded following her.

Sakura watched the nurses back. 'Why is she being,...I don't know cautious, jumpy?' She asked herself. Sakura continued to wonder as they made it in front of two doors.

'Never seen those before.' She looked at the slightly larger double wooden-doors, all the doors here where metal, Why was this one wooden? She noticed the Nurse staring at her whom then quickly averted her gaze, Sakura opened the door and walked in. It was a library, she noticed with bookshelves and a fireplace with two couches. She saw the head doctor sitting there with five other men.

"Ah. There you are Sakura. Come, come you have been out for awhile now." Sakura feeling confused slowly sat on the unoccupied couch across from him. She looked at all of them then the head doctor. "You have been out for a month."

"What? What are you talking about? How did I pass out?"

"We drugged you."

'What the hell? They drugged me? Why?' "Why?" She asked, voicing out her thoughts.

The doctor smirked. "Well you see Haruno, we called out to Konoha in order to bring the best Medic of Fire Country out."

"I already knew that." She said a bad feeling welling up in her chest.

"Yes, well what you don't know is the part of you being one of Kabuto's experiments."

Her eyes widened 'W-what?! Kabuto? Orochimaru? Why?! What?!' "What!?" The man smirked she was irritated with the lack of information she was getting. "Tell me what the hell is going on!" She yelled standing up, only to be pulled back down by a jutsu and ninja string.

"You see we needed a capable medic, so Kabuto chose you, being the Hokage's apprentice herself, you have many connections and could assist Orochimaru as-"

She cut him off. "Like hell I would!"

The man smirked. "Anyways, while you where out for a month you have been, experimented on..." She froze listening, Orochimaru was known for his sick experimentation.

"Would you like to see?" She didn't have time to answer as the ninja wire squeezed more cutting into her skin which caused her to bleed it was painful.

She glanced at her hand which was cut. Her eyes widened, her breath caught. 'What the hell!?' Her hand was bleeding a sick dark colour with a pink tinge to it however, it wasn't blood.

Your skin, your body has become poisonous, a feat that would greatly benefit master Orochimaru." She was too busy staring at her blood to glare at him. 'My whole body...poison? How, why!?'

"There is one final test." She looked up to him he had a smirk played upon his face.

He walked over and dipped his kunai into her blood he walked over to the nurse at the door he pulled her over in front of Sakura. The nurse looked at her with pleading eyes, he jabbed the kunai into her stomach the woman reeled over in pain Sakura's eyes widened.

"What are you doing!?" She demanded.

"No witnesses, plus I'm simply testing something." The woman died in front of her within a minute. "We have stimulated your chakra so that your pool would expand in the amount you carry."

She looked at the dead body. 'C-cold blood, he just killed her in cold blood! "The poison runs in your chakra channels as well as in your blood, you've become one with it, poisonous to the touch, untouchable."

Her eyes widened 'No touch? Why!'

"Why!?" She yelled furious for the nurse they just killed, and she was also angry at herself for getting into this situation.

"To make you stronger, to make Orochimaru stronger."

"You bastard!" She struggled against the ninja string that suddenly cut her clean.

Her body ripped into slices she screamed in agony it was worse than any cut. It cut clean through, her head was off and her hand rested severed on the ground, but how was she alive? She had tears in her eyes the pain was unbearable she continued to scream in pain until she felt nothing she looked up at the doctor who grinned. "Seems it worked, she's immortal!" He shouted with pure joy.

She moved her arm and started rebuilding herself she would have puked, if her head was attached. She healed her head in place, the couch was stained with dark blood that was poisonous. The doctor took a syringe and extracted the poison from a vial and injected it into her. Her body and skin started mending back together with the help of her healing chakra.

Her heart was racing the pain was horrible she felt as though she died. She technically did, she was at a lost for words. "Your body is immune to poison, it uses the poison to it's advantage converting to chakra or new skin cells." He spoke like she was merely an object that could do wonders, his invention.

She admitted it was amazing the medic in her was astonished by this but she was still angered. "You should thank me, your teammates you could protect them now." Sakura hissed in anger he smirked and threw her a cloak that was black and hooded.

She was escorted out of the large building at about five yards from the building it exploded she gasped "Innocent nurses where in there!" She yelled. Even though they had a hand in her experimentation, still!

"Cant let the discovery get...discovered." Sakura looked at the man disgusted, he was horrible.

She broke the ninja's arm taking the katana. She held the arm behind his back moving her boot to hold him down she thrust the katana in the other ones heart killing him she went back to the ninja under her boot she killed him cutting his neck.

The man stepped back, but she grabbed his neck. "I created you!" He yelled in shock and anger.

Sakura growled. "I'm not to be controlled by you, I'm a person not an experiment!"

The man choked out a laugh. "You cant hide from it Sakura, from now on you'll need to kill one for your immortal power." He grinned "Let them know my name! They will know you and through you, me, the one whom created you."

Her grip tightened as she yelled in his face. "To bad I don't know your name!" Her grip was tight not allowing him to tell her, she didn't want to know. His body went limp in her grip she thrust the katana through his chest...

Sakura was sitting on the tree branch, she cut her palm with her kunai. Her blood stained the kunai with a thick black liquid a dark pink tinge to it. Sakura was poison in itself nothing else in her, her hand was fully healed as if nothing happened to her. She hasn't even seen her own reflection yet she didn't want to it disgusted her she was probably changed, looking at her hands however, they where smooth and her hair still pink. Sakura sighed and hopped down from the tree, her body brought death not life, she wanted to save people! She gave another sigh as she made her way to the village before going to Konoha, knowing that Naruto would probably try to hug her right when she entered the gates, potentially hurting him in the process.

She went to the small village they let her in. The village was very small and unknown to her but they didn't have many shinobi here. She was looking around the shops and she eventually got everything she would need. She just needed to get out before-

BUMP -Epic sound effect no?

ANBU came out, she cursed and ran as they chased her. She sped through the trees, but ANBU is after all ANBU, an higher rank than she, and they where gaining fast. She took kunai and coated it her her blood cutting her wrist.

Sakura threw it adding chakra grazing one, but it was enough. The man held his arm continuing. The other ANBU continued after her. She dodged the attack from behind ducking and went to sweep kick him but he jumped. she blew from her mouth, purple gas came out like smoke from a cigarette, they covered their mouths, and jumped up. Sakura ran again not wanting to attack them. They continued to chase her down she let out an irritated grumble there was two left from the three, when she got good distance in the forest she quickly concealed herself in a tree completely masking her chakra. They looked around for a good twenty minutes then left back to their village. Sakura looked at her bags and decided to change into them now.

She had her knee highs over top of her baggy pants, a long sleeve tight shirt turtle neck. Sakura had a loose shirt over top that was red. She bought a black mask that fit tight but not as tight as Kakashi's. she put a bandana on her head, gloves on and her hitai itai loose on her neck. It wasn't a personal choice of clothing seeing as skin exposed outfits allowed her to heal herself with much ease like her original outfit, but she'd have to do with.

Sakura attached her pack to her back and fixed her weapons sack she left heading on to Konoha, soon she could be with her friends again. She stopped she frowned remembering how she got here.

Sakura walked smiling proud of her accomplishments, she did a lot at the hospital today. Walking into her house she yawned, the yawn was echoed. She grabbed her kunai rotating she threw it at the wall. "wo-woahh Sakura-chan it's me." Naruto ducked covering his head.

She tear dropped. "why are you in my house so late?"

"I couldn't sleep, and oh Sakura-chan! I forgot to tell you earlier, but now I can! Tsunadae baa-chan says that you cant assist us on the mission but she has a mission for you." Sakura nodded Naruto ran out of the house waving.

It wasn't the first time she didn't go on a mission with them she knew what this meant they where going on an A-rank mission and she is going to be assigned to a minor B or C-rank mission. She sighed locking the door, and heading to her bathroom. Taking a shower the hot water trickling against her skin, her long pink hair was wet was down to her lower back the strands cleaned of dirt and sweat from her training. She applied her strawberry shampoo.

Finishing up, she got into her shorts and t-shirt and headed into her room for the next day.

She woke up and woke up late, she was going to be late for her mission she ran to the tower she had her sweats and t-shirt it was unsettle, but she was late. She ran in but stooped at the double doors.

"We cant do that...I'll be sending her on a separate mission for her safety"

'My safety?' she listened more.

"She wont be able to keep up with us Tsunadae this is a infiltration mission she'll burden us." It was kakashi's voice. Sakura's heart stopped her bangs hid her face as she listened further.

"Yes I know, I cant keep just sending her on B-rank missions she'll catch on soon... I'll send her to assist Suna." Her Sensei said.

"This is best for her Tsunadae, I don't want her to slow us down." Her former Sensei, Kakashi stated.

"Understood, do the rest of you agree?"

It was silent as she listened then a voice she recognized as Sai's came out. "I agree with Kakashi, ugly is a burden."

"And you Naruto? you've been awfully quiet." Tsunadae spoke.

"I-its just that Sakura tries so hard, but Kakashi's right, she'll never catch up, I don't want her hurt anymore."

Sakura walked off angered by this still keeping her chakra fully hidden she went to the bathroom. She wouldn't cry that's make her weak, shinobi don't show emotions, she shouldn't no matter how much it hurts, but she did. She walked back out they should be walking out, she was walking down the hall when they stepped out.

"Sorry I'm late." She scratched the back of her head in a Naruto like fashion.

Naruto laughed. "You're never late Sakura-chan, you shouldn't have stayed awake so long."

'Tsk he could keep it in hid it so easily.' She laughed nervously "well, I'm sorry."

"Hokage wishes to speak with you." Kakashi spoke looking up from his book.

She nodded and entered the room. Tsunadae looked at her. "Sakura we don't have any mission requests for you right now." Tsunadae was in fact holding the A and B ranked request but she looked at the C. "I do however, have a B-ranked mission for you. An escort to Suna."

Sakura shook her head "No thanks ill wait till an A comes." Tsunadae just nodded at her she left the office.

'Thought so'

"Hey Sakura, want to learn gas poisons today?" She saw Shizuune leaning at the front desk talking to the secretary.

Sakura nodded "Yes, sure." She had nothing else to do. In the gas room she had the gas mask on it was professional standard, over the nose. She offhandedly thought they made you look like elephants, it offered perfect protection against the smoke and gas. Shizuune made an elephant sound. seems she wasn't the only one that though of elephants.

Sakura laughed spite being angry, she liked Shizuune, she understood her need for challenges she felt like Shizuune looked at her as strong, not weak. She released the gas, the rat suffered it chocked, and fell to the ground. She had to remove the gas from the lungs this was more tougher than the liquid. She concentrated and finished it ,the rat survived but they needed to leave it alone for awhile or it'll die with their experiments. Shizuune taught her the different poisons in more detail such as paralysis, choking, and just plain poison and special poisons that could block an chakra stream.

Team seven was gone for a week, each day she asked for missions and she got none, only B-ranked missions or even less, sometimes that hurt the most. "Tsunadae, can I have an A-ranked mission?"

"No, there is none at the moment Sakura." She grumbled and left the office.

She thought back to what they said. 'She cant catch up with us.', 'She cant handle this mission.',and 'She'll slow us down.' She clenched her fist going to the training field to practice her fighting.

She was panting by the time she was done, she sat in the tree to rest, concealing her chakra fully, she didn't want to be bothered. Letting her eyes close she heard conversation below her but didn't move "I heard team seven went on another mission without Sakura, I think she can't keep up, it's not even team seven anymore." Sakura's eyes narrowed how did Ino of all people know about this or was it just that obvious? She heard munching most likely Chyogi "mm mm mum yea narushto tshold me *deep swallow* that he didn't want her to attend missions with them anymore cause their dangerous for her." She narrowed her eyes staring at their forms.

The sun rays shining through some of the leaves leaving shadows on her face. "I always knew I'd surpass Sakura, she's too enveloped in finding her old teammate, I mean like, give up, I did."

Sakura was angry, she was talking bad about her, she didn't care, but doesn't mean she liked to hear it though. She wondered if everyone else was thinking like this, was she really that weak? She closed her eyes drowning out their conversation they all thought she was weak? Was she weak? She was good in her medical skill, and being able to punch holes in the ground didn't exactly mean your strong, she had to be able to hit them and she was always caught of guard.

With her perfect chakra control she shouldn't ever have that happen to her, she should always have the jump. She was always underestimated even in battle, they always ignored her until the got close then they regretted it that's when she got her chance, but they went weak on her cause they assumed she was easy.

Sasuke's voice calling her weak came into mind she hated that, she was weak when she was genin and still is, she remembered the Akatsuki she killed. She had Chiyo's help and she only won because he underestimated her and let himself die, and she did practically died, if Chiyo didn't use that technique on her.

The two below her finished sparring and, left Chyogi probably left to eat, Ino probably left to her flower shop. She glared she didn't think fighting for Sasuke was pointless, she finally understood he wouldn't return her feelings. Hell, he probably will never return to Konoha ever. She sighed as she landed from the tree barely making a sound.

A Jonin came to her when she finally let her chakra show "The hokagae has a mission for you" Her heart made a leap maybe she had a mission after all. She went to the office only to be in disappointment. "Sakura I have an mission for you, There's a hospital in grass that need's our assistance you will work there for awhile." Sakura nodded and accepted the mission since she hasn't taken one in awhile.

Sakura remembered very well it hurt her... a lot and the fact she failed on this mission, got caught so easily would only prove them right. She halted in her tracks 'It'd only prove them right...' she bit her lip, why was she so weak? Why did she fall for things so easily? She fist-ed her hands creating little crescent marks in her palms as another memory resurfaced.

"Billboard brow!" Sakura smiled turning to see her friend running towards her they became closer ever since Sasuke left, Ino has from ever since tried to hook her up with a boy however she'd always turned down she was saving herself for Sasuke.

Ino caught in pace with her. "So billboard, this time I found you a real hottie!"

Sakura rolled her eyes ."No thanks" It wasn't only because she was saving herself for Sasuke, but because she was afraid, afraid that he'd be cruel call her weak and leave her just like Sasuke.

However one day she felt like she could do it, maybe Ino was right, to go on a date maybe it would help her take her mind off Sasuke so she accepted, to Ino's surprise whom cheered. When Sakura met the guy he was decent looking not too hot however, she didn't care she wanted to know if he was a decent ninja so she sparred him and won.

That gave her bragging rights that she could tease him with, he didn't seem too upset. They dated and hung out they dated for three months when he went out on a mission. Sakura was working at the hospital that day. She was actually happy to find a guy he had the Sasuke like attitude, but she knew he cared deep down.

She went dating with him but never kissed him...not yet. When they trained he went harder on her which she was glad for but he got angry whenever she won so she slowly stopped and lost on purpose. She didn't want to up show him again, she wanted to keep him. It felt like that time when she was genin, and she climbed the tree easier than Naruto and Sasuke. She felt bad cause she up showed Sasuke that one time.

She looked to her boy friend, he had tan skin orange hair that was in a spiky ponytail and black eyes. He never once said. 'You're beautiful.' Only she had been giving compliments to him. One day Sakura noticed him looking at another girl and she yelled at him he just ignored her. Another time she was at home with him making lunch since he came over he always slept on the couch when he came over cause she told him too.

When they ate she got up to be pushed against the wall. He was kissing her neck roughly she pushed him off she was stronger, but always hid it because she didn't want to up show him.

"What the hell are you doing!?"

He looked at her disgusted, it hurt a lot. "We're a couple yet, you wont let me touch you."

She shook her head. "No! Not yet." He left her there, in her house alone.

She didn't want to do that, she was brought up in a civilian home with strict parents whom didn't want her to do anything like that until she was married. She respected their wishes she wasn't going to throw herself out. She treasured her broken heart she didn't think it was right, either way she was ninja and she shouldn't have to think about that.

She went to Ino's at dinner time to talk to her, she being her friend would probably help her. She smiled feeling slightly better knowing that she finally had her friend back and she could share her problems. She knocked, but there was no answer she heard a moan and she ran in thinking the worst. In a way of danger, not once was she thinking the worst when it came to catching her best friend and boyfriend in bed.

Sakura's breath caught as she saw them they sat up Ino looked down ashamed as she should be, and her boyfriend stared her straight in the eye like there was nothing wrong with the picture.

"What the hell!?" She screamed.

He rolled his eyes. "I told you.. a man has his needs." it registered into her head tears welled up in her eyes.

He rolled his eyes. "you're so weak." It hurt her more.

"I thought you loved me?"

He sighed. "You're naive, what? You think we where going to get married?" No she didn't think that far, but to hear him say that like he had no hope of being with her in the future it hurt. Ripped her heart again into many pieces that she just taped back up. She taped it back and she stupidly gave it to him, but her heart didn't only hurt because he broke it, but because her friend, her best friend was there and helped him break it.

She cried it was very un ninja like of her but she did and she ran. She may be a little melodramatic, but sorry if that was her first official boyfriend and he played her like a fiddle she was already hurting but now it was worse.

Sakura remembered that day as clear as the sky she requested a visit to Suna though Tsunadae didn't know why she didn't mind probably to send her off while her team did missions. She arrived in Suna with a smile not wanting to bring Temari down too.

"Hey Sakura!"

Sakura smiled softly. "Hey.."

Kunkoro rose an eyebrow. "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, a lot of work at hospital and long run here."

Temari smiled "Well then, lets go get you to our house so you can rest."

Sakura nodded following the sand siblings to their house, the Kazekage was probably working.

She walked into the large Sabaku estate to the guest room she falling asleep right away. She woke up to the smell of burning she sat up to see the three of them in her guest room they looked at her worriedly.

"Sakura are you...crying?" She wiped her eyes to see that yes she was crying she was embarrassed to be seen like that she bit her lip.


Temari shooed her brothers out. "What happened Sakura?"

"N-nothing, really."

Temari frowned knowing she was lying. "Sakura it's OK to cry."

"No it's not."

Temari glared at her she tear dropped.

"Okay, Okay it is." Temari glared deeper.

Sakura sighed. " I had my first boyfriend but he cheated on me."

Temari frowned there was a lot Sakura was holding back but she didn't press she hugged Sakura.

"Anyway I came here to forget that, I wanted to see you guys."

"You're alone?"

Sakura nodded. "My team is on mission."

"How about Ino?"

"Busy." She said in a weird tone.

Temari nodded, Sakura smiled and hugged her. "Thanks Temari."

She looked to the road in front of her she was almost there, she wondered how she was going to confront her friends with her new body. It was weird how she was closer to the sand siblings then her friends at home, maybe because they looked at her as strong and not weak, she smiled but frowned again as she looked at the Konoha gates.

She walked up to the gates. The guards didn't recognize her at first. "It's me, Haruno Sakura? dammit go get Naruto he'll recognize me."

"yeah and give him right to you? Flat chance come with us."

"Good then you'll be embarrassed that you where"

She was walked to the hokagae tower the guard knocked on her office door.

"WHAT!?" Tsunadae's voice hollered on the other side. He opened the door and walked in still holding her arm with the other guard. "Whats the meaning of this?"

"She claims to be Haruno Sakura."

Tsunadae looked Sakura over the green eyes was a dead giveaway. "What the hell are you wearing? where the hell where you, and you couldn't tell this was Sakura!?"

"i- ER w-well- "

"It's not their fault Tsunadae I meant for this outfit to hide all."

The guard glanced at her thankful for the save. "Dismissed back to your posts, and don't let me hear you sleeping on the job!" The two guards scurried out of the office.


Sakura nodded. "That mission, the hospital, they've been experimenting on patients, partly under Orochimaru's influence, they wanted me so that they could use my medical knowledge."

Tsunadae looked through her desk taking out the request for Sakura it was all official but it wasn't the seal was very real looking but fake now she really looked at it. Orochimaru was behind this he wanted her apprentice why? experiments? Sakura? She looked at Sakura's covered body fear struck through her she stood up abruptly from her desk un fazing Sakura

"S-Sakura did they?" Sakura looked at her teacher there was a knock at the door. "Not right now!" However, spite Tsunadae's yell Danzo walked in.

"I heard what you where talking about slightly and if it's true, she is a threat to Konoha." He pointed at Sakura

Tsunadae slammed her hands on the table. "Outrageous she didn't even respond yet!, Sakura?" Sakura looked down and nodded.

"How do we not know Orochimaru has her under control?! Perhaps not right now but, later. Not to mention the jurinchki, she's friends with him...I've dealt with many of his experiments all under control I'm pretty sure Orochimaru wouldn't allow her to be with free will!"

Tsunadae had the look like she was contemplating his words, he looked at Sakura as though she was a disgusting experiment she looked to Tsunadae. Why was she thinking about it? As her apprentice she should trust her.

She understood slightly though, she was dangerous though she was sure she wasn't controlled or that doctor could have easily made her sit pretty as he went about causing terror. She had enough will to kill him.

"Sakura, he has a point."

"I thought we could as medi-" Sakura started.

"Orochimaru's medical experience is far beyond Konoha's." Danzo interjected she remained emotionless but she was inwardly fuming. 'Why does he want me out so bad?'

"Sakura he's right, our medical experience cant possibly match to Orochimaru's. We cant possibly asses what he has done to your body, you'll have one day to say good-bye."

"Hokage surely you understand that we cannot trust her with all the knowledge she has on Konoha." Tsunadae looked at him appalled, but also in an understanding way. If it was true that Orochimaru could take control of her, their information would be leaked to Orochimaru and things would turn from there.

"Fine give her one day, then we'll decide what to do with her until then she will be under chakra binds until the decision."

"I make the decisions here Danzo but I do however agree to your idea, Sakura this is until I could find a solution".

She was escorted by two jonin she had chakra cuffs on her wrists she looked like a prisoner people stared, but didn't recognize her.

Naruto was walking by. "Who's this?" Naruto pointed at her.

"Baka it's rude to point."

His eyes widened. "S-Sakura-chan!?" she nodded he lunged to hug her.

She stepped back slightly the jonin taking a hint stopping him. "W-whats up why are you tied up what happened? why are you being escorted? are you Okay?"

"If you'll will shut up a second I'd tell you!" She yelled irritated.

"Okay Sakura-chan."

"My mission was a setup by medics who worked for Orochimaru, they experimented on my body... Naruto..I'm tied up at the moment because I could be unstable." She explained.

He fumed "YOUR NOT UNSTABLE SAKUURA! I wont let this happen!"

She frowned, Ino was walking up to them to her all she saw was Naruto talking to some captured ninja, yelling and causing a fuss. "Naruto you baka stop annoying everyone."

"Ino th-that's Sakura-chan!" Sakura looked at Ino's shocked stare.

Sakura sighed. "Naruto, could you tell our friends to come? I want to explain it all in the same time rather than individually." They nodded and left.

She was waiting under a large tree her two guards by her to bad all she needed was one touch to kill them she sighed then her friends all appeared there.

"Whats going on? Why are you in cuffs!?"

"How troublesome."

"S-Sakura w-why?"

"On my mission I went to a hospital thinking I was helping however, they were followers of Orochimaru." By this time all her friends found seats to sit staring at her warily.

"I was knocked out.. I woke up feeling different... they experimented on me, thus my whole body is covered and my cuffs? I'm unstable in Konoha's eyes... today I have to say good-bye to you guys because I'm a danger to Konoha and they don't know what to do with me because of the information I know of Konoha. They are uncertain that Orochimaru could control me at any moment so they are deciding what to do with me."

They all stared wide-eyed even the two guards whom became uncomfortable at the thought of being in danger with her presence.

Hinata looked teary eyed. "W-what did they do to you?"

Sakura looked down. "They changed my body." They all stared, her body was covered in cloth from head to toe only her eyes viewable.

"What do you mean by uncertain of what to do with you?" Shikamaru asked.

"What do you do with someone that cant simply be kicked out of the village due to the knowledge she knows?" She looked down that was the question what would they do?

Tsunadae looked at the paper impossible! This time she even checked it was official and everything all signed signature's, seals it was all real but so surreal she had to bring this to the attention of the councillors.

... Sakura's P.O.V...

"Yes?" I looked up to the jonin babysitting me. "Yes, understood."

"What-" I was cut off with a swift by a, very hurtful may I add, kick to the face. My eyes opened but there was fabric over my face a bag like thing, it was yanked off I was on my knee's in front of Tsunadae and she was glaring at me.

Konoha twelve with exception of me was there as well even a few jonin and ANBU. Almost everyone I knew Shizuune, Kakashi, Yamato, even Iruka was here with Tsunadae whom behind her stood the council member's.

"Haruno Sakura." Tsunadae spoke with a cold demanding authoritative tone. "It was proven you betrayed Konoha worse then anyone has done before, I was foolish trusting you with such information. I should have seen through your story , you worked with Kabuto and Orochimaru what did they give you in replace of our precious defence? HUH SAKURA!?"

My mouth was agape, what was she talking about?! "We have evidence and motive Sakura it's enough, the evidence is here and your motive is simple and I wouldn't doubt it a second. There has been a few missing scrolls which on this paper was also missing the day you went on that mission. Sakura it's simple your motive."

"Before you used to be mad, upset even when we sent you on separate missions then your team. Then you just accepted it, you always tried to get stronger to become a good ninja and that drive...the drive to want to be something you just simply can't...It was your motive. I put you on lower missions cause you can't handle the missions your team goes on, you were mad about it. Mad enough you'd sell Konoha short for strength."

"Then you became calm, you accepted the mission for the hospital the documentation was fake and you knew because there you'd take the forbidden scrolls other scrolls I can't even mention right now, and you traded with Orochimaru. Where in turn they 'experimented' on you. It all connects Haruno...I just can't believe you would do that to us."

"I- I didn't do it!" I screamed what was going on?

"Your betrayal is worst then all,worse then Murder. Your are Charged with death due to betrayal, and Treason, This doesn't just put a life in danger it put's all of Konoha in danger!"

I froze tears ran down my cheeks I glanced to my friends they where either glaring or shaking their heads in disgust except Naruto and Hinata. Naruto wouldn't look at me his fists balled and Hinata had her folded hands to her chin her eye brows furrowed almost looking like frowns.


I looked to Tsunadae. "There has been a deal set forth to us and with a vote, we may take it." everyone was silent. "Tea has offered Uchiha Sasuke, but we must give them a sacrifice however the sacrifice is to be handed in tomorrow where as Haruno is an option she also has a month to prove herself innocent."

My heart clenched "I- I'm Innocent." there was a chance! A chance to prove I'm Innocent.

"I know this may be hard on you guys, but you must vote I apologize." They where leaving my fate to my friends?

Team Guy was called first starting with Neji he walked up expressionless as he went. "I chose to go forth with the sacrifice, though I dislike him it's clear Haruno has betrayed us all worse then he even could." I was frozen, numb. Ten-ten and Lee went up, Ten-ten followed Neji almost saying the same he said she agreed with Neji, Lee however voted for me to live.

Ino's team went up starting with Ino she stared at me and glared talking to them, but keeping her eyes on me. "Sakura was a good friend, but if she's going to die it might as well bring back Sasuke."

Shikamaru went up next. "How troublesome...the logical thing to do is to sacrifice there is no chance for her to prove herself innocent there's too much evidence. As well the Uchiha clan is more important to Konoha right now, he is of a much higher skill then she and could bring information in from Orochimaru aiding us in his defeat."

'The logical thing...the logical thing was logical but it wasn't right, not when I'm innocent' everyone else voted against me even Sai. When it came to Naruto's turn she listened. "You guys make me have to choose between my two teammates, I can't do that both of them are traitors to Konoha, but...if I was ever to be a Hokage I'd HAVE to make a I choose sacrifice."

Tears ran down my eyes Hinata and Lee, their the only one's whom voted for me my own team didn't vote for me. They chose Sasuke over me. Didn't give me a chance to prove my innocents of course they would Neji and Shikamaru both put out good reasons the others pushed towards it. They betrayed me.

"Stop crying!" Ino yelled I looked up they where staring I looked to where they where, a puddle of poison on the ground from my tears.

"You act like we betrayed you! You betrayed us Sakura! you betrayed all of Konoha!" She was saying that to make it okay for her, she was trying to help herself the guilt she was trying to destroy it and it seemed to help the others.

"I hope it was worth it. No matter what Haruno you would never be able to carry on it's at, that it's simple it's are weak."