*This chapter has been a lot longer in coming than I intended. Life does like to get in the way at times.*

Chapter 10

After the movie the girls made their way to the nearby Piffle Princess. Fuyuko was on such a high from thwarting her mother that she didn't make a single snarky comment about Angelic Layer the entire way. A record.

Upon entering the store Sayomi started towards the Layers but Kylie paused inside the doorway. "Is there something wrong, KaiKai-chan?" Sayomi asked. Kylie was turning her head slowly from side to side with an ear tilted into the store. "Just trying to find a clerk. Usually there's a greeter near the door but they must be busy helping someone." Sayomi searched as well but didn't see any floor employees. "Perhaps we should go to the help desk?" she prompted. Kylie nodded and Sayomi led the way. Fuyuko floated along behind barely aware of her surroundings.

A young woman at the booth bowed and greeted the girls. "Irasshaimase. How may I help you?" Kylie stepped closer to the counter, "I'm wondering, are there any Angel outfits that look like stuffed animals? I'm hoping to buy one as a gift for a friend." Fuyuko froze. Sayomi sputtered before catching herself. The woman pondered for several seconds. "Hmm... I think there may have been something in the upcoming releases." She worked at her computer for a moment. "Ah! Yes." She paused, her hand on the monitor, and leaned over to Kylie. "These haven't been announced yet but if you promise not to tell anyone I'll show you." Kylie nodded solemnly and held up her pinky. The woman smiled and wrapper her pinky around Kylie's, sealing the secrecy pact.

Turning the monitor she gushed. "It's amazingly cute, isn't it? Just like a teddy bear!" Fuyuko let out a small squeak, visibly trembling as she forced herself not to look. Kylie's cheeks glowed. "Umm... would, would you mind describing it to me?" The woman looked puzzled. Glancing at Sayomi Kylie's friend subtly gestured to her own eyes. Looking back at Kylie her eyebrows went up in surprise but her expression quickly softened. "Of course." Kylie looked relieved. "Thank you."

Sayomi watched as Kylie and the clerk chatted, giggling like school girls sharing a secret crush. She sidled up next to Fuyuko who had picked up a kit box of materials for an Angel's outfit. She held the box as if reading it but her eyes weren't focused and never moved. "I'm very proud of you Fu-chan." Fuyuko started and her eyes slipped into focus as she looked at her friend. "What do you mean?" Sayomi nodded towards Kylie. Fuyuko made a harrumphing sound as she put the box down. "Like I care about some dumb Angel outfit." Sayomi smiled. The clerk turned her monitor back as she and Kylie exchanged farewells. Sayomi's face hardened. "You're right. Outfits don't matter. All that matters is how good the Angel's Dues is." Fuyuko scolded her. "Oy, don't forget this is Kylie and for fun. This isn't the Nationals." Sayomi smirked. "I know. Still, she's been a Dues for so many years. I bet she's amazing." Before Fuyuko could respond Sayomi's expression transformed as she waved to Kylie. "We're over here KaiKai-chan!"

Sayomi hooked arms with Kylie who hooked arms with Fuyuko in turn. Fuyuko grimaced. "You shouldn't bother Kylie, there's no way I'm playing Angelic Layer." Kylie smiled wide. "Maaaaybe. Even if you just make an Angel I'll be happy." Her friend sighed wearily. "Whatever." The three stepped into the Layer room. Kylie leaned her head on Fuyuko's shoulder. "Don't you just love this sound?" Fuyuko raised an eyebrow at her. "What sound?" Kylie untangled herself from her friends and skipped to the closest Layer; sweeping her arms out. "I don't hear anything." Kylie's eyebrows shot up. "Ah! Maybe that's why you don't like Angelic Layer." Sayomi put a hand to her mouth, grinning. Fuyuko shook her head. "Trust me, that's not it." Undeterred Kylie lovingly pulled Minerva from her purse. "But how can you not enjoy seeing such beautiful dolls dancing and fighting?" Fuyuko walked over to Kylie and put her hand on her head. "Just shut up and play already before you explode."

While Kylie took a seat at the Layer Sayomi went to the counter to set up their play time. Returning she sat opposite Kylie and slipped on her headset then activated it. "Ready KaiKai-chan?" the smile on her lips not quite reaching her eyes. Kylie grinned broadly, her left hand on the edge of the Layer, "Yep!" Kylie gently placed Minerva on the Layer and the Angel's eyes opened, blazing to life. Sayomi blinked with surprise. She'd seen hundreds of Angel's but never one with glowing eyes. That they seemed to burn as the colours roiled from deep oranges to fierce reds only added to her disquiet. She was so distracted by Minerva's eyes that she neglected to say her usual entry line and simply stood Neith on the Layer.

The moment Neith came to life Minerva rushed over to her as Kylie squealed, "She's so pretty!" Minerva glomped the other Angel who seemed too stunned to react. Letting go Minerva slowly walked around Neith with Kylie giving a running commentary. "Oh, her skin is so beautiful and smooth, like caramel. And her hair!" Sayomi could feel the warmth building in her cheeks as Kylie piled compliments onto Neith. "Th- Thank you. But Minerva is much more beautiful." Minerva turned to look up at Sayomi. Kylie tilted her head to one side, "I wouldn't go that far but..." Minerva bowed her head and curtsied, holding out an invisible skirt. "Thank you."

Rising Minerva lifted onto her toes, spinning and leaping back to Kylie's side of the Layer. Kylie rocked slightly with her eyes closed as she hummed to herself while Minerva moved through a series of simple stretches. Sayomi caught herself staring. "That's incredible KaiKai-chan. Mother told me you could see using Minerva but I'm not sure I really believed it until now." Even Fuyuko had stopped staring at her phone to watch. It was Kylie's turn to blush. "Well, it's not the same as before the accident but it's great to be able to see again even if it's just when I'm playing." Fuyuko leaned in closer to the Layer, watching Minerva. "So what does everything look like?" Minerva turned to look up at Fuyuko. "Big," Kylie said, laughing. Fuyuko rolled her eyes at the lame joke and went back to her phone.

Sayomi sat transfixed for several seconds. As Minerva came up from a stretch she looked at Sayomi, opened her mouth slightly, then used the backside of her index finger to close it while winking. Sayomi got the subtle message, switching her focus to Neith. The Angel ran through a series of vaguely serpentine movements, stretched high then ended in a low crouching position before launching a high kick. Satisfied Sayomi looked across to Kylie. "Ready?"

Kylie nodded her assent, smiling with childish enthusiasm. Minerva began to dance, a simple pattern of slow twirls and bends in time to Kylie's gentle humming and rocking. A soft clicking sound drew Fuyuko's attention. She glanced at Sayomi's hands. Her friend was pushing the nail of her right pinky against the underside of her thumbnail until the nail clicked past. It was an old nervous habit she hadn't seen Sayomi do in years. Turning her eyes she watched Kylie through her lashes. Did she really make Sayomi that nervous?

As Sayomi watched Minerva she realized seen something like this before. Her eyes widened slightly then narrowed. "The Dance of Death". The special technique used by Ringo Seto's Angel Ranga. It incorporated dance moves to generate high pressure blasts of air. Of course Kylie would use a technique based in dance. But it had a significant weakness. The blasts could only move in a straight line. If she timed Neith's movements Minerva wouldn't be able to touch her. I'm disappointed KaiKai-chan.

Neith rushed forward. Minerva's right leg came up in an arching, graceful kick. Neith cut to the side, staying out of the path the kick traced while still moving forward. Twirling with the momentum of the kick Minerva's left arm swept across, her hand outstretched as if beckoning. Neith ducked, rapidly closing their distance. Minerva's left leg began to come up, her knee pointed at Neith. Sayomi smirked. Too slow.

Weaving out of the way of Minerva's knee Neith smashed the palm of her right hand into Minerva's chin. Kylie's eyes flew open. Sayomi was taken aback by the look of shock and terror in her friend's eyes. Before she could think Neith followed through with her Deus' planned attack. Catching Minerva by the back of the neck she yanked her forward and slammed her metal-capped knee into Minerva's stomach. The Angel dropped, clutching her abdomen. Neith quickly brought her right leg down, pivoting on her right heel as she swung 180 degrees, and stepped out with her left leg. Shifting her weight she bent her legs and braced her hands against the Layer before mercilessly lashing out her right foot, solidly connecting with Minerva's chest. Minerva flew backwards, bounced once on the Layer, then rolled off its edge. There was a buzzing sound and a small, mechanical voice announced, "Layer out!"

For several seconds the three girls remained frozen. Kylie dumbly reached up and deactivated her headset, the white wings collapsing in response. Fuyuko knelt down and picked up Minerva, gently placing the Angel in Kylie's lap. Sayomi was staring at her hands which were balled into fists at her knees. What have I done? Abruptly she stood, her chair squealing across the floor, and bowed so low her head almost hit the Layer. "I'm so sorry Kylie! I thought, I mean, we were..." Kylie started giggling softly. Sayomi tilted her head up in confusion and Fuyuko gave her an is-she-losing-her-mind look.

Kylie held Minerva tightly in her right hand and with her left she pulled off the headset. She was still giggling but her eyes were a tell-tale red rimmed with moisture. "Wow, that was scary. You're really good Sayomi." Sayomi straightened, unsure of what to say. Fuyuko put her hand on Kylie's head. "Oy, I thought you said you'd been playing Angelic Layer for years. That was pretty bad." Sayomi put her hand up in protest and stammered with shock at her friend's bluntness. Kylie smiled and pulled Minerva closer to her chest. "Heh, yeah. I'm used to playing with my friends from dance class. We go down to the local Piffle Princess after school and practice dance steps or they show me the new moves. The instructor does a good job explaining them but getting to see them makes it a lot easier." Sayomi's jaw dropped. "You mean you've never fought?" Kylie shook her head.

Sayomi took a step back and collapsed into her seat.

Author's note: Neith uses a form of martial arts called Kalaripayattu, a fighting style developed in the ancient kingdoms around modern day India.