Welp, it's been a while. Was slightly disappointed with my premature writing skills, and am now planning a rewrite. Fun! ;D

So basic story line will be the same: Kagome can't go back to the past anymore, is enrolled into Ouran, what happens when she sees familiar faces, etc etc. But at the same time, it'll be different, as my idea for this story has changed over time,
sort of. I hope you enjoy this completely Rewritten Chapter of Returning Past!

Disclaimer: Please, if I owned either show and/or manga, characters would've been all over the place in Ouran and characters from Inuyasha would have obliterated the concept of a fourth wall.

PS: The other chapters will be taken down, as this story would make no sense jumping from this new remake to the old ones (*o*) ~(.~)

*Third Person Point of View*

Kagome took a shaky breath, pale hand quivering as it grasped the wooden handle. 'One more try, it's got to work. It has to… Inuyasha...' She thought, throwing open the door. It still looked the same as it did a week ago, if not a bit mustier. The well
resided at the bottom of the aged wooden steps. Taking another unsteady breath, Kagome could feel her legs quake as she went down the steps, wood creaking with every movement. 'It'll work, Kagome, you have to believe you can go back. And if not, you
have to believe Inuyasha will come for you.' She couldn't do anything but give herself assurance as she got closer and closer to the Bone Eater's Well.

Her hands grasped the wood, slightly worn from years of weathering, before being covered by a roof. 'Here goes nothing.' Sitting, she swung her legs over the edge, looking down at the bottom. 'I'm coming, Inuyasha.' She pushed herself off the lip of the
well and fell. Closing her eyes, she waited for the landing to come, enjoying the nostalgic feeling of falling into another world. She reached the ground, body falling into a crouch to soften the fall. Head tilting up towards the sky, she opened her
eyes, and hope blossomed as fast as it fell.

The roof from her time was still there, and she could still hear Souta playing with his ball outside. Her body crumpled, curling up into a ball, one hand still resting on the soil she landed on. "I… can't see him anymore," And with that, Kagome felt tears
streak down her cheeks, the first and only time she would cry about not being able to go where she had begun to call home. She choked out a sob as she leaned on the wall, crying herself to sleep.

Waking up, she heard her mother calling Souta to come in for dinner. Climbing out of the well, she left, closing the door behind her, and headed inside to change out of her now dirt covered clothes. Her mother gave her a concerned look as the girl walked
in with an emotionless expression, without giving any sort of greeting. 'Kagome… Do your best.' The mother gave a silent prayer to her daughter, knowing she would need the support, but it was better not said.

Checking the mail, Karen found a strange letter left to the Higurashi household. Opening it, she carefully scanned the letter's contents.

To the Higurashi Household,

This is a message to announce that Higurashi Kagome will, if you accept, be enrolled into Ouran Academy in Bunkyo, Tokyo. I can assume this will be sent at a time when she will be going to High School, in her first year. For reasons that cannot be revealed, I must ask that everything disclosed in this letter must not be known by Higurashi Kagome. If you don't accept, you may throw it away, forget it ever existed, it is not in my profession to care what is done afterwards. But if you accept, you will find all of the documents necessary inside the envelope as well. Think carefully, as this is an opportunity that will never come again.

The rest of the letter answered why the letter was sent to Kagome and how the sender knew the young teen, as well as other such questions that the woman had been wondering about, all while keeping the sender's own name anonymous. Karen, knowing her daughter
was going through a rough time, opened the envelope to find exactly what the letter described. Kagome needed to heal, and to heal she needed time, so the caring mother decided that a new scenery would help. And so, without hesitation, she began to
sign the documents. It was rather peculiar, aside from the typical enrollment papers, that the sender had left another note specifically ordering her daughter to be enrolled under the name 'Taisho Kagome.' Why this person commanded it, she would never
know, but her intuition told her that she needed to do this for her daughter. Now, all she needed to do was tell Kagome.

The next morning, Karen did not find her daughter in her bedroom. Instead, she found her pitifully curled up at the bottom of the well. Taking a deep breath, eyes showing concern, she tried to hide emotions by smiling and calling down to the sleeping
time traveller.

"Kagome!" The young girl herself, eyes crusty and puffy, slowly opened her eyes, just to squint them again at the sudden light coming from the top of the well.

"O… Okaa san?" She called hesitantly, mind still hazy from sleep. She vaguely remembered falling asleep in the well, the light layer of dirt covering parts of her clothes confirming her suspicions of rolling around in her sleep, and explaining why
she felt somewhat sore.

"It's morning, dear! Climb up and come eat breakfast with us, and after that… I have some news for you, Kagome,"

"Okay," The sound of joints popping echoed in the well as the teenager stood up. Tired limbs clumsily grabbed the rope and pulled her out of the ancient well. Stumbling from the half expected onslaught of sunlight, Kagome stumbled into her home, looking
a mess.

Karen smiled at her daughter when she sat down at the table, staring a warning at the two men of the house to keep their mouths shut. Her father complied, his old age for once giving him the wisdom of reading between the lines. Her son, however, decided
to speak his thoughts.

"What'd you do, Kagome? You're a mess,"

"Souta," Karen scolded the boy.

"But I was just "

"Not now, okay?" The boy grumbled, stuffing some more egg into his mouth. The rest of breakfast continued in silence, with only the sound of birds singing a cheerful tune outside.

Kagome excused herself after breakfast, heading to the bathroom to wash herself of the dirt in her hair and caked to her body. Besides, it would be the only time she could properly think before hearing this news her mother had spoken of. The sound of
hot water running resounded in the bathroom. Humming a light tune, the miko began scrubbing herself down, washing her hair, doing whatever to get the dirt and grime off. Her thoughts wandered to her friends in the past. 'Inuyasha...Miroku, Sango…
Shippou, Kirara… All gone, forever,' She couldn't believe it. She knew she'd need to choose, at one point, which world she would stay in. But she'd never expected that the choice would've been made for her, and so abruptly at that. Her life on the
other side had been ripped from her, and with it, a part of her heart that she felt could never be replaced. 'I belong there… No… I belong with him, doesn't matter when, or where, just as long as it's with him.'

Finishing her bath, she quickly dried off and put on a nice blue blouse with a dark, knee length skirt. Heading downstairs, she greeted her mother with a nod, still emotionally robotic.

"So, Okaa san. You said you wanted to speak with me?" Karen grinned knowingly, confusing

the girl much more.

"I received a letter recently, and you've been enrolled into Ouran Academy," Kagome's eyes bugged out of her head, stoic attitude exiting the building.


"More interestingly enough, the letter asked that you specifically be enrolled under the name of 'Taisho Kagome'. Quite peculiar, don't you think?" Blue orbs widened even more, almost making the mother laugh at her daughter's fishlike expression.

And that's a wrap for Chapter 1! I apologize for the shortness, but it is late and I felt like pausing it there. A reviewer noted that I always ended on cliff hangers, so I would like to keep up the tradition!

So, why is Kagome being enrolled as a Taisho? Who is it? What is this mystery sender's motive? Find out next time! See ya soon!