Adopted from HuntressBiancadiAngelo. She gets the credit for the first 10 chapters. After that, it's all me!

The first thing I realized when I woke up was a biting coldness. It confused me cause I was usually sleeping at Camp-half Blood or sleeping in my fathers palace where I had my own room. There was also a painful throbbing in my skull. It felt like my skull would burst at any moment. Where was I? What had happened? It was then that I remembered what had happened to me.


I had been traveling for at least two days now and I still had no idea where the Doors to Death were. I was an inch from giving up, I had seen no sign of the doors being close and I probably should be helping my father control the Fields of Asphodel ghosts. It was a riot over there, not counting the Fields of Punishment where everyone was going crazy to get to the doors of death and be alive once again. Already one of the worst people in there had gotten out, Minos.

After the whole trying to use me to come back to life my father, Lord Hades, had sentenced him to eternal punishment. Unfortunately he was one of the first people to get out of the underworld, how I had no idea, he shouldn't have been able to get out with all the guards, Cerberus, and the furies. But he did, and, even though I would never admit it, I was scared. He would use any means necessary to kill make sure I got sent straight to Tarturus.

I was just about to give up when I saw it, two ghost were heading the way I was. One was a male who looked to be in his mid thirties and the other was a female who was in her early thirties. But then again you never can tell in the Underworld, for all I knew they could have been her for a day or decades. Their clothes were to new to be over twenty years old. Speaking of their clothes, they were torn in multiple places with blood splatters all over. They didn't like the type of people who would invite you into there house a glass of lemonade, and they especially didn't look like Percy's mom and step-dad, who were really nice.

"Well," I muttered to myself "There isn't anything that way that I know of, and since they shouldn't be here that only means one thing, the Doors are that way."

I couldn't exactly let them know I was following them, they would automatically recognize me, being the only son of Hades and all. So I went with the only thing I could think of, hiding in the shadows. I would hide in the shadows and follow them until I saw the Doors, at which time I would stop them and try to figure out how the doors could be closed.

So that is what I did. For the most part I didn't learn anything new, they just muttered about what they would do once they where alive again. The normal stuff, get revenge on the one who caused they death and those who double-crossed them and then continue whatever evil things they had been doing while they were alive. I honestly didn't want to know what they had done while alive, if they got the Fields of Punishment for it, it couldn't be good.

After a while of walking I saw it, it didn't look like doors but more like just a shimmer of bluish light that was continually expanding. I had to admit it looked pretty in all this darkness, a light at the end of the tunnel. Following the ghosts I made my way towards it. Just as I was about to tell them to stop and draw my Stygian Iron sword from its sheath at my side I heard an all to familiar voice.

"Ah...look if it isn't the Son of Hades, Nico di Angelo, himself." a cold, piercing voice from behind.

As I turned around I couldn't the cold lump in my stomach as I saw Minos, King of Crete's. He was armor and a crown on his head, but worst of was the fact that he was solid, not a shimmering ghost in the Underworld. He was human. This was not good, not good at all. Minos must have know what I was thinking for he laughed at me.

"What? Not happy to see me? I'm hurt." Minos mocked, faking emotional pain "Well, it isn't just me you have to worry about."

As he this the shadows began to move and form monsters and people. This definitely wasn't good. I was badly out numbered and from the look on their face they wanted to make sure I died a very, very painful death. But I soon found out this wasn't the worst of it.

"Hello, brother." a voice behind.

As I turned around I was shocked, no, petrified to see my sister, Bianca, standing there, very much alive. This couldn't be real. Bianca got reborn into a new life. But here she was standing in front of me.

"B-Bianca." I stutter in shock.

"Yes, it is I, Bianca, the sister you can so easily replace." She hissed at me, her voice dripping with venom.

"W-what, what are you talking abut, Bianca" I asked, thoroughly confused,what was she talking about.

"You know very well what I'm talking about!" Bianca screams at me, "You replaced me with that daughter of Pluto who nearly destroyed the world."

Hazel. Bianca was talking about Hazel. But, I didn't replace Bianca with Hazel. Hazel just deserved a second chance and Bianca wasn't there. The fact that my sister was accusing me of replacing her stung like I had been stabbed through with my own sword.

"Bianca, I didn't use Hazel to replace you, she just deserved a second chance." I try to explain.

"Oh, and I didn't. After the whole Labyrinth adventure you gave up trying to bring me back to life. And then when you finally had a chance you chose some other girl instead of me." Bianca screamed at me.

"What? No. I couldn't find you. I tried to find you, you were gone. Achilles told me that you had been reborn, even father you had been reborn. I thought you were gone. Hazel deserved her second chance." I desperately, Bianca was obviously mad at me and I couldn't stand it.

She was my older sister who I had looked up to my whole life, and here she was accusing me of betraying her for Hazel. As much as I loved Hazel, she would never be Bianca. Bianca would always have a special place in my heart and my unconditional love, love that nobody else would; except for maybe Percy, he was like an older brother to me.

"You left me, abandoned me. And now you will pay." Bianca snarled at me threw clenched teeth.

Next thing I knew Bianca had her sword drawn and was lounging at me, I barely had time to draw my sword and parry her move. I was shocked, this is my sister, why would she want to attack me?

Bianca continued to attack me, and all I could do was parry, she wouldn't allow me to get a move in, not that I would want to. Soon Minos joined in, it was then that I realized I was going to lose. I couldn't win against both of them, especially if it meant hurting Bianca.

Just as I thought this Minos got a hit in; using the butt of his sword he hit me in my head. I was soon on the ground with a horrible pain in my head, unable to get up. I could feel a sticky substance running down my face, most likely blood. Minos kicked my sword away, laughing at my expense.

"To bad you weren't much of a competition. After everything I would have thought you would be more of a challenge." laughed Minos. I could feel my blood boil with anger at this "king".

"I would have thought so to, guess he didn't want to hurt his sister." Bianca mockingly.

I was shocked. Why was Bianca acting like this? Why was she willing to hurt me? And why was she working with Minos? I could feel my heart breaking as I realized Bianca didn't care about me anymore, she didn't love me anymore.

I could feel the darkness closing in on me, so I whispered the last thing I could think of. "I'm sorry Bianca." Darkness then claimed me.

Flashback Over

I couldn't believe it. Why would Bianca ever work for Gaea. Oh yes, she had to be working for Gaea cause Minos had to be working for the earth goddess. But it still didn't make sense why Bianca was here and working for her. Or why she was mad at me, she was the one that to never hold grudges. It just didn't make sense. Especially because she was suppose to have gone to be reborn.

And where was I? As I looked around I realized that the walls looked like they were made out of earth, and there was no door anywhere. That left only one option: I was captured by Gaea. I was at her mercy. That thought made me shiver with fear. Gaea would make sure that I was never released, I got to close to the doors, already knew to much.

All of this thinking was beginning to hurt my head. Which just served to remind me that I most likely had a concussion now. Reaching up I felt the wound. It was impossible for me to hold in the hiss of pain when I touched it. As I drew my hand away I could see the blood on my fingers.

"Oh, wonderful not only am I in some prison but I'm still bleeding," I muttered under my breathe. "Hazel and Percy are gong to kill me."

Hazel. Percy. They were still on the quest. If they even came back, which I prayed to the gods they would, they wouldn't know where I was or what happened. And, for the first time in a while, I was scared. No one would be coming. Gaea would have me for as long as she wanted and, sooner or later, would kill me. I suddenly felt more alone then I had in a long time. If only Percy had never disappeared, or had known who I was. If he had I knew he wouldn't have let me go no matter ho much I argued, he would have forced me to stay at camp, or taken me on the quest. That had to be better than being here.


No. I knew what that meant. It meant someone close to me was dying. The worst part was that I could tell that it was Hazel, Frank and Percy. They were all dying somehow. No no no, they couldn't die, they were like family to me. In Hazel's case she was. But as soon as the buzzing started it ended. They weren't dead. I could feel it, they had been close but they somehow were still alive. I let out a breathe I hadn't known I had been holding.

Exhausted, in pain, lonely, and scared I collapsed to the ground. Leaning back I drew my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. It was then that I realized that I was shaking. It was freezing in here, it had to be at most fifty degrees. And of course they took my Aviator jacket. Just another way to make me uncomfortable and for them to have the upper-hand.

At that moment I just wanted to sleep. Must have something to do with the concussion. I knew it would probably be a bad idea to go to sleep but I had already woke up once, how much damage could sleeping do. With that thought in my head I began to doze off. My last coherent thought was:

Please Percy, find me before something truly bad happens.

With that I feel into a deep sleep.