I know you all are mad at me. I am sorry! I kind of backed myself into a corner with the last chapter, so I got angry and quit writing. I am back not and I am sorry! I will try to be better to you all! 3

Belle struggled against the ropes that tied her hands to the bed. The rope just dug deeper and deeper into her skin. She stopped and looked down at herself. Welts, bruises, and cuts littered her body. She would give anything to feel Rumple's arms around her right now; to bury her face in his chest and never let him go. She wanted to smell him again, to feel him, to be with him. Bellelaid on the bed and cried, until she fell asleep.

She awoke when the light streamed through the windows, hitting her in the face. She moved her arms, they were free. She was lying under the covers of the bed. She was still naked and bloody, but she was under blankets and her arms were free from the bed. She knew Hook had come in the night to release her; she wrapped the sheet around her and looked through the wardrobe to find some clothes. The wardrobe was completely empty. She sighed and went to the bathroom that was connected to his bed chamber. She turned on the hot bathwater, and let the bath fill up. As it did she looked at her reflection in the small round mirror. She had a black eye, hickies all down her neck and chest, and bruises and scratches on her breasts. Her face flushed red with anger. "How the hell does he think he is!? He can't treat me like that! I am not a piece of meat to be strung up and taken advantage of." She had never been so angry in all her life. Then the tears started. They flowed down her cheeks, hitting the tops of her bruised breasts.

The bath water was scalding hot, and she wanted nothing more than to be completely immersed in it. She wanted to get every remaining piece of Hook off of her. She stepped into the full bathtub, water over flowed from it as her body entered the searing water. She hissed as the water hit her skin, turning it a bright angry red. She soon laid her whole body in the water and held her breath. She slid into the water and stayed under until her lungs screamed for oxygen. She came up and inhaled the cool air around her. She did this again and again until she could not stand it any longer.

Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She was angry, hurt, sad, and lost. She didn't understand why Hook stopped. She was angry with herself for feeling gratitude to him for stopping. She shouldn't feel thankful to the man who almost raped her. She became angry with herself for feeling like this, she became angry with Rumple for not finding her yet, and she became lonely and wanted to feel the warmth of another person. It was all too much for her to handle. She thought back to the man in the jail, and his advice of finding Peter Pan. How could she pretend to have feelings for the monster!? She would try to think of a way back to Rumple later, right now she had to get away from Hook alive and unharmed. She sat and cried until the water had grown cold. She got out of the bath and put a towel around herself. She didn't bother to dry her hair or her body, just dripped water all over the floor.

Belle walked out into the room, where she saw Hook sitting on the bed. He was staring at his hands. He looked up as she walked into the room. He quickly stood up and looked at her. His eyes were glazed over and he stumbled a little while just standing there. He was obviously extremely drunk. Belle stared at him as he looked at her. Neither one knew what to say. Belle wrapped the towel tightly around her and went to the closet as if Hook was not there.

"I'm ssssorry." Hook stuttered as he looked down at the ground. "I just got angry. Aaannd you aresobeautiful." Hook said slurring his words together. "It is no excuse, but I am sorrryy.."

Belle looked at Hook for a long time. Her emotions were so confusing, she was mad but a small piece of her believed that his apology was real. She felt the strange urge to hug him, because she needed the warm embrace of another human. Belle stared at him for a long time. Just looking at the man who just last night seemed so strong and powerful, not a watery eyed little boy begging for her forgiveness, knowing he did not deserve it.

Belle walked over to him, and placed her arm around his shoulders. She sat him down on the bed and laid him down. She placed the covers over him, and within minutes he was asleep. He was too drunk to hear what she had to say, she would say it when he sobered up.

Belle went to the closet and looked at the clothes. She decided on the dress she had come to the ship in and went to the bathroom to put it on. She felt much calmer after she got dressed. She felt broken, but she also felt determined. She was going to get back to Rumple, it was just a matter of time.