Title: To change the future

By: Shinigami no ko

Disclaimer: I own none of the original characters. I do own OC's and the plot.

Warnings: Major Au; events that follow doesn't follow cannon! There will be Sakura bashing. Some languages. And this will be a shounen ai/ shoujo ai story.

Summary: They couldn't let him die, and they didn't want him growing up as he did, so they went to Fate's dwelling and summoned up the people needed in order to change what happened for only they could ensure a better life for the one person who deserves it more then anything. Namikaze Naruto. ItaNaru. non-cannon events.

"Minato you bastard!" a redheaded woman screamed, "This is the last time you're ever touching me!" Minato cowered and outwardly winced as his hand was squeezed, "Do you hear me Minato? If you ever touch me again, I swear, I'll kill you, you bastard!"

Tsunade flashed the Yondaime a smile, "Don't worry Minato, they all say that." her words were whispered so Kushina wouldn't hear. The yellow flash could do nothing but offer a halfhearted smile towards the blonde medic. "Trust me, as soon as your baby is out of her, she'll forget about everything she said; she probably isn't even aware of what she's saying."

"You're the medic, Tsunade-sama, if you say so, then I'll believe it." Minato nodded his head, before focusing back at the task at hand. "Is he almost out?"

Tsunade grinned and nodded, "One more push, Kushina." with a scream of pain, and the needed push, a wail pierced the silent room. "Congratulations, it's a boy!" the blonde cooed, cradling the baby as she motioned towards Biwako to clean the infant as she faced the young parents, "What are you planning on naming him?"

"Naruto." Minato smiled, "He's name will be Naruto Ryuumaru Namikaze." Kushina smiled tiredly while the blond Hokage leaned over, pressing a loving kiss upon her forehead as Biwako walked over, carrying their son, Blue eyes stared at the infant in his arms. "He's so beautiful." he whispered, sitting beside the redhead, holding him out for her to see. Tsunade and Biwako smiled at the new parents before they turned and left the room, giving the two some privacy.

Kushina smiled, tears in her eyes. "Yes he is." she murmured, holding out her arms so she could carry him. Minato gently placed the baby within his wife's arms before standing. "I'm going to speak with Sandaime and the others. Are you going to be alright in here, by yourself?" Not bothering to answer, the redhead waved her arms, dismissing the man, who shook his head with a fond smile.

Upon seeing the Yondaime, the group stood up, "So, Tsunade-hime and Biwako-sama told us your son is quite lovely." Jiraiya grinned, "What did you name him?" Minato smiled and told them, "You combined part of Kushina's father's first name with part of your fathers first name. Ryuunosuke and Kagemaru."

Minato nodded his head and opened his mouth to say something when a scream was heard from within the room Kushina was in. Fear and concern for the life and safety of his wife and his son, Minato rushed inside, along with the others. "Kushina..."

"Minato, Naruto..." she cried out, trying yet failing to sit up. "He took him." The blond turned towards a man standing by the window, dangling his screaming and wailing son within his arms. An orange mask covered his face and the only thing that could be seen was a single red eye.

Growling in rage, Minato faced the man, "Who are you? What do you want?"

"If I told you what I wanted, that would be no fun at all, now would it." Tightening the hold he had upon the bawling baby, the man chuckled, "Well Yondaime, come and catch me if you want your son back, unharmed." after speaking those words, the masked man vanished out the window. Cursing, Minato, Kakashi and Jiraiya gave chase, while Sarutobi left, telling the three females he was going to alert several shinobi's to be on guard encase of an attack, leaving Biwako and Tsunade in the room, both trying to comfort the distraught mother.

'Just as I thought, the fool!' the masked assailant smirked beneath his mask as he held the infant over the cliff, "Take another step Yondaime and this child shall die before he even get to experience the world." Kakashi sneered from behind his teacher. Grabbing a kunai he chucked it towards the mask man, the glint of the seal caught Minato's eyes and he smirked in realization, moments later he vanished from his spot, appearing behind the enemy, his hand gripping the hilt of the kunai. "Fool." the man taunted, releasing his hold on the wailing baby before he fazed out of existence.

"Naruto!" Minato yelled out, about to leap after his son when he was stopped by a blur of black as it caught the babe, before appearing beside the blond man. The sight of the person caused a gasp to escape Minato's mouth. "Itachi-kun! What are you doing here? How did you even know we were here?"

Itachi cradled the sniffling child within his arms, "I was practicing." the Uchiha heir pointed towards a clearing not too far away. "I heard the baby crying and came to see what was going on. I heard everything, and when I saw him release the baby, my body moved on it's own." he whispered, gazing upon the beautiful child with a soft smile before handing him towards his father. "I must be returning home now." with a bow, Itachi ran off.

"That boy..." Jiraiya murmured.

Minato smiled and tightened his hold around Naruto, "Lets get back to the woman's shall we." the blond hokage took off with the other two behind him. As the arrived at the room, they could hear the sounds of a struggle before another scream pierced the silence. Not wasting anytime, the Yondaime burst into the room for the second time that night and like dejavu, the same mask man was standing in the room. Both Tsunade and Biwako were lying against the wall, apparently knocked out, while the man stood in front of Kushina, doing something, what it was, they didn't have the slightest clue. "Kushina!"

With a final cry of pain, Kushina collapsed against the pillows panting while the masked man cackled, "It is done!" turning towards the newly arrived trio, he smirked at them, though it went unseen, "Hurry back to your precious village before it's nothing more then rumble." was all he said before vanishing.

"The village, he freed the Kyuubi, Minato, and he plans to unleash it upon Konoha."

Minato, Kakashi and Jiraiya gaped.

The events that followed was nothing short of destruction. Many brave men and woman lost their lives fighting to protect their home and the people they cherished from the rampaging fox. That tragic night came to an end when the Yondaime, holding his newly born son, made his appearance, a new seal in hand. A seal that would not only cost him his own life, but the life of his only son. "Forgive me for this burden I shall place upon you, Naruto, and remember these words..." the man leaned over, placing a small kiss upon his son's head, whispering the last words into his ears, before completing his duty as Hokage. With a call of 'Fuin' the deal was done, the Kyuubi sealed once more but the hate and fear the Kyuubi had brought caused the people to foolishly transfer that hate onto the very person who protects them.

And thus the life of Namikaze Naruto, or Uzumaki Naruto, as he is called, begins.

Three years later


With Naruto

He didn't know how long, or often, he would sit on that lone swing, watching as the other kids played, laughed and generally looked like they were having a good time. He lost tract of all the times he had been chased down, beaten or had mean words uttered behind his back, or straight to his face, by various people around the village.

Tears filled blue eyes as he watched a woman smile as she grabbed her daughters hand, that small smile quickly morphed into an ugly scowl when pastel green eyes darted in his direction. Flinching, the small blond lowered his head, willing himself not to start crying. He would not, could not... Getting to his feet the blond made his way back towards his home.

From the other side of the park, a lone figure watched as the blond left after seeing the look that woman had given him. Uchiha Itachi frowned, he didn't like the way the villagers treated the child he had saved so many nights ago. "What are you frowning about now Itachi?"

Uchiha Shisui peered in the same direction his cousin had been staring in. "The poor kid, it only uncle could get those damn old fossils to allow us to take in the boy, he'd be better off. Your mother wouldn't be throwing so much temper tantrums if she could only have the kid." Itachi hummed in agreement. "Come on, we have to make sure he gets home safely, we don't want another incident like last time."

At the implied time, Itachi clenched his hands into fist, "Surely they aren't foolish enough to repeat something like that." Despite the words he uttered, Shisui could tell his cousin didn't believe them. They knew the villagers would never learn, no matter the punishment they were given, they would take any opportunity to attack the blond child for something he had no control over, so it wasn't a big surprise when Itachi vanished from his spot to appear a few feet away. Shisui shook his head, a smile curling his lips as he followed the younger.

A few months later

Naruto placed the scrolls he was reading on the desk, blue eyes glanced towards the side, "I finished reading it." Dark eyes turned in his direction, taking it as a 'please continue' stare, the blond obliged, "I want to work on something else now. I finished everything else that you wanted me to work on, Ita-nii."

Itachi crossed his arms, "Lets go over some of them first. I want to make sure you fully understand what you read before I allow you to do something else." Naruto sighed, before he nodded his head. "What is chakra? And why is it an important functions for shinobi's?" the small blond stared at the slightly older male briefly before closing his eyes and reciting everything he knew about chakra and it's functions. "Good, good." Itachi smiled, ruffling the boys hair. "Alright, name the five shinobi villagers, their leaders, their strongest military force and what are their standings with us?"

Humming, Naruto turned towards the side, "Konoha, Suna, Kumo, Kiri and Iwa. Konoha's strongest military unit is the ANBU's and we are neutrel with Suna and Kiri. We have a very poor alliance with Kumo, bur Sandaime is hoping to rectify that when the ambassador for Kumo arrives in a few weeks. And lastly, because of the war, we are enemies to Iwa."

Itachi smiled, nodding his head. "And their military?" The blond grinned and recited the strongest military squads for each country. "Good job Naruto. Tomorrow I'll take you to the training grounds and teach you a jutsu but for now, I want you to read this alright. This will be the last for today and then we can get you something to eat."

"Okay." Naruto took the scroll from the older boys hand and unrolled it. "Fuinjutsu theories."


With the bijuu's

and the

Konoha group

"Damn Kushina, even giving birth, you still manage to scare the pants off of Minato."

At those words the group shared a laugh, while Minato rolled his eyes good naturedly, before he glared at his sensei, "I wouldn't laugh if I were you sensei. you wouldn't be able to handle Tsunade-sama, even if she was on the brink of unconsciousness and drunk."

Mikoto giggled, staring at the baby in her friends arms, "He's so adorable, Kushi-chan."

The redhead smiled and wrapped her arms around Minato's waist, "He is, isn't he." her voice was thick with love for the child that would be hers. Minato grinned and hugged Kushina tightly to his side, whispering his agreement into her ears. But their moment of bliss was interrupted by the appearance of the masked man.

Kushina gripped Minato, fear caused tears to well up in her eyes as she watched the man hold her son over a cliff, threatening to let him fall to his death. She screamed and buried her face into her boyfriends chest when the orange masked man released his hold on her son. Shocked gasp caused her to glance at the pool, tears falling from her eyes.

"Itachi!" exclaimed Fugaku and Mikoto as they glanced at their son before staring at the boy in the water. A soft laugh from in front of them caused the group to glance up to the source and they blinked at the redheaded male. "What's so funny?" the Uchiha head inquired, confused.

Kurama waved his arm in front of his face, "Your reaction was priceless, and I'm sure they'll be many more in store for all of you." the redhead stated, turning his attention back towards the pool. Just as Minato and Jiraiya appeared back in the hospital room with Naruto held tightly within his fathers arm. 'The beginning of the end.' Kurama's eyes zeroed in on the infant and red eyes softened at the sight. 'Naruto, this time, we'll make sure you live the life you deserve.'

By the end, everyone was upset at the destruction that had befallen Konoha due to one mad mans quest for power. Kushina lay crying silently against Minato who gripped the redhead tightly, eyes focused on the bawling infant held loosely within his limp arms. Blue eyes closed in pain, being an orphan himself, he had never wished for his child to face the same desolate feeling that he had felt many times as a child. "Our poor baby is an orphan, and a jinchuriki on top of that." Kushina murmured, eyes puffy. She stared at the reflective waters as years passed in a blur before a picture of a three year old Naruto popped into view and she shook her head, tucking it beneath Minato's chin. She already knew what will happen, having experience such loneliness before she met Mikoto, who became her first friend and soon after that she met Minato.

"Your boy is so adorable Kushi-chan." Mikoto squealed, squeezing her son, "It appears as if Itachi and your son will be quite close in the future." the dark haired woman smiled, pleased at that discovery. Kushina and herself had always talked about when they have kids, how they'll be best friends like they themselves are.

Kushina returned the smile, "Yeah, it's too bad that both Minato and I aren't there for him. I'm just happy that he has Itachi-kun, and I assume yourselves as well." Oceanic colored eyes glanced at the sight of the two boys conversing, and her smiled widened a bit, "I'm happy that Ita-chan is befriending my boy. it makes me happy to know that he has somebody that cares about him."

"It appears young Itachi has it taken it upon himself to teach Naruto." Jiraiya chuckled. The group nodded at that, Onito smiled at the sight of his cousin. He was happy that Itachi, and from the brief glimpses he had seen of, Shisui, it was obvious to him that the two didn't care much for the Uchiha decorum, which was a relief to him. "Your boy is going to be quite the genius." Jiraiya commented, patting Minato on the shoulder gently, almost fatherly. "And look at that, he's unknowingly following in your footsteps." he gestured towards the scroll labeled, 'Fuinjutsu theories'.

The pool froze and the group turned towards the group in front of them, "We're going to take a bit of break right there, so feel free to ask any questions that you have before we begin the next part of Naruto's lide." the redhead stated, staring at the group in front of him. "I know you must have some, so fire away."

Kushina stared at the man, "This is all about Naruto right? He is the hero who died so young, isn't he?"

Kurama nodded his head, "He is." the redhead lowered his head, while the rest of the group turned their heads away, hiding the tears in their eyes. None of them wanted to appear emotional in the face of those who had, and would became important to Naruto. "Your son will be greater then the Sage of Sixth paths. He'll be the hero and savior of the elemental nation." Red eyes softened, a smile itched it's way across his face as he glanced at the frozen sight of Naruto reading the fuinjutsu scroll. "He's going to be the one to bring peace to the war torn world of shinobi's."

Minato smiled and hugged his girlfriend tighter, "He is?"

Kurama nodded his head, "He is. Anything else you guys want to ask me before we continue the viewing?" he glanced towards the silent kids and raised a brow at them. Obito smiled and shook his head followed by Rin and Kakashi. "Alright then, let's continue shall we." With that said, the water unfroze and fazed out before another took it's place. A cry from the waters had all eyes directed towards it and they gasp at the sight that met their eyes.


To be continued...

Latest chapter, hope you like it.
