Tsuna hid behind a corner, panting slightly as she looked around for enemies. "Coasts clear..." She ran down the hall, her petite hands clutching a small pistol close to her body, the safety off. "But, still. How did this organization get so powerful? They must have infiltrated another familia..." Gunshots rang out and she ducked behind a door, the bullets imbedding themselves in the wood of the door.

"Hey, she's over here!" A man in black shouted, followed by footsteps that showed more coming. Tsuna huffed under her breath as she slipped into the room and took cover behind a couch. The door slammed open and the men filed in. She took this chance and started shooting with deadly accuracy, the bullets hitting the men either in the shoulder, legs, or hands; killing was against her policy. She ducked down and reloaded her gun, shots pinged off the couch now, splintering against the wood finish.

Tsuna swore under her breath, if only she could use her flames! If she could, she'd be already back at home, helping mom with dinner, not stuck in the middle of a shoot out. She emptied another round of bullets into the crowd, but only to get hit in the shoulder. Tsuna put her hand over the wound, quietly hissing in pain as she looked around the room for something... anything that could be served as a distraction. The room was in a fancy Victorian style, a bed room to be precise. Fairly lit, there were two doors on the left and right, probably leading to the bathroom and a closet, and two big windows on the either side of a large bed. The room was quite posh, Tsuna would have liked to check it out a bit more if it weren't such dire circumstances. She quickly mapped her escape route.

"Yosh, this could work." She turned her gun to the ceiling where a giant crystal chandelier hung and quickly fired three shots. The heavy ornament fell with a magnificent crash, halting the enemies gun fire for a split moment. Tsuna made a mad dash for the windows, firing the other three shots to weaken the glass as she crashed through it. She fell to the ground, grunting on impact; falling from two floors isn't fun. She quickly heaved herself up with her good arm and brushed the glass shards from her hair as she started running, bullets peppering the grass behind her.

"I have to tell someone... this organization is moving quickly!"She ran through the trees and bushes on the estate, using the cover of night and foliage to try to conceal her movements. She panted lightly, thanks to the spartan training from Reborn, this was like a walk in the park. She went through the events of the night through her head.

"Eh? Cavallone family...?" Tsuna swiveled her chair around so that she faced the messenger. The poor guy stiffened as he fell under her gaze, and continued with his report.

"Y-yes, well... the Cavallone family requested that you come for a meeting to discuss you're current standings over this new organization." The guy quickly said, Tsuna just turned away with a thoughtful look. "What exactly does Dino-san want?"

"U-um..." Tsuna's attention was turned back to the presence of the other person in the room and excused him, the nervous wreck stumbling for the door.

"...Must be new, its probably tough to go around meeting all these scary people..." She thought, absentmindedly spinning in her chair. She went to the appointed place on time, a large mansion just on the outskirts of a place called Beika City. The maid showed her into a fairly decorous room, where she was told to wait.

"This isn't like Dino-san, usually when he needs to discuss something he'd just come to me unannounced, not make me wait like this." Her hyper intuition picked up a killing intent from outside the window and she jumped up out of her seat, a bullet narrowing missing her head. She then started running.

Tsuna let out a small laugh. How pathetic, now that she thought back on it the whole thing smelled of a trap. She couldn't afford to waste any more time, she had to navigate her way through the rough 'garden' of the estate. Branches grabbed at her arms and legs, dead leaves and pine needles getting caught in her hair.

"If I continue in this direction, I should reach the edge of the property soon..."

After a few more minutes of jogging, a white, eight foot wall appeared, made out of a sturdy stone to keep intruders out... and prisoners in. She scrambled over the wall with a bit of difficulty, her lame arm making the experience much harder. She dropped down on to the street and took off running, not noticing the black Porsche, a 356A to be exact, silently start up and follow the girl.

Tsuna dropped to her knees in a small alley, breathing a small sigh of relief. Her adrenaline was wearing off, and the wound she got started to hurt, so she sat down against the brick wall of the alley and began to look over it. Tsuna sharply inhaled as she peeled the shirt away, revealing the nasty wound. It was bleeding badly, she could see pieces of shattered bone, but it looked like there was no exit wound which was good. Now all she had to do was to get Dr. Shamal to remove the bullet and patch her up, then pretend this whole thing never happened. If only things happened that easily.

They don't.

"Well, if it isn't the young Vongloa Decimo." A smooth, dangerously quiet voice spoke from the shadows, making Tsuna jump and whirl around, gun raised.

"Who's there!" Her strong voice reverberated through the alley, disturbing the silence of the night. A sharp pain shot through her head as her vision blurred and she collapsed, barely conscious. She struggled against the comfortable thought of the blackness and concentrated on the snippets of conversation she heard. There were two voices, the smooth tenor voice she heard earlier and a low, gruff baritone voice.

"We...Kill her?"



"...Fitting death, don't you think?"

Tsuna's hair was roughly grabbed as the men in black put something in the back of her throat. She tried to spit it out, but they poured water into her mouth as well, making her sputter as they clamped a hand over her mouth and nose, forcing her to swallow. She coughed up some of the water, but it was too late, she could feel the effects of the poison. Soon it spread throughout her entire body, pumping painfully through her veins. Her breathing became jagged as she put her hand to her heart, each little heart beat getting painful and more suffocating. She twisted around to get a look at the culprit's faces, she would never forget them. Both of them were clad in black suits, one was tall and had narrow green eyes, almost like a snakes', but the most noticeable feature was the waist long silver hair. The other was more stouter, but looked well built. He had a square jaw and a flat nose, wearing sunglasses even though its night time. They both wore black fedoras. The last thing she saw was a devious smile on the silverette's face as he got into the back Porsche and sped off.

"Ergg..." Tsuna opened her eyes to the bright light, her head throbbing dully and her shoulder with a new, sharp pain. She slowly stood up, leaning on the wall for support. She looked down, two small pools of blood had formed from where she collapsed, trying to locate her weapon. While she did, she noticed that her feet seemed smaller and that they didn't fit her shoes anymore... And was it just her, or was the ground closer than before too? Hm, maybe she was just hallucinating or something.

She spotted her gun and trudged over to it, reaching down to pick it up. Her hand seemed smaller and more stubbier too... she blinked and rubbed her eyes. She realized that her clothes were hanging loosely off her frame, so much that most of it trailed on the ground when she walked. Gasping, she dug through her pockets and pulled out her phone, examining her refection in the black screen. Her eyes were bigger and her face was chubbier, features much smaller than what she was used to seeing on her countenance.

"Wah!" Tsuna dropped the phone and backed into the wall. "Whats... happening? And wait! My voice!" Her hands flew to her throat as she heard a high pitched, adorably cute voice, sound through her ears. "T-this can't be happening... Is it a dream?" She pinched the skin on the back of her hand. "Well, that hurt, but..." She let that sentence trail off. But what? Yes it was impossible, and yet the facts were all frightening clear.

Tsuna was a kid.