I walked into the living room area, dropping a basket of Cato's laundry onto the coffee table, frowning at him. "Your laundry's done." I said with an edge to my voice. I was supposed to be doing work, not his personal chores.

You need this job. I reminded myself, trying to keep myself relaxed. He looked up at me for a second before saying "Good, now make me lunch."

"I don't think my job requirements included being your personal chef, Cato." I said, placing my hands on my hips, narrowing my eyes at him. He was sitting on his couch, feet kicked up onto the armrest and his hands behind his head.

"I'm pretty sure I decide your job requirements." He said with a smirk, glancing up at me before looking back at the TV hanging above the fireplace. I glared at the top of his head, before sighing and walking off to his kitchen, hearing a chuckle come from him.

He's such an asshole.

A big one, at that.

I entered the kitchen, rummaging around for the supplies to make a sandwich. I grumbled to myself, grabbing a knife out of the drawer and slathering some spread on he bread, hearing Cato laugh at the TV again.

I rolled my eyes, opening the fridge to put the spread back, my eyes catching onto a jar off to the side. It was an off color, almost gray, and as I pulled out the jar and opened it, a disgusting smell hit me.


A grin slipped onto my lips as I slathered some of it onto the sandwich as well, covering it with a bit of meat and lettuce, before placing a piece of bread on top. I placed it on the plate, walking into the living room and setting it down on his chest.

"Here." I said with a tone of agitation, not wanting to give myself away. He sat up a bit, giving me that stupid smirk as he said "Thanks, Az."

"Don't call me that." I snapped, folding my arms across my chest, my mind chanting for him to take a bite. He ignored my comment raising the sandwich to his lips and taking a large bite.

I smiled as his face turned disgusted, quickly spitting it back out onto the plate. "This is disgusting!" He snapped, his face going red as he tossed the plate onto the table, sitting up and glaring at me.

I shrugged, putting on an innocent smile before turning and walking away, saying "Not my fucking problem."

Good one, Azalea.

He's probably pissed.

Just how you like to make him.

"I'm pretty sure it is." Cato's voice said, somewhat loudly, my ears catching onto the sound of his feet coming towards me. I turned around, just in time for him to pick me up, tossing me over his shoulder as he marched back towards the couch.

"Put me down! And get your hand off my ass." I demanded, hitting his back a bit, probably not hurting him, as he was all muscle. He tossed me down onto my back on the couch, earning a squeal to come out of my lips.

"What the hell are you doing?" I snapped, moving to sit up only to have him lay down on top of me, one of his strong arms by the side of my face, folding himself up, his other hand holding both of my wrists above my head.

"Whatever I want." He said, his eyes glaring down into mine. I glared right back up at him, uncomfortable under his body weight. He wasn't pressing down into me, but he knew it was bothering me.

"Get off me, Cato." I said, my eyes still glaring up at him. He smirked, leaning down towards me, his breath hitting my face. "I don't think I will." He mumbled, leaning his head down more and to the side, pressing his lips against my neck.




He was doing it to bother me, I'm sure, and it was doing the trick. I tried to move my legs a bit, only to have his teeth nip at my skin a bit, making me yelp. "Stop it." I demanded, him not listening at all to me.

His lips moved further down my neck, leaving a trail of light kisses, before he reached just above my collarbone. He nipped at the skin again, making me shiver a bit and scowl. Cato chuckled against my skin, mumbling, "Enjoying yourself, Az?"

"Stop calling me that." I said, ignoring his comment. He started to suck at the sensitive skin on my neck, probably forming a large bruise for all to see. "Cato." I trailed off, shutting my mouth before a whimper came out.

A whimper?

What the hell Azalea?

This is Cato!

Against my better judgment my eyes fluttered shut, a small sigh coming from my lips. I could feel Cato smirk against my neck, moving on from the spot he was sucking, to form a new bruise a bit higher up.

"Cato." I moaned softly, earning a small groan from him in response. He released my hands, moving his now free hand down to brush the hair off my neck, continuing to move higher and higher.

My hands relaxed, sliding up his arms to his shoulder blades, rubbing them a bit, earning what sounded like a growl to come from Cato's throat.

This seemed to snap me out of my daze. My eyes opened, seeing the ceiling above me as Cato continued to attack my neck, his hand clasping the side of my waist. He didn't seem to notice the tensing of my body as I realized what was going on.

You're lying underneath Cato, Azalea.

Cato is kissing your neck.

Cato is holding you waist.


Mess with him a bit.

I decided rather than to just shove him off, I would mess with him a bit. Get a bit more enjoyment out of the moment. I ran my hands down off of his shoulders onto his upper biceps, letting out another soft moan, a small smirk on my face.

"Cato." I mumbled, him growling a bit and gripping my waist more tightly. He was clearly no longer doing this to irritate me.

He was turned on.

By me.

For whatever reason, this made me grin a bit more, feeling a sense of power over him. Surely, I could use this moment against him at some point. And I would.

Defiantly would.

I focused on the task at hand once again, trailing my hands down his chest, feeling him attack my neck a bit more aggressively at the action, my hands going lower and lower, until;

"Oh!" Cato groaned, rolling off of me in pain, me springing up off of the couch. I glared at him, saying, "That's what you get." He wasn't listening; he was too busy rolling around in pain from the punch he had received to the groin.

"You're so dead." He managed to get out, glaring up at me. I rolled my eyes, walking past him towards the door. "I'm leaving, it's five." I said, glancing over my shoulder at him still on the couch.

I rolled my eyes, walking out the door and letting it slam behind me.

That felt good.

Very good.


I frowned as I looked at myself in my mirror, the left side of my neck covered in little purple and red bruises, a larger one just above my collarbone.

Thanks a lot Cato.

I sighed, moving my hair so it was covering the marks best it could. "Asshole." I mumbled, standing and moving to go downstairs. I exited my room, making my way down past Dahlia who was headed towards the living room.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked me with a slight glare, making me stop to look at her for a moment. "Why?"

She scoffed, saying, "I'm having someone over."

I rolled me eyes, continuing to walk towards the kitchen, shouting over my shoulder. "So do I, get over it." She huffed, stomping into the living room like a four year old.

What anyone sees in her I will never understand.

"Bitch." I mumbled under my breath, grabbing a glass and filling it with water, drinking it slowly. There was a loud knock at the door, leading me to put my glass in the sink and rush to the door, swinging it open, expecting to see Nastia and Luke, but was met with a blonde head of hair.

"What are you doing here?" I said with a scowl, Cato smirking down at me. "Nice to see you too." He said, slipping past me inside, still smirking down at me. I shut the door, turning towards him and folding me arms across my chest.

"She's in the living room." I say, figuring its Dahlia he's here for. I turn, but he grabs my wrist, turning me back around towards him for a minute.

"What happened to your neck?" He teases, reaching his hand out and brushing my hair off of it, smirking a bit more at the sight. I pull my hand out of his grasp, pulling my hair back over my neck again.

"Do you want to get punched again?" I snapped, stepping away from him a bit as he looked down at me. He grinned, saying, "You don't scare me, sweetheart."

"Maybe I should." I say, opening the door when someone knocked, smiling at my friends. "Let's go guys." I say, giving Cato a look before we start to head up the stairs.

He's such an asshole.

"Az, what happened to your neck?" Nastia said, looking over at my neck quickly, my hair behind my back again.

"Nothing important." I say easily, and judging by the glare I could feel piercing into my back, Cato had heard me.

And he wasn't happy with my answer.


Hey guys! I'm sorry for the wait, but ya know, it was the holidays(:

I hope you liked this chapter! Thanks so much for all the reviews, and please continue to leave them(:

Thanks again!
