"Azalea is a stupid name!"

I pouted at the older blonde boy taunting me, stomping my foot on the dirt beneath my feet. " Is not!" I whined, scrunching up my face at him.

"Is too!" He shouted, laughing with the girl beside him. "Don't you think so Dahlia?"

Dahlia giggled, nodding, her blonde curly pigtails bouncing. "It is!"

The blonde boy turned to look at me again, sticking his tongue out. I huffed, saying, "I think Cato is a stupid name!"

Cato narrowed his eyes at me, shoving me down onto the dirty ground beneath us. Dahlia and Cato laughed as I yelped, quickly hopping up and swatting the dirt off.

"Your mean." I shouted, yelping again as he tugged hard on a strand of my short hazel hair. He laughed yet again, smiling at me and not replying.

"Go home Azalea. No one wants you here." Dahlia said, placing her tiny hands on her hips.

I pouted again, turning from them and stomping away, their laughter filling my ears. "Bye Azalea!" Cato shouted, still laughing, Dahlia's giggling only increasing in volume.

I picked up my speed, running and running until I reached home. "Daddy!" I yelled, still pouting as I scurried into his study. He looked up from the project on his desk, smiling softy as he saw me.

"Azalea, what happened? Why are you dirty?" He asked, moving his glasses off of his face and setting them on the desk.

"Dahlia and her friend were mean to me." I pouted, coming over and climbing onto his lap. He sighed, patting my head. "Sweetheart, she's your step-sister. I'm sure she was just trying to play a game."

"No, she was being mean." I say, looking up at him, my eyes wide. He smiled down at me, kissing my forehead. "I believe you, Zalea. I believe you."

I smiled, wrapping my tiny arms around his neck and squeezing him tight. "I love you daddy."

"I love you too, Azalea. Always."


"I'm serious Nastia. I can't take this much longer." I groaned, reaching both hands up and tightening the long chocolate brown ponytail that was on top of my head, a tired sigh leaving my lips.

Nastia didn't respond, wincing slightly as she watched some boy get thrown into the mats beneath him, a loud cry of pain emanating from his mouth. She reached a hand up; tugging on one of her spiral curls aimlessly, a nervous habit.

"Hello? Nastia are you even listening to me?" I say with a sigh, waving my bruised hand in front of her face. She flicked her eyes over at me, opening her mouth to speak, before abruptly shutting it again and looking back at the fight before us.

"I am, I just don't have a response." She said finally, looking away from the brawl again, the grunts coming from the pair of boys too much for her to handle.

I sighed, tugging on the hem of my academy uniform, it being all black and clinging to my small body. Being a thirteen-year-old girl bubbling with insecurities, I was less than happy to have to slip this on every morning.

The fact that I was coming to get the emotion beaten out of me wasn't exactly a pleasant thing either.

"Alright, alright! I think there's a clear winner here. Cato, your still top of class. Congratulations." One of the trainers grunted out, raising the cocky fifteen-year-old boy's hand into the air, a smirk appearing on his sweaty face.

A serge of heat rushed to my cheeks as his eyes flickered over me as he examined the crowd of other students, his hand finally being lowered. I looked down to the floor, fiddling with the bracelet around my wrist as Nastia finally felt the need to speak, babbling on about some game her friend had taught her.

I lifted my head back up, the crowd of students around us all chattering as they waited for the next pair of fighters to be chosen, some of them practically begging for it to be them. Nastia continued talking animatedly, her hands waving about, her curls bouncing as she got excited.

My eyes wandered over her shoulder to the gloating blonde boy, one of his hands pushing through his short hair before scratching the back of his head. One of his friends mumbled something in his ear, making his eyes turn towards me, a small laugh emanating from his lip and reaching my ears.

A shiver rose up my spine as his eyes remained on my face, a small smirk cracking onto his face as he winked at me, sending my heart into a pounding frenzy.

My entire face heated up, my hands getting clammy as I swallowed the small lump in my throat; my nerves all bundled up in my stomach.

"Hey Azalea!"

My head snapped up as Cato's voice reached my ears, some people quieting down to see what was happening. I wasn't sure what to do; Cato had never talked to me before.

Well, not in a friendly manner.

"Nice hair!" He finally shouted, before all of his friends, as well as him, busted out into laughter, everyone else slowly joining in. I scrunched up my face in confusion, lifting my hand up to feel the long ponytail I had worked so long to obtain.

Only it wasn't there.

I turned my head around, seeing my ponytail on the ground, Dahlia laughing like mad with a small blade in her hands, a smug look on her face. "Oops, my hand must've slipped." She quipped, jabbing the blade out again and slicing a small cut into my hipbone.

I winced, my eyes beginning to water as the pain grew, my feet moving as I pushed my way through the crowd of laughing students.

"What's wrong Azalea?" Dahlia shouted mockingly, everyone only laughing harder as I picked up my speed, shoving my way through everyone and out the door, running as fast as my feet could take me.

I was never going back there.

Not ever again.


"Azalea! Damn it, Az! Wake up!"

I snapped my eyes open, the rain pouring down from the sky completely soaking me. "What's going on?" I asked groggily, rubbing my hands at my tired eyes.

I brushed some of the damp hair from my face, sitting up and groaning at the stiffness of my back.

I suppose sleeping on stone can do that do you.

I blinked a few times, shielding my eyes as with my hand as I looked up. Nastia stared down at me with a rose eyebrow, her black ringlets weighed down by the rain, which was still coming down in buckets.

"We fell asleep, idiot. We've been out all night." She says, ushering for me to stand. I quickly hop up, saying, "Let's go then!"

The both of us took off out of the quarry, running as fast as our feet could take us. "I'll see you later!" Nastia shouted, peering off to the left towards her house.

I smiled and waved, turning right and continuing my running, my feet smacking against the pavement in loud thumps. I slowed as I approached the house; it's perfect gray stone exterior glaring at me.

I rolled my eyes, slipping my shoes off and hopping over the white fence into the damp grass. I strolled my way up the front path, before swinging open the front door with a bang.

"Azalea Aysel Morgandy! Where in the world were you?" A voice shrieked, making me roll my eyes. "Out." I reply simply, walking towards the carpeted stairs.

Good answer.

"Come back here young lady." Patricia, my former stepmother, shouted, making me roll my eyes yet again.

She must have guests over.

Otherwise she wouldn't give a damn if I ever came home.

"What?" I asked, turning around towards her. She narrowed her eyes at me, her pristine blonde hair up in a sleek bun, a white blouse and gray pencil skirt making her look very professional.

It made me want to laugh in her face.

"Where were you?" She demanded, raising an eyebrow. I peeked over her shoulder, seeing two of her friends watching us, nosily I might add.

"I was at Nastia's house. I lost track of time. Won't happen again." I say in a bored tone, before turning and heading up the stairs, hearing her huff again. "Don't forget were going out tonight!" She shouted just before I slammed my door shut.

"Whatever." I mumbled, tossing my damp shoes into the pile of them near the door, before plopping down onto my bed, a small smile forming on my lips from the memories of last night with my friends.

I let out a small sigh, sitting up and peeking out my window, the sun beginning to show through the clouds. I stood, walking over to my window and opening it, taking a deep breath of the familiar air of District Two.

It's going to be a good day.

"Azalea! Open the damn door!"

Spoke to soon.

I groaned, crossing the room and swinging open the door, Dahlia staring down at me with bored expression. "Can I help you?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

Dahlia flipped a strand of her perfect blonde hair over her shoulder, before handing me an envelope. "You have mail. Nice hair, by the way."

I rolled my eyes, shutting the door in her face before hopping back onto my bed, tearing the envelope open, a smile spreading on my lips as I began to read.

To my dear Azalea:

Thank you for the birthday wishes, sweetheart. I miss you as well, and cannot wait to see you soon. I hope everything is going well at home, even though I know you'd much rather be here with me.

How are Patricia and Dahlia treating you? Just remember what I told you before I left; this is only for a little while. I'll be home soon, and then it'll just be the two of us again.

Just how it should be.

I cannot wait to hear from you soon – Dad

I set the letter down on my bedside table, the picture of my dad and I right beside it. I smiled a sad smile at the picture, before looking away.

He'll be home soon.

I'm sure he means it this time.

Then I'll be out of this hell house.

I stood, making my way into the bathroom and hopping into the shower. After all, I needed to look my best tonight.

Don't wanna embarrass my loving family.

Oh wait.

I don't have one.


"Do I have to go?" I whined, picking at the hem of my knee length sleeveless black dress. Patricia sent me a look, before going back to fixing her hair. I was ready an hour ago; Dahlia hadn't even left her room yet.

I watched Patricia in the mirror; her eyes squinted as she focused on putting each and every hair in exactly the right place. She was still wearing the same apparel as earlier, only with a pair of expensive looking high heels.

It made me sick how much money she wasted. Sure, we didn't live in an exactly poor District, but that didn't mean we needed to throw our money around like a mini capitol.

That's because it is a mini capitol.

Dahlia finally made her way down the stairs, Patricia cooing over her like a little puppy. I resisted the urge to vomit.

I couldn't help but admit Dahlia looked fantastic, but then again, she always did. With her gorgeous golden blonde hair and perfect fair skin, it was impossible for her to not look fantastic.

Her hair was down in its natural straight state, resting right in the middle of her back. She was wearing a sleek pink dress, which ended just below her knees. It had long sleeves, ending at her elbows, and a v shaped neckline. It flowed down her waist, and matched with the white heels on her feet.

She looked perfect.

What else is new?

As we walked out the door and began to make our way into town, Dahlia and Patricia walked a good fifteen feet in front of me, not that I minded.

If I had it my way, I would be living by myself in the tiny house my dad owned in the less luxurious part of town. I'd be living right down the street from my best friends and a few minutes away from the quarry.

But no. My dad insisted I live with his psycho bitch of an ex wife. And of course that meant I would be living with Dahlia as well, the queen of perfect land.

Patricia only agreed to it because she knew her socialite friends would coo over her and her kindness, which was quite honestly, total bullshit.

I was mad, obviously, when he forced me to live with them, but he swore it would only be for a few weeks.

Then a few weeks turned into a few months, and a few months into a year. And he still wasn't back from the capitol.

He'll be back soon, hopefully.

I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.

My eyes wandered over Dahlia, who was giggling as she walked along, tossing her head back with a smile. I couldn't help but be envious of her looks; everyone else was.

Dahlia resembled her mother, with her porcelain skin, golden hair, and stunning baby blue eyes. Her face, no matter what expression she made, never ceased to look absolutely stunning.

I, on the other hand, resembled my dad, with boring gray eyes, and plain brown hair to the bottom of my shoulder blades. My skin was far from dark, but held a light tan from working in the sun.

I was average, where as Dahlia was above and beyond the looks of a normal girl.

Perhaps that's why she has the personality of a super bitch and still manages to get any and every guy she wants.

Even if there's only one she really wants.

The one that, for a brief moment, I actually thought could have been mine.

I used to be so naive.

I was snapped from my thoughts as we entered the victor's village, coming to the door of the house that was overflowing with people, laughing and chatter filling the air.

I want to stab myself already.

Dahlia practically ran inside, smiling and waving at the multiple people, young and adults along, who tried to make conversation with her.

No one here bothered talking to me, probably because they knew I wouldn't want to talk to them. I didn't belong here, and they all knew it.

Patricia glanced back at me, giving me a look that told me not to try and leave, before going inside to look for her friends. I rolled my eyes, walking in behind her, ignoring the cold glares from most everyone in the room.

Such a lovely party.

I pushed my way through the crowds of people packed into the lavish house, before making my way into the back yard. I spotted the back of a curly head, smiling as I made my way over.

"Hey guys." I said with a smile, Nastia turning around and smiling back at me. Her black curls were down in their usual messy state, her bright blue eyes wide with a smile. She was dressed in a pea green blouse and gray dress pants, where she had her hands buried in the pockets. " About time!" She said with a wink, nudging me with her elbow.

I rolled my eyes at her, glancing over my shoulder as I spoke. " Don't blame me. Dahlia felt the need to shower four times. Where are your parents, anyway?"

She shrugged, glancing around. "Somewhere. I still don't even know why they felt the need to come."

I turned back towards her, while she continued to look around for her parents. Nastia and I had been best friends since we were little kids. We lived on the same street just a few blocks from the quarry.

We were never exactly popular, probably because we dropped out of the academy, which was practically a death sentence in this District.

Leaving the place that so many people think makes District Two great doesn't exactly put you high on the social ladder.

Nastia laughed at something one of our other friends said, turning her attention back to them. I leaned against the fence, aimlessly twirling a piece of my messy hair around my finger.

"Oh look, it's your lover." Nastia said with a snicker, pointing across the yard. I glared at her, before slowly looking over in the direction she was pointing, my eyes landing on Cato; our district's latest victor, back from the arena.

"Stop calling him that." I said to Nastia, both of us watching him talk to some people, his cocky smirk on his face. He was wearing a tight black button up, with beige dress pants. Despite his previous time in the arena, he still looked flawless.

You know, flawless on the outside.

Everyone knows he's a narcissistic asshole on the inside.

Always has been, always will be.

Everyone at the party was gawking over him, especially the women. It was, after all, his welcome home party.

"It's not my fault you have a thing for him." Nastia said with a grin, flicking a curl over her shoulder.

"I don't have a thing for him. I had a crush on him when I was thirteen, something you need to let go." I snapped, sending her a glare, which only made her laugh a bit more.

This is why I don't tell her things.

She never lets them go.

I looked back over at Cato again, who was now looking around the party, the older woman chatting with him obviously not keeping his interest. His eyes paused on me for a moment, making a chill rise up my spine. He smirked slightly, opening his mouth to mouth something, probably insulting, to me.

Probably something embarrassing.

Luckily, a perfect blonde head threw herself into his arms, attaching their lips together, his arms easily pulling her closer to him.


Everyone always knew they would end up together. They were both insanely good looking and popular beyond belief. Cato was top of his class at the academy, where as Dahlia was always second with the girls.

It was like they were made for each other.

I'm sure one day they'll have perfect little blonde babies, who will go on to win the Hunger Games, as will their grandchildren.

Their lives will be perfect.

I looked away from the pair, a twisting feeling in my stomach from watching them kiss. Not because I was jealous, or because I was secretly in love with Cato, or something.

Because I was positive I would never find someone made for me like they were for each other.

"Do you guys wanna get out of here?" I said, slowly tearing my eyes away from the perfect couple, their laughter-sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

After a round of nods and us girls slipping off our shoes, I smirked, saying, "Let's go."

We weren't desecrate about it at all, us all pushing our way past the rude people, snickering a bit and mocking some of the looks we got on our way to the other side of the yard.

One by one we all climbed over the brick wall fenced in area, landing with thuds on the pavement on the other side. I was last, tossing my shoes over and reaching a hand up to grab the top, ready to pull myself up.

"Not leaving already are you?"

I turned my head around, seeing Cato standing before me, his arms crossed lazily over his broad chest, Dahlia clinging to his side like a pathetic puppy dog. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as she shot me a defensive look, wrapping her arms tighter around his torso.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I have more important things to do than stay here and celebrate you." I say with a completely fake smile, Dahlia scowling at my rudeness, while Cato only seemed to smirk wider.

"Oh Azalea, how I missed your bitchy attitude." Cato said in a snaky manner, slipping one arm around the whimpering for attention Dahlia's shoulders.

"That's funny." I said, turning back around and pulling myself onto the top of the wall, swinging my legs over before looking over my shoulder at Cato, who was looking up at me.

"Because I didn't miss yours at all." I said, smirking as his own smirk dropped from his lips, his mouth opening to respond as I dropped down from the ledge onto the concrete below.

"Took you long enough." Nastia said with a laugh, linking arms with me as the group of us headed off down the road, shouting and laughing loudly, not caring if we were being rude.

We were happy, in that moment, although it wasn't anything special. I was an outcast in this part of town, not that I minded.

I was Azalea Aysel Morgandy, the boring brown haired girl who dropped out of the training academy when she was thirteen, and is waiting for her dad to come back and for her life to be normal again.

I was far from exceptional, and everyone knew it.

Who needs them, though?

Really, we all end up alone anyway.

Might as well get used to it.


I hope everyone enjoyed this first chapter of ' Scars '

Before anyone asks, NO I am not stopping with Tribute or Middle of Nowhere, this is more of a side project. I've wanted to post this story for so long, and I got impatient of waiting.

Please leave reviews! Updates may be a bit slower than my others, as I want each of my chapters to be at least this long.

Thanks Everyone!

Becca x.