Chapter 1 Magic is Coming to Bon Temps

Author's Note: I don't own any of these shows. The story takes place during season four of True Blood with some of season five fixed in and at the end of season one of Once Upon a Time. I decided to change a few things. On True Blood, there is no Tommy (I like the guy but he didn't fit into my story), Jason and Jessica never slept together and a few other things. On Once Upon a Time... let's just say I have a few surprises in store. Happy Thanksgiving!

Storybrooke, Maine

August 15, 1985

A small bell jingled as Earl Stackhouse entered Gold's Pawn Shop with a five-year-old, Jason Stackhouse. Jason's eyes grew wide as he laid on eyes on all the items in the room. There were swords and daggers of all shape and sizes that were either in the display case or hanging the wall, old cuckoo clocks, a red hooded clock, a silver tea set, a pair of wooden puppets, a beautiful kimono, glass jars filled with various herbs, an old rocking chair and other odd and beautiful objects. This is was quite possibly the coolest shop he's ever been in.

Earl saw the look in the boy's eyes as he tried to touch a battle axe that leaning against the wall.

"Jason don't touch that," he told his grandson.

Young Jason gave his grandpa a pouted look but knew better than to argue so he stepped away from the axe.

"Earl Stackhouse. As I live and breathe," a voice called out.

Earl turned to see a man in a nice suit with a walking stick coming out from the back room.

"Hello Mr. Gold. It's been a long time," Earl greeted.

"Yes, it has. It seems like only yesterday you came here asking for my help. And I'm guessing that you're in need of my services yet again."

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"Is it your wife," Gold asked Earl.

"No. Adele is fine. It's for my grandson," Earl explained.

Mr. Gold turned his attention to the little boy.

"Hello there. Well, aren't you fine looking lad," Gold commented.

"Hi," Jason greeted unafraid.

Without thinking he gave the boy a warm smile. He was a brave one, like Bae.

"Who's Bae," Jason asked curious.

Gold looked at the him surprised and then looked at Earl.

"Did he just..."

"Yes. And that's not all he can do", Earl added. He looked at Jason, "Go ahead."

"Granddaddy you told me not to do my trick in front of strangers," Jason pointed out.

"I know, but it's all right."

Jason held out his hands and his fingers started to glow with a bright light. Mr. Gold didn't surprise easily but he had to admit. He was quite surprise.

"Let's talk somewhere private," Mr. Gold said.

Earl turned to Jason.

"I'll just be a minute, okay? Stay here and don't touch anything."

Jason nodded as he watched him follow the mystery man to the back room. Once they were alone Earl turned to Gold.

"How old is young Jason," Gold asked him.

"He's five."

"Five-years-old? Tell me. What else can the boy do," he asked curious.

"All kinds of things. Aside from the mind reading and shooting light from his hands, he can see things before they happen. One night he woke up screaming saying that he had this dream about his Gran getting hurt. The next day Adele falls down the stairs and breaks her leg."

"That is quite impressive. I didn't think your brethren was that powerful. At least not at that age."

"Usually it's not until they're eight," Earl explained.

"You do know what this means, don't you," he asked.

"Of course I do! Why do you think I'm here? I swore I would never come to you again for anything but I'm..."

"Desperate," Gold finished.

"You're the only one I know that is powerful enough to help me. Can you remove his powers," Earl asked.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. Powers like that can't be removed completely with a snap of the fingers. The process is quite painful and could end up killing the boy. We wouldn't want that now, would we?"

"So you can't help me," Earl asked disppointed.

"Well, I didn't say that. I can't remove the boy's powers but I can bind them," Mr. Gold explained.

Gold makes his way to a cabinet and starts looking for something. Inside the cabinet were bottles of all shape and sizes. After much searching Gold pulled out a small green one.

"Here we are. Make sure he drinks every drop. It will leave an nasty taste in his mouth for a couple of days but by then he'll just be another face in the crowd," Gold explained.

Earl reached the bottle but Gold pulled it out of his reach.

"Magic isn't free, you know. Magic..."

"...always comes with a price."

Earl knew how this worked. If he wanted something from Gold, he had to give something in return. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a leather pouch.

"Will this be enough," Earl asked him.

Mr. Gold smiled in satisfaction as they made the exchanged. As Earl takes the bottle he watches as Gold opens the pouch and pulls out a beautiful purple crystal.

"Exquisite. I suspect that Queen Mab doesn't know you took this from her private collection," Mr. Gold pointed out.

He knew what he did was a big risk but he didn't care. All Earl cared about was protecting Jason. He didn't want him to be part of this world.

"I'll deal with Mab," Earl said.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Stackhouse."

As Earl was about to leave Gold spoke again.

"Before you go I must warn you that it's not permanent."

"What," Earl demanded.

"No matter how powerful the magic, all enchantments can be broken. As much as you want to protect the boy you can't surpress those kind of powers forever. Eventually they're gonna come out," he explained.

"And when will that be?"

"It's hard to say. But when it does you'll have to be ready. I'd be happy to help in anyway I can," Gold offered.

"No! You've done enough already. This is my family. I'll take care of them. I don't need your help," Earl said strongly.

"You wouldn't have a family if it wasn't for me," Gold reminded him.

As much as he wanted to argue with him he knew he was right. He owe him more than he wanted to admit but he wasn't gonna give him the satisfaction. Earl got what he wanted so they were done.

"Good day... Rumpelstiltskin," Earl said.

Earl Stackhouse was pretty much the only one in this world that knew who he really was. When Gold first met the man not only was he surprise that he was able to find the little curse town, but that he was part fairy. He had believed that this was a land without magic. So the Blue Fairy lied. He should have ripped the bitch's wings off when he had the chance. Even though at times Earl worked on his last nerves, he was useful to him when he needed something from the outside. Yes, he'll be seeing him again.

When Earl came out of the back room he Jason playing with a spinning wheel in the corner.

"Hey buddy. I have something for you," Earl said sweetly to Jason.

Jason turned curiously to his grandpa as he gave him the small bottle.

"What is it," he asked Earl.

"It's medicine."

"I'm not sick."

Earl kneeled down so that they were at the same level.

"I know, but trust me. You're gonna feel a lot better," he promised.

Jason looked at his grandpa confused. Why would he give him medicine if he wasn't sick? He loved grandaddy and he trusted him. He would never give him anything that would hurt him. So without another thought Jason drank the mysterious liquid.

Bon Temps, Louisiana

Present Day

Jason was tossing and turning in bed. Suddenly woke up with a start. He looked at the clock and it was 11:30 am. Man, it was a good thing it was his day off. It was the third time this week he had the dream. It was always the same. He was with granddaddy at this weird pawnshop. There was a man with a cane. A spinning wheel. And then he would make up. It didn't make any sense. But Jason did know one thing: the man with the cane was dangerous. He could feel it in his gut. As if on cue his stomach began to growl. Not wanting to stay in doors all day he decides to head down to Merlotte's to grab a bite to eat.

The place was pretty packed by the time he gets there. Arlene was taking the order of a man at one of the tables. Lafayette was flirting with his boyfriend, Jesus.

"Hey Jason," a voice called out to him.

He turned to see Sookie with a pencil and notepad in her hands.

"Hey sis," he smiled.

He pulled her into a hug. Sookie just giggle.

"You know you don't have to do that every time you see me. I'm not gonna disappear," she assured her brother.

"Damn right you're not," he reminded her.

Sookie came back to town about a week ago, having been missing for a year. He remembered that day. How Sookie disappeared without a trace. At first he thought Bill or Eric might have killed her. Those vampires always wanted a taste of her blood so he shouldn't be surpirse. But they swore up and down they had nothing to do with it.

For the first six months they searched everywhere for her but didn't find a thing. That's when they thought the worst. Jason felt guilty for giving up but what choice did he have. Then a miracle happened: Sookie came back. She explained that she was taken to a land full of fairies. She even told him that granddaddy was there too and he hadn't age a day. It seems time works differently there.

Unfortunately, when Sookie and granddaddy went through the portal he didn't make it. But he did leave Jason his old pocket watch. Even though he was sad that he didn't get to see him one last thing, he at least he had something to remember him by.

Sookie smiled but suddenly turned into a frown.

"Are you okay," he asked her.

She didn't say anything as she continue to stare over his shoulder. He followed her gaze toward the window and his eyes grew wide. In the distance a huge purple fog was rolling over town. Jesus was just talking to Lafayette at the bar when he felt something powerful, something... magic. Lafayette must have felt it too because he turned his attention toward the windows.

"What the fuck is that," Lafayette declared.

One by one everyone in Merlotte's ran toward the windows.

"Holy mother of god," Arlene said.

Jason didn't know why but he was drawn to mysterious purple mist. He suddenly making his way toward the door.

"What are you doing," Sookie asked.

"I'm gonna check it out," Jason said, stepping outside.

Sookie ran after her brother before he did something stupid, like he always did. As soon as they stepped outside the purple fog surrounded them like some kind of blanket. Jason started to feel lightheaded. What the hell is this? The fog entered Merlotte's where everyone was yelling and trying to get away from the stuff. Back outside as quickly as the fog came, it was gone. Sookie looked up to the sky as if she was expecting god to give her an answer to went just happen. Suddenly Jason passed out on the ground.


She kneeled beside him. He was breathing but unconscious.

"Somebody help!" she cried out.

Sam and Terri ran outside to see what was going on.

"What happen," Terri asked Sookie.

"I don't know. He just passed out," she said panic.

"Let's get him inside," Sam said.

Terri and Sam each grabbed an arm and carried Jason back inside with a worried Sookie following right behind him.

"We need some help here," Sam called out.

Jesus went into nurse mode and ran over to check Jason. He touched his forehead and pulled back like he got burn.

"Holy shit! He's burning up," Jesus declared.

"Come on. Let's put him in my office," Sam said.

They carried Jason into Sam's office and laid him down on the couch. Jesus started checking his pulse as Sookie sat next to Jason, holding his hand.

"What's wrong with him? Is he gonna be okay," she asked worried.

"I don't know. Sookie, what happen out there," Jesus asked her.

"I have no fucking idea! I followed him outside and then that purple fog hit us and then he just... passed out," she explained.

"It's coming..." Jason muttered in his sleep.

"Jason," Sam asked him, but he was still out.

" coming. coming..." Jason repeated.

Sookie didn't need to read anyone's mind to know what they were thinking. Magic was coming? What the fuck was that suppose to mean? Jesus glanced over at the doorway as people were crowding to see if Jason was okay. He shared a look with Holly, a fellow Wiccan, and he knew that she felt the same thing he did. Whatever kind of magic that was coming to their town they were in deep shit.