Assassination's note: This is a collab done with CitrusShinigami. This is actually the second version of the collab. So...this was started sometime near the end of last year. *doesn't know what else to say* Um...enjoy?

The full moon loomed over the quaint neighborhood, shining its bright light on the streets. Dogs were barking at the sirens in the distance, jumping up and down out in their owner's backyard.

The man creeping through a few bushes this night hated the sound of sirens. They always put him on edge and as far as he could tell, they always would.

Renji Abarai looked over his shoulder at the flashing lights that passed some streets off. He kept moving, making sure that he didn't get caught because he was standing there too long and was spotted by some good-for-nothing woman looking out her window. Luckily, they ignored him.

He crouched down behind a large tree, taking a break. Renji quickly wiped away the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead. He'd been running quite a distance from the state-penitentiary. His chocolate brown eyes shot around him, looking right, left, and up, where he saw a slightly open window.

After a quick glance around at his surroundings, he popped his blue collared shirt (as if it would make him less visible) and fixed his dark blue bandanna atop his head. He stolen them from a store he'd run into. They wouldn't have a clue.

Thanking God for his luck, he then shimmied up the water pipe and onto the roof. He took another look around and seeing nothing, he snuck to the open window and pulled it up before peeking in.

It was a small room, but it was covered in clothes and papers. A college student, from the looks of it. Quietly and making as little noise as possible, Renji snuck in, closing the window behind him.

This place looks ten times more dirty than my old room. And it's filthy...

The vivid crimson haired criminal stepped further in, examining the room he'd invaded and halted when he caught an equally bright orange head of hair with his scanning gaze. His eyes ran over the figure, sleeping soundly in the bed with the covers trapping his legs.

If he wakes up...well, I gotta make sure he stays quiet.

He'd found that carrying a gun was always a wise thing to do, it helped to...well, the best way to explain it was just, 'Keeping people quiet.' Just like now.

Renji pulled the gun from out of his black jeans and held it at the ready, finger on the trigger. He reached a hand out and slowly covered the kid's mouth.

Ah, so soundly he had been resting. Just minding his own business after spending hours upon working on a project to present tomorrow for his Criminal Justice class. Something along the lines of how to keep them from getting into your house or something.

Either way, when the brush of skin against his mouth triggered his senses into high gear and bells ringing 'Wake up!' the orange head did just that. Brown spheres snapped open, his right hand moving to grab onto the wrist to the hand covering his mouth, left then going to grip the forearm and twisted his own to get it off and away from him.

"What the -" Glancing over to the other person who was in the room, someone who shouldn't even be in the house, the student's eyes widened and stared with a dumbfounded expression. "Who the hell are you?!" Okay, that definitely woke him up.

When Renji's hand had been removed from the other's mouth, he allowed it to happen, moving back and making his gun shine in the light from the window. "I'm the guy invadin' yer house, what's it look like? Get up." He motioned for him to stand up with his hand, his fiendish smile glimmer in that same moonlight.

...shit. Letting his gaze fall down to the gun within the other's possession, Ichigo pressed a hand to the mattress and felt his stomach turn into a knot. Someone tell me I'm just having a nightmare. Pushing himself to stand, he kept his distance from the other, watching his movements carefully.

" what do you want?"

"Ya to keep quiet and talk when I ask ya a question." he replied, checking the boy's appearance out, and finding that he had no weapons or anything close to that on him. "And ya want to stay quiet if ya know what good fer ya."

Renji glanced around him and found some potential ways to keep him from doing anything when his back was turned.

"Are there other people in this house?"

Glancing to the side with a pondering look, the orange head felt rather pleased that there wasn't anyone here at this point in time, especially his twin brother. I'm glad I moved out early now...

"Besides us, no." was the simple response while rubbing the back of his neck with furrowed brows.

"Good. Ya have a car?" He kept his gaze on the kid, making sure that he didn't do anything stupid.


An inconvenience, but I can break into the car next door. I saw that van on my way over here.

"Alright, turn round and put yer hands up." He grabbed a bathrobe tie and walked forward, gun still in hand.

...I think it's just me...but that sounds kind of wrong. Slowly he turned and held his arms up with an awkward expression on his face, eyes to the side and furrowing his brows. This...this is awkward. That and he had a gun pointed at him.

What could go wrong with that kind of situation, huh?

The answer was 'lots.' Lots could go wrong.

Renji put the gun back into his pants and moved forward, he took both of the kid's hands and pulled them down behind his back, tying them with knots that he'd learned from a guy in prison. They were guaranteed to be secure. Almost so much that he'd have to cut the fabric with a knife to even free the kid.

After the other finished tying him up Ichigo flexed his fingers with a raised brow, mentally trying to figure out if it would eventually be possible to untie himself. Eventually the answer became 'Not a chance in Hell.' I guess anyone would want to be sure their hostage can't get screaming down the street flailing about. Now that was just a novice move if that happened.

He pulled out his gun when he finished and grabbed his captive's shoulder, moving him around to face the door.

At being turned he let out a, "Whoa..." at the force, turning on his heel and facing the door with a confused look.

"Take me downstairs." Renji prod the barrel of the gun in the small of his back.

Sighing for once throughout this whole ordeal, Ichigo moved forth for two obvious reasons. One: he was told to lead this man downstairs, two: the prodding was just uncomfortable. So, onward he went, nudging the cracked open door open with his socked foot and down the stairs.

At least there was some light peeking in through the windows to lead the way.

With the orange haired boy leading him, it wasn't too difficult to get a good look at the top floor. There was two other doors on the other side, which he assumed was either a closet (or extra bedroom) and a bathroom.

They walked down the stairs, ending up in the dark kitchen.

Renji made a quick decision to steer his captive into the living room just adjacent to the kitchen. "Sit." His order seemed loud, even to himself. It was much too quiet.

If sirens put him on edge, silence did even more so.

Not even bothering to argue the college student plopped his bottom down on a recliner and let his scowl become clear on his face, his back pressed against his arms which were then dug into the back of the seat. But at this point in time he had more things to worry about.

Say a certain person who broke into his home, had him at gunpoint - which was still very uncomfortable, tied him up and now here he was. Sitting on a chair expecting the worst.

Okay, I can officially say I'm not dreaming. 'cause when things go terribly wrong in dreams you wake up. All the time, right? Right... Leaning back a bit, he shifted to place his heels on the ground. So if I'm not dreaming and this is real then if I piss this guy off he'll shoot me...and I'm dead...

Those thoughts tread down a dark path that disturbed him and it was obvious he wasn't liking it one bit.

I won't be alive for Karin and Yuzu's graduation, or...or growing old with my girl! Having children - wait... He paused for a moment. ...these are very depressing thoughts...

Renji made sure that his captive was in the seat before taking a look around. A small house, to be sure, probably the best that the kid could afford. He bit his lip as he saw nothing worth his time in the living room and hadn't seen much in the kitchen.

The redhead walked to the front door and looked outside the window. There're no police cars and it seems like no one's seen me. It's been a good fifteen minutes, so I guess I'll just keep a look out...

"Ya a college brat?" He covered the window again and turned around. "Yer lucky. I never had a chance."

"...'college brat'?" Raising a brow at this, the student then looked towards the window with a thoughtful look. "...I dunno if I'd say that. But if you wanna call me that then I guess I can't say much." He then shrugged, as best he could in his position then turned his attention to the other. "Why not?"

"Eh...I was orphaned young." He walked back over to where his captive sat and smiled. "What's yer name?"

That sucks... crossed his mind and felt his brows slant, showing exactly how he felt about that then blinked once he noticed how close the other was and his smile. Leaning back and away on instinct before letting out a soft breath.

"Ichigo." he replied, "And yours?"

He thought the reply over and figured that it was an interesting name. "Renji."

"I would say, 'It's nice to meet you,' but..." Shifting his arms to become somewhat comfortable, he pushed himself back on his foot somewhat, shoulders pressed into the chair then sat back down originally after stretching. "...this isn't a normal situation so I can't say it wholeheartedly."

Renji grinned, nodding his head and walking past him to look in the kitchen. It seemed that Ichigo had told him the truth about them being the only ones in the house, but you can't trust someone just because you've got them at gun point. He'd have to check for the car.

Hmm...I swear I've heard that name somewhere...nah, maybe I'm imagining it...

"Not somethin' ya say to someone who's got a gun, eh? Don't worry, kid. I don't plan ta hurt ya unless ya do somethin' stupid."

"Mind if I ask you something?" he prodded then crossed his ankles, legs stretched out. "And me asking if I can doesn't count..."

Renji wasn't really listening, checking the drawers around the living room as he went along. "Sure."

"Those sirens..." Brown spheres watched the other's progress about the house. "...are you an escaped convict or something?"

"Mmm...for the sake of this conversation, yeah." He looked up and at the boy. "Ya have a dufflebag or somethin'?"

The answer had Ichigo loll his head back and rest it against the back of the seat with a look that could only be described as 'Fuck my life...' whereas his eyes were shut and trying to recall if he had one stashed away somewhere or not. "Uh...I think it's in the closet at the end of the hall..."

Logging that away for later use, Renji pointedly walked over and bent down, pressing their foreheads together. He placed his hand on the head of orange hair and pat it gently, then smiled. "Yer the first kid I've met that hasn't been givin' me shit. I like ya, Ichigo. Keep it up an' ya might get outta hear with just a bit a burn around yer wrists." Renji pulled away walking into the kitchen.

The gesture that was just done had him blink, looking rather lost and taken off guard before lifting a brow at the 'burn around yer wrists' part and cast a glance over his shoulder once he was sure the redhead wouldn't notice. Friction of skin against fabric...guess that's what he means.

He considered that all he'd had to eat in the last week was the slop from the prison and a chocolate bar he'd taken from a stand on his run. It wasn't as if he was a thief. When he was finished with his business, he'd probably go back and pay for it. "Oi, what ya got ta eat? Anythin' like beans?"

"...there's ramen, cereal, soup, crackers...basic things. Oh, yeah, and beans if you really want that." Twisting himself he looked over to where the other male was. "And fridge stuff too."

Ichigo ran off the list and Renji found himself interested in all the things he mentioned. He licked his lips as he rummaged through the cabinet and then through the fridge.

He found himself wondering what to eat first, one of those, "It's a banquet, so I wanna eat everything, but what do I eat first," moments. Renji decided to take a glass of milk, bag of chips, beans from a can (which he opened and was going to eat cold), and some crackers into the living room and sat across from where Ichigo sat, putting everything down and popping open the bag.

Renji acted just like a hungry dog, eating with his mouth open and letting the food fall from his mouth. He hadn't even given a thought to what his captive might think. Hunger over-rode that.

Gross... was all Ichigo could think of in this situation, scrunching his nose up at the sight of saliva covered food falling onto the floor, the man's lap, wherever it felt like falling. ...really gross...

"Hey...uh...there is such a thing called 'paper towel'..." he started and looked to the side with furrowed brows. "...chew with your mouth closed, the food ain't gonna run away."

Though if I were the food I'd want to...he's like a ravenous animal...

The convict blinked at the remark and looked down at the mess he was creating. "Ah...right." He felt his initial need to eat satisfied and leaned back, beginning to eat again until full. This time, he was a little more polite. "I haven't eaten real food in a while..." Renji held back a belch.

The last part of Renji's little response had Ichigo look back at him with a somewhat surprised look. "They give you shit to eat? Like...just mashed potatoes or something?" He looked a little irked at the thought and furrowed his brows, thinking over the lessons he learned in class.

Renji's smile was one of disgust. "I wish we had potatoes." He tried to think of how to describe it best. "Ya know what pigs eat? That stuff where they have like bits of corn and crap that the farmers won't eat? It's like that.", outside people are stupid when it comes to describing prison and saying 'They're taken care of' and stuff...

"...that sucks..." was all he could get out from the thought of how bad it would be locked up and eating just bland as hell food.

He leaned back, brushing the bits of food residue from his shirt and sighing thoughtfully. "Ah, I meant to ask." Renji pulled himself up again, but staying comfortable. "Do ya know where a place called 'Benie's Bar' is? I dunno if it's around here."

"'Benie's Bar'..." Cocking his head to the side, Ichigo gnawed on his lower lip. " I don't think there is. I've heard of it, but haven't seen one around this area..."

"Damn..." Renji rubbed his forehead and then ran his fingers along his long red strands and began to reattach his hair-tie. If he let his hair free it could get in the way, but he wasn't willing to cut it. Not for all the money in the world. "I was hopin' it'd be near by..." He trailed off, thinking seriously about his next move.

Blinking at the other man's seemingly distressed actions, the spiky haired student then felt like a lightbulb went off above his head at the 'nearby'. Oh...

I can't waste time looking for it. What do I do? He bit the inside of his cheek and stood, gathering up the food and walking absentmindedly into the kitchen.

"Mind telling me why you need to get there?"

Renji stopped, blinking at the question and then had his eyes widen at what he'd done.

Shit. Now the kid knows where I'm headed. And there's only one in the whole fuckin' state. Luckily, his back was turned to his captive and he was able to hide his actions.

"I have a debt to repay." He said it in a low growl, but hadn't meant for it to come out that way. "Ya have a map round here?"

That was...rather hostile... Turning his attention away, Ichigo felt his stomach drop at the thought of what the other would do in retaliation if he were to say the wrong thing by accident. Then it's goodbye world, hello...something. Afterlife?

"Should be in the same closet as the duffle bag, if not it's on a drawer in the kitchen."

The convict nodded to himself, walking back into the living room. "I'll do it later." He didn't feel comfortable leaving Ichigo sitting there as he went around the house looking for things. He'd only feel better if he tied him up more, but there wasn't much to work with in the house. "Oi, ya can go back to sleep. If I was gonna do anythin' to ya, I'd have done it already."

Although that should have sounded reassuring it didn't, not really. "...right..." Not reassuring at all. Lifting his rump a bit he struggled about to move and get his bound wrists under his bum and wiggled about some more before finally having his arms in front of himself to rub his face.

Okay, well...from what's gone on so far I don't think he's a rapist so...I think I'll be fine... Lowering his hands, Ichigo leaned back and let his eyes slide shut with a soft breath. Yeah, I'll be fine...right? Slowly he let his eyes slide shut. ...I'll be fine...

Renji watched him silently fall asleep, feeling rather sorry for the kid. He could pity the kid for ending up with the short end of the stick and ending up with his company. A few hours passed, the redhead just leaning against the wall with his arms folded in front of him, thoughts running through his head as he devised a new plan to get to his destination. All the while, he never noticed that he'd been staring at the bound boy.

Well, enough planning. Time to gather supplies. He rubbed his neck thoughtfully as he turned his eyes from the orange-haired boy. The kid's been able to live a normal life up 'til I burst through his house. I'm...jealous.