Okay guys, I deeply apologize for the ridiculously late update. I've had this and that and exams and projects, but I'll make no excuses, because I should be on my game. So this one is longer than the rest, please enjoy and comment.


I guess it's safe to say that I can expect the unexpected when dealing with Rogue. I didn't expect to meet him, befriend, and then fall in love with him.

"Hey celestial spirit mage I'm hungry where's the food?" asked Sting.

"Sting don't be rude." said Rogue

I also didn't expect to be in a hospital room filled with members of Sabertooth. This scene doesn't even feel real. 2 exceeds and 2 wizards. Fro and the other exceed, known as Lector as, sat on my bed, Sting stood on the left side of my bed while Rogue was on the right.

"Sting there really is no reason for you to be here." said Rogue arms folded.

"But if I'm not here who knows what might." replied Sting

"Something might have happened."

"Well it's not fun if it's easy."

Well it's obvious that they're talking about something they don't want me to know about, but doing it so obviously in front of me kind of has me suspicious.

"Rogue how about you go get me and the celestial…" began Sting.

"Lucy" interrupted Rogue.


"Her name is not the celestial spirit mage, it's Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia."

I felt my face blush. This probably wasn't the time to happy over him saying my name or the fact that he's correcting Sting, but my heart is pounded.

Sting and Rogue just stared at each before Sting spoke again.

"Fine." Sting said defeated. "Rogue how about you go get me and Lucy something to drink. And take Lector and Fro with you."

"And what makes you think I'll do that?" Said Rogue.

Rogue had a serious face on, during this whole time I hadn't really said much, and don't think I should interfere now.


Leave Sting alone with Lucy. There's no way I'm doing that. I don't know exactly what he's thinking but the list of possibilities is endless.

"No." I said. It was as simple as that.

"That's too bad. I assume you and the celestial…I mean Lucy are good close friends."

Sting gave me a smile and then turned his attention towards Lucy.

"I guess me and you should get to be just as close as well. We could start by telling stories. I'll go first, this is a true story that happen literally a few hours ago on this very day. I think the exact time was after that battle you had. Well the story involves me, and Rogue, and you."

That little bastard, what the hell does he think he's doing.

"However Rogue tells the story so much better then me." Sting continued.

Now everyone's attention was on me. I'll be sure to kick Sting's ass for this later.


"Fro, Lector, let's go. Lucy I'll be right back." Said Rogue and they left the room.

I really wish Rogue hadn't left the room, I didn't feel so comfortable being with Sting alone, but I guess it couldn't be help. At this point I really am curious, because Sting obvious has something he wants to tell me.

"So it's just me and you." Said Sting.

"Well?" I asked. "You obviously have something to say to me, so go ahead."

"Listen celestial spirit mage.."


"Look blondie.."

"You're blonde too."

"Are we really gonna do this?"

I didn't say anything, I just looked at him.

"As I was saying, celestial…Lucy, what are your feelings for Rogue?"

"E…Excuse me? What kind of question is that?"

Are…Are my feelings that obvious for Rogue.

"So it's true. You have feelings for him. You love him?"

"Wait a minute…"

"Don't try to deny it, as soon as the words left my mouth your face turned brighter than red."

I touched my face. Was it really that red?

"Well?" asked Sting.

"Well…Would it be bad if I said yes?"

Sting didn't say anything for awhile, he just stared at me. It was probably bad if my feelings for Rogue were to get out, but at that very moment I felt as if I could trust him with my feelings.

"No need to get all flustered, I won't tell anyone."

"Really, thanks."

"Except Rogue."


Sting started laughing. "It was a joke, a joke, calm down."

"That wasn't funny. And just when I thought you weren't that bad of a person."

"Whatever." said Sting still laughing. "But seriously I'm not saying I fully approve of you and Rogue as an item, but be careful."

"What are you talking about, there's no way me and Rogue would are even could be that way. There just one-sided feelings, which you promised not to tell anyone about."

"Yeah Yeah Yeah."

"Don't just yeah yeah yeah me, you're the only who knows, promise me you won't tell anyone."

I held out my pinkie.

"You're joking?"


Sting reluctantly took my hand and we pinkie shook on it, that he would keep my feelings for rogue to himself.


I walked into the room and saw Lucy and Sting were touching. Lucy was smiling, and when Sting saw me, he also started to smile. I won't admit that I was mad, but seeing them be like that together really irritated me. I could tell that Sting knew.

"You missed all the fun." Said Sting

Lucy looked at Sting, and they both shared a look. I threw the soda at Sting's head, and knocked him on the floor.

"Sorry, I thought you were looking."

I walked over to Lucy. "Here's your drink Lucy, it's suppose to be good for healing injuries."

"Thank you Rogue." said Lucy with a smile.

I was happy to see Lucy with a smile on her face.

"You're welcome."

"You're simple." mouthed Sting crawling up from the floor. "Come on Lector and Fro."

"But Fro didn't even get to spend time with Lucy." Fro complained.

"Like I care." Said Sting. He quickly picked up Fro, and walked out of the door with Lector close behind.

I walked over to Lucy.

"I apologize for what ever Sting might have said or told you."

Lucy chuckled. "You don't have to apologize all the time Rogue, besides he didn't say or do anything wrong. When I first met him he was completely insufferable, I couldn't stand him. But he actually isn't a bad person, he's actually kinda nice. I can see why your friends with him.

"So…..you liked being alone Sting."

"I…I guess so. I was a bit reluctant to be alone with him at first, but I actually liked talking to him."

"What exactly did you and Sting talked about?"

"N..N…Nothing you'd find interesting."

Lucy turned her head in the opposite direction, but not before I got chance to look at her face. It was bright red. Why would talking about Sting give her that kind of expression, she never made that expression when she was with me.

"I see. I didn't think Lucy would be the type of person to keep secrets from me."


Rogue's voice had completely changed. Was he mad at me for not telling him. But there's no way I could tell him. His voice had no emotion it…..it sounded so cold hearted.

"Rogue I'm…."

Rogue suddenly took a bow and turned around to leave.

"I apologize once again. I'll see you later."


Before I could even think the word had just came out of my mouth.


Rogue was just as surprised as I was to hear me yell. Rogue's eyes stared back at me waiting for me to continue on. I looked down and started fiddling with the bed sheets.

"Please don't leave like that. I don't know when I'll see you again, so I'd really don't want to leave on a bad note. I obviously said something mean and hateful to upset you and for that and for that I apologize. Just...just….please don't leave hating me."

I breathed in, to keep from crying, I bet I sounded extremely stupid right now.

"I'd never hate you Lucy."

I picked up my head and looked at Rogue.


"Really. Besides I don't think that's possible."

"I see, but then why you…"

I trailed off, I didn't now how to put what he did in exact words. Rogue just walked closer to me.


I really don't want to lie to Lucy, but I don't want to tell her that I was even a slightly bit jealous of Sting.

"Lucy, how to do see Sting?"

"What? No special way. Why? Why does that even matter right now?"

So it was just my imagination, but then what was that face for?

"Then what were you talking about?"

"I…I can't tell you."

"Yet, you were able to talk to Sting about it. You clearly said that you didn't like him, but after one conversation you're his best friends who can't tell me anything."

"Rogue…Are…Are...you jealous that I was talking to Sting."


Rogue's face went completely red. It was just a guess, but to believe that Rogue would get mad over such a thing.

"That makes me happy."

"So seeing me jealous, makes you happy."

"No that's not it. It's just makes me happy to know that you care enough about me to get jealous."

"Well isn't that obvious."

"Obvious that you'd get jealous or obvious that you care about me."


"Well in that case. I should tell you what me and Sting were talking about."

"No. you don't have to. What I did was childish, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"So you don't want to know."

"I didn't say that. I just don't want you to feel obligated to tell me."

I couldn't help wanting to laugh, but I suppressed the urge as much as I could. I took a long deep breath. I was about to tell Rogue how I actually felt about him. I could be making a huge mistake, but with Rogue standing right in front of me I thought even if he didn't feel the same way he wouldn't treat me any differently.


Well I got his hopes up, no sense in lying now.

"Me and Sting were talking about…uh…matters in love?"



Matters in love? That's the last thing I thought Sting would talk about, unless he told Lucy something he shouldn't have.

"What exactly did Sting say?" I asked

Lucy hesitated. "Well…nothing much…I just told him a bit about the guy I like."

"I see." I don't know why I'm acting all surprised I already knew Lucy had had feelings for Natsu. "So in the little time I was gone you and Sting seemed to have bonded quite a bit. Even though I thought we were close…well closer then you and Sting, I would have thought you would have told me who liked first."

"Rogue your jealously coming out again. And it was easier to tell Sting than it was to tell you."

"And why is that?"


"Because of what?

Lucy mumbled something, maybe it was the fact that I was a Dragon Slayer that I could hear her so well, I stepped closer.

"Did you say 'because it's me'."

Lucy face was bright red, even her ears were a shade of pink.

"I..I..like..you Rogue." Lucy said.

I couldn't contain myself, and immediately hugged Lucy.

" , why? What are you doing?"

"Tell me you're not lying."

"Of course not."

"Lucy, I also feel the same way."