Pokemon High Chapter 1

Pokémon High Chapter 1

Ok, I decided to fix all of my chapters from 1-5, they are really sucky, I want to fix them, sorry if I haven't updated in a while, I really didn't have time to type and I was having some serious writers block. So far, I am having the busiest summer ever.

It was an average September morning, flocks of Starly flying, Bidoofs and Budews playing in the grasses, and Magikarps swimming in the shimmering lakes. This is the Sinnoh Region.

One girl, Dawn to be exact, was going to start her first day new her new High school. Dawn is going transfer to Pokémon High; a school of many opportunities and all trainers, coordinators, etc. from different regions are welcome. This school is only located in Jubilife City in Sinnoh. Finally, Dawn was able to go to the greatest school in all of Sinnoh! She wanted this day to be perfect, but today might not have been that day…

"No no no! This can't be happening! Not today! Please be fixed." she said. Dawn was having one of those bad hair days.

Her hair was frizzed, puffy, many knots…well, let's just say, it was a hot mess! But, there was a solution to her little hair mishap. That solution was Piplup. Dawn glanced over at Piplup, who was trying not to laugh at how funny she looked.

"Hey Piplup, I need to ask you a favor." Dawn asked as she knelt down toward Piplup.

"Pip?" The little penguin Pokémon said with confusion.

"I want you to Bubble Beam my hair," Dawn commanded. "VERY LIGHTLY OF COURSE!"

Piplup did what he was told and he used a small and light bubble beam on Dawn's hair.

"Thank you Piplup, you did a very nice job. You deserve a poffin." Dawn said while she walked over to her poffin case. She took out a tasty Sweet Poffin, Piplup's favorite flavor.

"Piplup! Pip! Pip!" sang Piplup as he danced around happily, eating the poffin.

"No problem Piplup, you deserved it." She said.

Dawn started for the stairs and looked at the clock and it read 8:15. She was late.

"Oh no! I only have 15 minutes to get to school and it takes 20 minutes to get there by foot!" Dawn yelled as she quickly went down the stairs and grabbed her bag and her Pokéballs.

"Unless..." She said as she saw her bike. Dawn ran to the Pink bike and started to peddle like there was no tomorrow.

At School...

*Pant Pant* 'I made it. With 5 minutes to spare.' Dawn thought to herself.

She started to walk to the school doors where she saw a purple haired boy and a group of four other people who seemed to be his friends.

"Piplup, look over there. I wonder who that purple hair guy is." she said.

Piplup was too busy looking at his reflection in a puddle; he was making sure that his bowtie looked nice. Dawn was standing there until she met face to face with the ground.

"Ouch! Can you please watch where you're going?" Dawn said.

"I'm sorry, did I hear something or is it just my imagination?" said a pink haired girl who was with standing with another girl.

"Oh don't worry Ursula, it's just a newbie. Talk about a new loser." The other girl said

. "Your right Mindy, it is a new loser, along with her foolish Pokémon." The pink haired girl snorted.

"Hey! Don't talk to my Piplup like that." Dawn yelled.

"Ursula, stop giving the new student a hard time will ya?" A voice commanded. It was a brown haired girl with a red bandana.

"Yeah, just leave her alone. It's not like you give everyone else a hard time." said another voice. It was a girl with orange hair tied in a side ponytail.

"If it isn't May and Misty; when will you ever learn that you will always be the losers of the school and you can't tell me what to do," said Ursula.

May was furious and Misty was about to pound Ursula with her mallet.

"You're just wasting our time. Let's go before people see us hanging out with you two." Mindy added as she followed Ursula into the school.

"Wow, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Dawn commented. "Thanks for sticking up to me, it means a lot. It's not always easy being the new kid around here. I am Dawn Hikari by the way." Dawn added as she stuck her hand out, hoping they would shake it.

"I am May, and this is Misty. Welcome to Pokémon High." May said shaking Dawns hand.

"Nice to meet you Dawn, I'm Misty." Misty also said also shaking Dawn's hand.

"Thank you for making me welcome. Who are those two girls by the way?" Dawn said. "That's Ursula and Mindy, the most popular girls in school. They always try to make other people's lives miserable." Misty explained.

"Why don't you follow us, we will take you to meet our friends." May said.

Dawn followed her two new friends so she can meet even more friends. When she arrived, she saw that same lilac haired boy from before and two other guys standing by them. One boy had grass green hair, and the other had messy black hair that was covered with a cap.

"Guys, I would like you to meet Dawn Hikari. She transferred here from Twinleaf High School." May introduced.

"Hello, I am Dawn Hikari and this is my Pokémon, Piplup. Say hi to every one Piplup." Dawn said and Piplup already started to show off by using BubbleBeam and making it aim for the sun, making water shimmer down everywhere. That was his signature move in contest.

The boy with the green haired looked impressed."Bravo. That was amazing. I'm guessing you are a coordinator. By the way, I am Drew Hayden." Drew added.

The boy with the Indigo League cap looked amazed."Totally awesome! You have to teach my Buziel that trick! Oh I am Ash Ketchum." Ash said.

"I guess that was ok. Paul is the name." said Paul. The lilac haired boy wasn't as nice as Dawn expected, maybe he is just not a people person.

"Thank you, and nice to meet you all." Dawn said.

And they all headed to class.