Chapter 1

He woke up lying in a hospital bed. Sadly he knew this from personal experience, as he had been brought here many times. In the mansion, all the hospital beds felt the same, soft at the bottom, hard and springy at the top. Also, Gambit had noticed that the ceiling was a little lower than all the other rooms.

The room was familiar but what wasn't, was the pain. Usually, he would wake up stiff, but a stiffness that allowed him to move without much difficultly and this was nearly always accompanied by a dull throb which Gambit could easily ignore.

But this time was different. Gambit could hardly breathe without a sharp pain cutting straight through his lungs and his face screwing up into a grimace.

Moving was also a problem. He couldn't move his left arm more than a fraction. Damn! That would put him out of action for a while; his left hand was the best at throwing his cards.

Both his right arm and leg could be moved quite easily but his left leg felt more weighted which meant it was heavily bandaged.

This was not good. Gambit couldn't fully remember what had got him into this mess, but the small pieces he could find were all fuzzy and didn't make full sense.

With his good arm, Gambit rubbed his head. He found that his balaclava had been removed and up there, his hand rubbed over a large bump. That was probably why he was having trouble remembering.

Gambit closed his eyes and tried to piece together the pieces of his mind…

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