They landed in North's Workshop. Sarah looked around the place in amazment. She stared at the globe which has loads of bright, glowing, golden lights all over it. "Wait, how do you know i'm going to be a guardian?" Sarah asked looking over her shoulder at Jack. "He told you to find the guardians, didn't he?" Jack raised an eyebrow at the girl. Sarah nodded in reply. "So what?" Sarah looked at the winter spirit confused. "He doesn't tell just anybody to find us. North said that if that happens it means your a guardian." Jack explained.

Jack flew around the workshop looking for North or any other guardian that was around. "North?" he yelled. Nobody answered to he started looking in different rooms. After a few minutes of searching jack found North in a room making ice sculptures. Tiny elves were eating some of North's cookies on the floor.

As Jack opened up the door North looked up to see who it was. "Jack, what do you want now?" his russian accent said a bit annoyed. He spotted Sarah beside Jack. "Who is this?" North asked, Sarah looked down at the ground and went red. Jack nudged her in the arm waiting for her so reply to the man infront of them. North raised an eyebrown. "Well?" he asked again. This time Jack answered for her. "Sarah Fire." he said simply. "Try guess what her powers are." Jack laughed sarasticly. North stood up the second Jack said her name. He walked out of the room leaving his tiny tools on the table. "Man in Moon told me about this, I was about the call all guardians to the workshop in a few minutes to go find you." He pointed over at Sarah. She hadn't said anything since Jack had found North.

Jack, North and Sarah made their way back to the globe. North made the northern lights appear in the sky which was a sign for the guardians to come to the workshop. Sarah looked up in amazment at the lights, the were beautiful. Jack smiled at the girl and sighed happily. The rest of the world seemed to dissapear from Jacks mind, at that second and the only taught that came to mind was Sarah, how the lights reflected off her silky hair and deep hazel eyes. She mouthed the word "wow". Jack leaned against his staff and let a grin appear on his face.

After a few minutes the first few guardians entered the workshop. Tooth and Bunnymund were the first to come. Tooth was happy to see Sarah. She had never met her before but she seemed to like her the second she met her. "Hello, I'm Tooth," she greeted with a smile. "Hi" Sarah replied. Her focus was on the colourful wings that Tooth had. "Your wings are beautiful." she said just loud enough for Tooth to hear. Tooth smiled and held her hands together and pushing them against her cheeks. "aw, thank you." Suddently Baby Tooth flew out from behind Tooth and sqeaked happily at Sarah. She flew around her with a smile. "Hello." Sarah said spinning around looking at the flying hummingbird.

"Hello, mate." Bunnymund introduced himself to the girl.

Sarah silently waved at Bunnymund. She was looking behind him at Jack who was making annoyed faces. Sarah looked at him curiously.

After a few minutes Sandy flew into the room on a golden cloud of sand. Sarah was in awe at the beautiful sandy. Sandy flew down and landed infront of North. Sandy turned around and waved at Sarah with a smile. "Hello." she said smiling. Sandy made a golden hat appear in his hands and grinned.

Sarah walked over to Jack, she had just been introduced to everybody in the room but she still only felt confortable around Jack. She had been with him the longest and he was always friendly towards her. "What was that face for?" Sarah asked him raising an eyebrow curiously. "The Easter Kangaroo over there." he rolled his eyes and motioned towards Bunnymund. Sarah giggled at Jacks name for the bunny. Jack saw her grin and smiled at the girl. Sarah had a cute laugh and it was even cuter when she tried to hold it in. Jack smiled and leaned against his staff for a few seconds. "Why don't you like Bunnymund?" Sarah asked him as he came out of his daydream. "He's annoying and full of himself, and he can't take a little snow in spring." Jack moaned the last part.

"What did you do when you were choosen as a guardian?" Sarah asked Jack. Jack suddently remembered how he hated the taught of having to have rules and responsibilities, and the challenge of trying to find his centre. He smiled. "I didn't want to be a guardian at first. I wanted to have fun, forever. Then North said that I had to find my centre." Jack grinned at his memories. "Centre?" the girl asked. "Something you are good at, that you were born with. I am the guardian of fun, because that is my centre." he explained.