A/N: Yo hi guys who happen to be reading this and have almost no idea what its about. U noe Firestar promised either Foxpaw or Icepaw to Brightheart? Three guesses for what happened? Bingo! He forgot!(Or didn't want normal cats to be trained by cripples)This is Brightheart's story. AU obviously. For those who read 'A new beginning', you'll notice that I've changed my style a bit, and used 1st person instead of 3rd.

I wasn't good enough. Not even good enough for the mighty and fair Firestar to remember his promise to me. All because of that one cat. Ironically, that cat was Firestar's enemy. But Firestar couldn't even see past the disabilities and scars that his own enemy had caused.

I watched, sick with envy and betrayal, as the new mentors, Squirrelflight and Whitewing touched noses with their apprentices, Foxpaw and Icepaw. Squirrelflight, Firestar's daughter. That was obviously favouritism on his part. The thought made my claws unsheathe and I had to dig them into the ground to prevent them from raking down Firestar's flank. Whitewing. My own daughter. Firestar had forsaken me an apprentice so he could give her to my own daughter, as though he wanted to claw my insides out and leave my heart to rot.

I had to speak to Firestar about this.

So I spoke to him.

And he gave me some shit about how "the new mentors are so happy. Especially Whitewing. Don't you want your daughter to be happy?"

As soon as he said that, I exploded. "You promised! You promised! Whitewing is young, she's my daughter for StarClan's sake! I haven't even had an apprentice yet, at least not one who didn't run off to the medicine den! What about you? Cinderpaw got injured, and Bluestar practically conjured another apprentice up for you! I did my best, you fool, was it my fault Jayfeather's destiny pointed elsewhere? No! I wanted him to become a strong warrior, prove all you fools wrong about him being unable to defeat the hindrance of his blindness. Cinderpaw was injured because you failed to control her! And you were bloody lucky she was still "oh Fireheart is so great" after that. You can't look past my disabilities, which is shit because the cat who caused them was your enemy, wasn't he?"

I was stopped short by a paw slamming my head to the ground. I scrambled up to see Squirrelflight, her eyes blazing green fire at me. "Don't you dare speak to my father like that." She hissed, venom in her voice.

I was so angry, so frustrated that I couldn't care anymore. I looked her up and down slowly, curling my lip.

And then I sprang.

Laladedumdum! Damn this story is so random! There is definitely something wrong with me…