Hi there. Well, Blood Omen 1a is finished, and I wanted to take a quick moment to thank all the reviewers for their C&C...103 REVIEWS?!?! Hey, I got over 100! Yay!!!

OK, firstly:

Morning (aka Demon Hunter Anamae): My Legacy of Kain Muse! I want to thank you for helping me get over several cases of writer's block in this one - your combination of insanity, hunger for world domination, creativity, and ability to hide your sadistic tendancies under a facade of innocence are an inspiration! :)

Syvia - Just checked my stats on ff.net - it turns out that you were the first person ever to review one of my Kain fics (Soul Reaver 1a Chapter 1 on 10th March 2002 - "Oh my God! *roflmao* That was great!")! And you're still here reading the LoKa series 9 and a half months later (longer than an average human pregnancy!!!)! Thanks very much! :)

Angel-chan: Another long-time reader, and always concerned about my mental health! :) In answer to your question - no, I'm not on medication, which is probably why very little of this story makes sense! But thanks for asking! *hug*

CyberSiC: Well you're the only reviewer I can actually thank in person, so perhaps I shouldn't give you a spot here. But then I couldn't say "I have writing skills"! Hee hee! :)

Cat In A Hat and Flute: The inspiration of the ongoing Apology arc in later chapters. Who'd have thought that a rather crummy throwaway joke would lead to Mortanius being battered to death by a load of watermelons? Thank you both very much - I have no idea what I'd have put in the "irrelevant introduction to the chapter" bits otherwise!

Temperance: Thanks, and I hope the Australian accents thing is all now in the past! (Before Kain changed it...)

Raziella D Reaver: Thanks for the review! :)

Concept of a Demon: Thanks, and watch out for the chainsaw there!

Shady: Thanks - and I chose Toys'R'Us because they've shown the same TV advert in the UK since I was in Primary School (about 15 years ago!). That sort of thing traumatises a guy. It's called Toys'R'Us, Toys...AAAAAGH!!!!

Jazzmaster: The fic didn't fall apart, unless you count the big gap in that last chapter. I wrote it as a joke, it didn't really work, but I couldn't think of any other joke to replace it with... :)

Chalcedony Blue: Thank you, I thought the Kipper Armour was a great joke! But then I'm obsessed with watermelons, so...

Wise Man Domingo: I found a reference to my fic on a website by you via Yahoo Web Search - thanks, I'm very flattered!

Silveriss: Thanks! Kain doesn't seem to get much for a Vampire, does he? :)

Light in Dark Places: Ta! I hope you can comfort Kain now I'm done tormenting him...for now...

Metal Gear Prime: You're comparing my work to the Naked Gun? Awww....*blushes*

Guardian of Tears: Ah yes, the Canned Laughter. Most popular joke I've written since revealing that Block Puzzles were linked to the Borg...

Bloodthirsty: Thanks, always love to hear from you! Haven't talked to you recently, are you still around?

Sarryn: Glad to be of service!

Mink Biscuit: :)

Elashana: It get my ideas from the voices in my head! What? Shhh, don't worry, no one will believe that you actually are in my head...er, I mean thanks! :)

Venris: Music and wrestling - a winning combination (judging from the reviews!)

SheSmaug: So you found it funny then? :)

Kokono: Thanks! :)

Ranmyaku: Well, two makes a series! Hope you liked it!

AmuseMe: Now now, you don't need to bribe me - I write for the enjoyment of my fans! Wait...I've changed my mind, bribe me!!!

NightShade Goddess: Glad you enjoyed it! :)

*phew!* I feel like I just wrote another chapter! :)

Where to go from here? Well, I intend to continue "The Name of the Dark Father" in the near future, so keep an eye open for that one! I also have some non-Kain projects I want to get to work on. Primarily the ongoing "Tey Chronicles" (1 1/2 years of work and I've still yet to actually begin the main story! It's going to become my Lord of the Rings at this rate...), plus the already started "Gladiatora Stygia - The New Origin War" and the half-planned "Feralshard". And the Legacy of Kain 'a' Series? Well, I will be continuing it at some point. There will definately be a Blood Omen 2a. I'm still undecided about a Soul Reaver 1a, though. SR1 didn't have all that much dialogue in it, so if I were to do it, it'd probably be more like a parody scrapbook of the boss fights and stuff rather than an entire parody. Tell you what, I'll leave it up to the LoK fandom. If enough people say they want it, I'll do one, then move on to BO2a. The choice, my friends, is up to you! :)