Well, the final exams are just about over. I have two left, one tomorrow (Friday 23) and the last on Monday the 26th. Time to start writing again, and to begin this I am presenting you with a small PWP that will hopefully 'satisfy' you all.
I do not own any of the characters or anime manga found in this story. I simply wrote fantastical nonsense. The characters and the anime manga belong to Akira Toriyama.
This story contains adult themes with male x male lemon and strong language. If you do not approve of this or are under 18, do not read.
This has nothing to do with The Beginning or any other stories of mine. This is simple a PWP that I thought up during a very embarrassing experience on my part.
I will tell the story to those interested at the end of this story. :)
**Goten's point of view**
"Mom. Really, you could have given me some soda to drink! I spent 7 hours with dad and Gohan training with nothing to drink!" I argued. I had been on mom's case since ten in the morning when I got home from my exam. Mom had forgotten to pack me something to drink and I had been thirsty. Dad had ushered me out of the house as soon as I got home, conveniently ignoring my protest for something to drink. "Goten, there was water in the fridge as well as tap water, and you could have drunk from the waterfall where you and your father were training. I did not have to buy you soda or anything else for that matter!"
I sighed, mom never understood. "Ok, yea, but I did drink some waterfall water… but there was no real satisfaction in that… I mean, soda just tastes so much better than simple water…
Trust Gohan to screw up my perfectly prepared words… "Satisfaction? Goten I wasn't aware that you found satisfaction in your drinks… could it be that you prefer the tasty concoction of Trunks?" Suddenly several things happened. One, I'm pretty sure I became bright red. Two, I know I groaned and made a horrible face which included my death glare directed at Gohan. Three, mom, the always serious Chichi, joined in with Gohan and said "Well Goten, if you seek some 'satisfaction' then maybe you should phone Trunks and ask him to take you out." "But you have been training all day so you better tell him to be a little gentle on you eh?" Gohan added.
Dad chose this moment to join them. "What's up guys… Goten gee, do you need a cold shower? You're as red as the sun!" I groaned loudly, I knew my face was red! "Dad…" Gohan decided to make another poke at me, the jerk! He said "Unless Goten, would it satisfy you more if Trunks was rough on you after the pounding you got today?"
What a wicked family I have… but dads on my side, right? Then it seemed dad got the niche of the conversation and chose his words carefully. "To solve this problem I suggest you ask Trunks to take a good picture of himself and use that to satisfy you till you are strong enough for his rough ways…"
I almost choked on my tongue as I began to cough. "D-Dad! Come on guys, leave me alone! I meant that water doesn't satisfy me…" "Oh we understand 'ten, you would prefer Trunks. Well I suppose, if you tied his hands down then you could taste him without any worries hmm?" this from Gohan… Where does he get these ideas… oh my gods, what does he do to Videl behind closed doors!?
I shook my head to get my thoughts straight. "Ok guys… I am feeling…" You know what… fuck this! "I am feeling unsatisfied with this conversation… I am going out… to find some satisfaction… maybe I will take that idea of yours Gohan… you wouldn't have a whip and chain would you?"
Ah, payback. Gohan and mom turned bright red. Dad however just started laughing. He patted me on my head as he said, "Great turnaround son! Go have fun! And don't hurt Trunks too much eh?" I had to work hard to keep the blush off my face as I actually started considering doing that to Trunks… Gods… what if I chained him up and spanked him hard until his cheeks were hot and red… and then fucked him raw… damn I wish I had chains and whips right now…
"Goten… are you really gonna… um" I looked at my blushing brother, yes, serves him right! "Yea… seriously do you have any chains? Black ones would be best!" mom suddenly grabbed us and shoved us outside. "Goten, you sleep at Trunks tonight. Gohan, go home!"
Gohan and I exchanged looks. I was wondering if Gohan would give me his chains and Gohan, no doubt, was wondering what to say. "Um… no Goten… I don't have … um." He has no idea how to deal with this… dad was right, that was a great turnaround on my part. "Gohan, it's cool, I don't want to use the same chains used to tie Videl down… but thanks for the offer." I took off in the direction of Capsule corp. instantly not wanting to have to start this conversation … I mean, who wants to know what Gohan does…
"Gods… I should never have brought up the whip and chain idea… now everyone knows… damn it…" is what I heard Gohan say right before… "Gohan! Go away!" "Yes mom…"
"Well.. That was a little more than totally embarrassing… I will never use the word satisfaction ever again… ever… ok maybe I'll use it to tell this story to Trunks but after that! Never ever ever again… ever…" I said as I flew to capsule corp.
As the city came into view, I found myself landing a few blocks away from the capsule home. "Think I should walk…" I was still thinking of the things my family had said… I could have sworn they were all totally nuts…who twists someone's interpretation of the taste of water in comparison to soda or juice into sex…such dirty minded people…or maybe I was the dirtiest because now all I can think about is the satisfaction that spending the night with Trunks could create…
As I approached the front door to the capsule home, I was wondering whether Trunks and I would have fun… I pushed to buzzer and waited. Vegeta answered the door with his five-year-old daughter, her very existence the proof that Vegeta and Bulma still had sex. "What do you want brat?"
As usual for a member of the son family, I scratched the back of my head. "Hey Vegeta. My family got weird on me and kicked me out for the night. Can I speak with Trunks?" Vegeta gave me a skeptical look, and I know what he was thinking… something on the lines of … ok sure, he always figured the Sons were mad, but for another Son to say so… what did they do to this one?... "Whatever boy, just be out of my house by tomorrow morning."
I nodded respectfully, don't want to piss Vegeta off, and made my way to Trunks' room. As I got there, I noticed Trunks laying on his stomach reading some weird book that he was covering but way too engrossed in it to figure out that I was here. He was wearing a black tie up shirt with a blue tie, his black pants that reminded everyone of Future Trunks (which was held up by a yellow belt) and no shoes. I levitated so that I was above Trunks and sat down on his back.
"What the fuck?" Trunks looked back just in time to see me but not quick enough to hide his book. "Oh my gods! Porn!" I all but screamed out. Trunks shoved the book under his bed "Shut up Goten, I don't need people knowing!" all I could do was laugh; this was better than what I just went through…
"My family lost it dramatically so can I sleep here?" I asked as I, sadly, let Trunks sit up. "What'd mean lost it?" Trunks asked as he made sure his porn-mag is out of sight. "Well…" I began explaining what just happened, but regretted it fully when Trunks burst out laughing and even fell off his bed… I figured id just wait. "This is all your fault. Never use 'satisfaction' unless you are flirting… it's just such a seductive word… ha-ha"
I got angry at Trunks mocking me… so I pushed Trunks onto his back and pinned Trunks hands above his head. "You think this is funny?! We'll see how funny it is when I relieve my frustration and embarrassment using your body!" I kissed Trunks roughly, forcing my tongue in and exploring his mouth. Trunks tried to kiss back and I pinned Trunks' tongue with my own, no way, this is punishment!
When I pulled back, just in time too by the looks of Trunks' breathing, Trunks gasped out "What are you gonna do?" Trunks was mildly fearful. I know I had that predatory gleam in my eyes as I was thinking about the things I could do with Trunk's tie. The chains and whips idea resurfacing in my head. I leaned forward and whispered in Trunk's ear "I'm going to fuck you raw baby."
Well that's part one… this is a one shot over two chapters… I hope the story is ok because this basically happened to me… well less spectators but still… my best friend said that I should write this out for Goten and Trunks…
Basically, what happened was that my father forgot to get my juice and so yea, I was thirsty so I mentioned it when he fetched me but he said "tough" so I complained more… (what? I'm a female! Complaining is a female sport!) anyhow, he's like "There's the tap!". Well, I did drink some water… after I asked for soda… Anyhow, the good stuff… sorta, the next day, he made a big show that he did give me juice and so I mentioned that I was so thirsty the day before and that I almost died of dehydration (yes, I exaggerated… again another aspect of women). He again pointed out that there was a tap … so I said "Yes, I drank some but I wasn't satisfied by it!" and well… you can guess what happened next… Basically, the same bashing with the same topics brought up regarding my boyfriend… jerk of a father né? lol but I love him… still
Well thank you for reading :D please please review. Comment and tell me what you think. The next chapter will be for all those who read and review :D