Summary: It had just been a normal meeting between the countries of the world but ended with having to have an annoying micronation following after you like a lost puppy. You can't have this 'lost puppy' following you home and growing attached to the young boy, especially if he is your brother's kid. Your name is Iceland- human alias being Emil Stielsson-and you have some how fallen for him.

I've somehow become attracted to this pairing after reading a fanfic and seeing pictures of these two adorable guys, now I must write...and expand on the couple a bit more. I will not have them go OOC, this is why I research about them and read other fics- to get a feel of the character and not demolish them in the process! Oh goody. :D

I do not own Hetalia.

He had gotten himself kicked out again, Iceland scowled at his Norweign brother's front door.

Hadn't he just told him that they were to leave for the conference right now? So why the change? Oh yes, that's right!

Stupid Denmark came over and whisked him away, that's what.

The Icelandic teen looked down at Mr. Puffin with unamused pink eyes, the bird looked up at his owner. It gave an indignant sqwauk and jumped from his arms. The white haired nation eyes changed to that of confusion and bent down to the pet's level.

"Ditch, these guys! They don't give a crap about us right now, let's head to that goddamn hell hole and get it over with! I just wanna go home and check out the hot tourists that come in!", Iceland held in a sigh at this. Typical bdirty puffin, always saying such things but at the same time it was true. He really wanted to go home and eat licorice (minus the tourists scandal) and possibly watch some movies. Nothing ever went on that was really important at the meetings, but this conference was said to be 'so (like) important that we could (like) probably die if we (like) don't go' as Poland had quoted over the phone. That was a big pile of bull, all the blonde wanted to do was see his beloved Lithuania. He could just leave now and forever hold his peace, surrender to the awful enemy that is laziness. But he was a smart nation, he didn't want to be punished by his boss with more paperwork.

"-then we can just sneak to Norway's privet jet and-wah lah!- home free! So what to you say brat?", he heard the puffin ask. Oops, he must have tuned the little guy out by mistake. Iceland shook his head and Mr. Puffin retorted with a wonderful array of Icelandic curse words. He pawned over some bread over to the obnoxious thing and had him silenced almost immediately. He winced as Mr. Puffin pecked as his gloved hand in excitement. Sometimes, he'd wished he had gotten a chick like Prussia. Then life would've been a bit easier, his could feel his hand aching.

"Are you done?", his tone was emotionless as per usual. He didn't give a care if it sounded harsh to others but his friend new better.

"Thanks brat, I needed that. Now onward to that fucking hellhole, ahahahaha!", he exclaimed enthuastically. Iceland felt the sudden urge to slap the bird over the head, but he was against animal abuse.

In about an hour or two of scavenging the streets of England and asking directions, the two had finally made it. The building could possibly compared to one of America's skyscrapers but he couldn't be sure if it was any taller than them. He shrugged it off and trudged inside as to which he became accquianted with some individuals from the government asking for his ID and again, being directed to the conference room by a beautiful assistant. He thrusted open the doors to find that the other countries had arrived and inwardly scowled as his vision came across Norway and Denmark chatting away (if you could call it that with Norway choking him with his tie) with his other Nordic brothers. Mr. Puffin began another fit of anger as he waddled awkwardly over to them and began pecking away at the two without any regard to his friend/owner.

"Let's get this shit started, kesesesese!", Prussia (the East German representative) screamed over the many people either fighting or conversing with one another. Iceland took his seat beside Hong Kong and watched as Germany began scolding his older brother then beginning to be scolded by Prussia himself for some odd reason. He ran his hands through snow colored hair and shut his pink eyes to relieve the headache he felt coming on.

"Get out of here, you bloody child! For the last time, you are not a country-you're a fort!", he heard a vase crash and opened his eyes to see what had happened now. There stood Britian himself hovering over a smaller version of himself, yelling at the other for the mess he had caused. He seemed oddly familiar.

"I am too a country, Jerk Britian!", the 'fort' retorted back. He had messy blonde hair, vibrant blue eyes, and slighty thick eyebrows. His attire consisted of a blue sailor suit and a little hat to go too, cute. 'Fort' seemed to also be holding a stuffed bear to join the appearance, it was a simple brown teddy bear with a red ribbon tied around it's neck, it appeared to be an old one at that, and a white sash on it's small torso. Mr. Puffin let out a laugh as he watched America and Russia 'battling' on the other side of the room.

"Get out or I'll call the men outside on your arse.", that threat seemed a bit harsh. Iceland's eyes watched as the other's cheeks turned red with embarrassment and fear started to crawl into his blue orbs. 'Fort' gave the other a nervous smile and a forced laugh, backing away a bit from the nation.

"You wouldn't do that to your own, wou-would you?", he stuttered. Britian shook his head and pressed a little remote control that he had sneakily brought out when he wasn't paying attention. A man marched in and threw the child over his shoulder, giving a nodd to the nation and walking out. That is not before 'Fort' had the last say in the matter.

"I'll be back in no time, just wait Jerk England! You will allow me to participate in these meeting-conference-whatever's someday and that day will be tomorrow, for I am Se-!", 'Fort' was cut off by the door closing shut by said 'Jerk England'. Iceland sighed, well what little entertainment that he had found approval in seemed to have left but as the meeting commenced, he couldn't help but think that he knew this 'Fort' person.

He vaguely remembered the little one coming up to him and proclaiming himself as the older of the two, saying that he would be his adviser of some sort. But afterwards they hadn't seen each other since and he couldn't honestly remember his name. Well then, 'Fort' it is. But it seemed that since seeing the other again, he couldn't keep his mind off him, so he didn't exactly pay attention at the meeting but he could always trick Denmark into give him the notes...or maybe he could just ask Finland. The Conference had thus been canceled about mid-point when a fight between Romania and Hungary had gotten a bit violent and due to England being a victim of a flying frying pan, it was to restart tomorrow. He couldn't help but let in the dark thoughts that he had been having sense about a week ago, when he had found about his real brother and Denmark being together. He felt his fist clench at the memory of the discovery nor the arguments that came with it. He collected his things and Mr. Puffin, making his way toward the doors when he felt something tug on one of his coat tails. He turned abruptly to the offender, only for it to be 'Fort'.

"I remember you! Why, how do you do? 'S been a while hasn't it?", the little blonde asked. Iceland merely stood over him and stared at the other in confusion. What could he possibly want with him?

" alright?", he seemed to be getting intimidated by him. Iceland turned on his heel and made way toward the exit to freedom only to be stopped by the little blonde again. He had grabbed his gloved hand and looking up at him with a bit of reluctance. He did not want to deal with this, all he wanted to do was go home and eat licorice, screw the movies. He had no one to watch them with anyways, Mr. Puffin did God knows what elsewhere. And he needed to apologize to Norway for the trouble he has been giving him, maybe even convince him that Denmark wasn't good enough.

"Go away.", he growled acidly. He didn't mean for it to sound like it did but he just needed to go. 'Fort' backed away immediately and he stomped away, marching through the streets searching for his hotel room. He couldn't hear the pitter pattering of shoes following behind him from the blabbering of nonsense that spewed from his bird friend.

Nor the tumble and hiss that followed afterward.

Wow, finished this in time. Well, hope you liked this chapter and updates will come soon depending if I finish some other crud.