Lucy's POV
They're back, the new 'Team Natsu'. Man... I really miss going on missions with them. I understand that they want to be with Lisanna but... they didn't have to kick me out of the team. Couldn't we have just added her instead of getting her to take my place? They all seem really happy with the change of member though... I guess I was just a replacement for her.
Everyone was so kind to me since it happened, everyone except my old team. They could see how it affected me, even Lisanna could see it, but my old team is so dense that they haven't even noticed. I can't blame Lisanna though, she tried to help me. She really is a sweet girl... but they said that eight was too much for a team, and when Wendy said she wanted to fly solo, they told me to go and keep her company. So I told Lisanna to just give up and take my place, because I wanted her to. She was reluctant though, but she agreed because that's what I wanted.
Mira's POV
Lucy was there, sitting in her usual spot at the bar. It was so obvious that leaving Team Natsu took a huge toll on her, but they just can't see it. I sighed as I wiped down the table top. Sitting with her head on the bench she looked so depressed. I didn't think that nakama would treat each other like that.
She had only come back a few minutes ago from her mission with Wendy, so she had yet to notice the new members in the guild. When they arrived they specifically asked to see Lucy and seemed devastated to hear she wasn't in the guild. I giggled to myself, there were quite a few cute guys among them, the perfect cure for Lucy's loneliness. I took a glance at the new members. They were keeping their distance, probably sensing the bad mood floating off her body. Too bad though... they seemed so excited to see her.
It was so fascinating to meet them. They all came together and they all carried the same last name except for one of the girls. They must be related somehow, yet they don't look alike... maybe cousins? It made me wonder why they were looking for Lucy, it was possible they were connected to her past as a Heartfilia. A total of eight people came, three girls and five boys... and one boy in particular was most desperate to find her.
Lucy's POV
"Lucy! Could you come here for a minute?" I sighed and withdrew myself from my private pity-party. Making my way over to Mira I pouted a little, "Yes Mira?" She gave me a warm, motherly smile, "We've got eight new members that joined while you were away. How about you go introduce yourself to them?" I looked in the direction she was indicating. Sure enough there were eight people sitting in the corner of the guild... and they looked extremely familiar.
I scolded myself for not noticing them sooner and moved closer to them. As I approached them, the sense of familiarity turned into recognition... I knew exactly who they were. I started to sprint across the guild, not caring how people were looking at me strangely, and leapt into the arms of the silver haired boy.
Yuki's POV
I turned at the sound of my name from an angelic source and felt Luce-chan leap into my arms. I was filled to the brim with happiness, "Luce-chan! I missed you so much! We all did." As we released from our hug I smiled at her, and then she went around greeting everyone at the table. "Haru! Kisa! Oh my, you're just as cute as before!" She held the little girl as she went around to everybody else. "Hiro? You're here as well?!" "..." "Kyo, it's so good to see you!" "Hn." "Momiji! I missed you too!" Momiji jumped on Luce-chan, almost making her drop Kisa. Momiji climbed back onto his chair, "Sorry Kisa!" Kisa smiled at him before hopping out of Luce-chan's arms. "Kagura! How are you?" "Very good!" "Tohru?! I can't believe you're here! It's so nice to finally meet you! How's Kyo treating you?" Tohru turned beet red before denying all of Luce-chan's questions involving Kyo.
I chuckled to myself as the chaos died down and she turned back to me, giving me another hug, before taking a seat between me and Haru. We began to chat and catch up with all the things we've missed since she left the estate. She told us that her father shunned her when Layla-san died because of the curse.
She eventually ran away from the Heartfilia estate and met this boy who brought her to Fairy Tail, which raised the question on why she didn't just come to Sohma house. Her mother was a Sohma, a very proud one at that, and Akito would have loved to have her back. Akito had become plenty kinder since he met Tohru and he's always had a soft spot for Luce-chan. When we told her about Tohru during a brief meeting at New Years, she couldn't wait to meet her. It seems like they're getting along nicely as well.
Mira's POV
I watched Lucy fly into the arms of Yuki. Which was a wonder as she's never hugged any boy before, let alone allow them touch her. Yet there she was, hugging every single boy at the table. She looked like she had a special connection with Yuki though, they looked so adorable together! I couldn't wait to hear what her relationships with them are!
Matchmaker Mira has found a new target... I mean... uh couple~!
So for those who don't know, I'm currently in the process of rewriting this entire thing before I update with a new chapter.
I picked up a lot of mistakes so I'm fixing it!