A/N: Welcome to my last Chapter of Twisted! I hope you enjoyed it. Big thanks to my beta, for with out her my grammar and spelling would be horrible. Big thanks to TMNT224 & Rachel Erica! And I cannot forget my reviewers: Pluhdoh, lunexa, zrexheartsz, tuttifluftis, 1KeyFun, orangebarmy, TmntEmi, SakuraDrops141. Also to everyone who faved and followed me (CRAZYCOLORS098, raph'sgirl4ever and Azurii, VioletTiger, scarlett101)

well now here the chapter!

Twisted - Chapter 4: Awake

Donnie was keeping a watchful eye over Mikey. His heart rate was still concerning to him. He still needed to know more about the poison.

Leo insisted that he was the one to watch over Mikey.

Leo looked at his younger brother. This was all his fault. If he was a better leader none of this would ever have happened.

"I should have listened to Splinter," he said, "you were getting better, not because of me you are getting worse." Leo sighed. He walked around the room; he was growing restless.

Leo finally calmed himself down enough and sat in a chair by Michelangelo's side.

He closed it eyes. He could not help but remember the night he cleaned his katanas of Mikey's blood.

He sat down in the dojo. He held a katana in his hand and a cloth in the other. He wiped the blood off the blade. It was a familiar motion. He was used to cleaning his twin katana but what he was not used to was cleaning the blood of his brother of the blade. He looked again at the blood-covered katana. It quivered in his hand. He hung his head. His tears mixed in with the blood on the blade was clean. Clean as it was the day he sharpened it, the day he hurt Mikey.

When Leo woke up, Mikey was not in bed.

Raph was growing restless. Leo told him to get some air, so he went topside.

Once in the cool New York City air, Raph felt a slight calmness come. Raph drove the down the street. He went past Mikey's favorite pizza place. He drove into the ally three blocks away, there was three Purple Dragons who were harassing a poor girl over her purse. "Leave her alone," Raph growled.

They laughed and played keep-away with her purse. In rage Raph tackled one to the ground. He was tall and lanky blond kid with long hair, his cropped sleeved on his shirt showed the symbolic tattoo wrapping around his arm starting at his shoulder. The blond boy tossed the purse to a kid with cropped blue-ish hair. Raph sweep his leg under the blue-haired kid's legs, causing him to come crashing down, he tossed the purse to the remaining boy; he had long bright red hair. Raph landed a punch causing the redhead to double over, dropping the purse. The three Purple Dragons looked at each other and then at Raph; they attacked. In one fluid motion they were back on the cold wet ground. Raph dropped his hand to sai; he was not going to use it, just scare them a bit. They Purple Dragons looked at him; he drew his sai. One pulled out the chain he had wrapped around his waist. The redhead swung the chain at Raph. Raph stuck the top of his sai into a link from the chain and pulled it back, causing the boy to lose his grip. Raph sent a warning sai to the blue haired kid who was about to pick up a pipe. The muggers looked at each other and ran off. Raph went down and picked the purse. Trying to sound as nice as he could, he handed it back her, and smiled.

"Keep away!" she yelled, snatching her purse out of his hand, "you creepy frog!" She ran off in the opposite direction of the Purple Dragons. Raph grunted as he pulled his sai out from the wall he sent it into. He took a deep breath and sat down. He did not want to back to the lair.

Donnie had books opened and flagged off to specific pages all around his lab. He was running analyses and cross checking everything he could. After a few hours all he had was the names of some chemicals and what they could do to humans and non-mutant turtles, but he was still no closer to figuring it all out. Needing to clear his mind he joined Leo in Mikey's room.

When Raph came back to the lair Leo was asleep on the floor in Mikey's room and Donnie was asleep in chair with back against the wall, Mikey was still unconscious in bed. Raph sat down with his back against the bed and stared ahead at nothing. The fight that bad been so vivid in his mind until he came back to the lair was now a foggy memory and felt like it had happened weeks ago. Nothing would be the same until Mikey was better.

Master Splinter walked to Michelangelo's room. It was early in the morning and he was going to check in on him. He paused. For the first time in years all his sons were asleep in one room. Even though Michelangelo still fought internal battle it was still nice to see. He quietly slipped passed the room and went into the kitchen for some late night tea.

"Mikey!" Leo yelled. Waking Raph and Donnie up, Leo ran out of the room but stopped when he saw Mikey standing in the kitchen.

"Morning!" Mikey said to his brothers as he was scrambling some egg.

"Uh, morning Mikey," Leo said. When they had seen him last night he was sweating and had a fever. "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah why do ya ask?" Mikey said smiling.

"Uh maybe since Bishop poisoned ya?" Raph said.

"Oh well guess I am better," Mikey said. "Eggs?" he asked his brother holding out a pan of eggs.

"Sure," Donnie said tentatively carefully watching is brother. Leo looked at him for an explanation. He just simply shrugged and sat down at the table with his brothers.

Mikey began flicking eggs at Raph, which caused Raph to send some flying back and by the end of breakfast there were more eggs on the floor and table than they had eaten.

The rest of the day went on fairly normally, except that Michelangelo seemed to be taking to himself a good deal. No one could figure out what he was saying though.

That night Mikey begged to be taken out for patrol and after a complete physical Donnie could see no reason why he could not join them.

"Ah! Feels good to be out!" Mikey called out as they reach street level.

They jumped from rooftop to rooftop. It was clear and calm night. For once it seemed like there was no danger wandering the streets beside the occasional mugger.

Mikey suddenly jumped down from the roof top. He saw a Foot Ninja. The Foot drew a katana and went to strike, but Mikey deflected the attack and countered it. This went on for several more attacks.

"What's he doin'?" Raph asked.

"It appears he is fighting against nothing," Leo said concerned.

Mikey was getting out of breath, but he was not getting hurt. He jumped back up next to his brothers.

"That felt good! Too bad it was only one! I could have taken on a dozen," He said smiling.

"Mikey there was no one there," Donnie said. Reaching over and checking to see if he had a fever.

"What do you mean? There was a Foot Ninja. I just fought him, you must have seen that," Mikey said shoving Donnie's hand away.

"Yeah we saw YOU fight but we did not see anyone fight you." Leo said

"Very funny! You just let me have him since I have not been out in a while!"

"There was really no one-"

"We need to watch out, they are never alone. Shred-head could be around."

"Mikey maybe we should-"

"Look there are more!" He jumped back down. He was dizzying himself fighting off the Foot. "I could really use your help guys! I know I said I could take on a dozen but I was just kidding," he looked at his brothers desperately.

"There is no one there!" Raph shouted jumping down next to Mikey.

"Watch out Raph!" Mikey shouted deflecting an imaginary attack. "I just saved your shell! Watch out!"

"Mike, there's no one there…" Raph reached out his hand.

"If you're not gonna help, then stay back!" He kept moving out of the way and blocking attacks.

Leo and Donnie joined Raph. "Okay, brainiac what's up wit Mikey?" Raph asked

"Hard to say really. He could just be joking or he could be hallucinating," Donnie said.

"You guys going to help me? There are more coming. I can't take them all."

"Mikey, there is no one there!" Leo shouted.

Mikey turned around and blinked widely. "I see them!" he shouted.

"Here?" Donnie said moving to where Mikey was standing.


"Mikey, look. I am fine. No one is here."

Mikey swayed where he was standing. He fell forward but Donnie caught him.

"Mikey?" he looked at his brother. Mikey's eyes were shut, he was sweating. "Mikey!" he called again. He gently shook him. Donnie was sitting on the ground with Mikey's head resting against his plastron.

Leo knelt down next to them. "Don, what is going on?" Leo was concerned

"He's hallucinating."

"Let's get him back down to the lair," Leo said as Raph picked Mikey up.

"Watch out for the Foot," Mikey muttered, "behind Leo."

"Mikey, there is no one behind Leo," Donnie said walking next to Raph on their way back to the lair.

Leo was pacing around Donnie lab. "Don there is nothing we can do? How is that possible?"

"There is no cure for what Bishop gave him. It's this hybrid poison. Letting it run its course is our best option. His heart is already back in rhythm. That is a good sign. Now we just need to let him rest." He looked at his older brother.

"He was hallucinating that he saw Foot Ninjas, he even fought them! There is nothing we can do to help?"

"Leo don't you think if there was a cure I would be doing anything make it? The last antidote I made, that helped save your shell, I had to add in my own blood!"

Leo stopped. From what they heard on the roof he knew Donnie had added his own blood but this was the first time he said it out loud.

They went to Mikey's room. When they got there they could hear Raph talking to Mikey.

Leo and Donnie stood in the doorway, the listed to Raph speak. It was as if he was making a confession on something he did wrong. They stayed out of sight.

"Ya know how ya wanted ta know why I had yer mask around my wrist?" He began. Leo mouth fell open slightly. Donnie smiled. "well, uh," he continued losing his words. "well I sort of," he closed his eyes and touched he brother's hand. "it's just yer my bro and I sorta uh love-ya-some-times." he rushed the last few words. Nervous that Mikey actually be able to hear him he added in "Tell another soul, livin' or dead, and ya will wish Leo actually got ya one of them times!" He rubbed the back of his hand across his face.

Donnie looked at Leo. They exchanged no words they just quietly turned around and went to the living room.

"I never knew Raph cared that much," Leo said in slight disbelief.

Mikey rolled over in his bed. It took him a few moments to realize where he was. He was in his own bed.

Leo was sleeping on the floor, by his side. He sat up. Raph was propped up against the foot of his bed. Donnie was sitting in a chair using the wall as support.

He could hardly remember what happened when he was taken by Bishop. The last thing he remembered was Bishop injecting him with something.

His brothers must have been with him the entire time he thought to himself.

Leo started to wake up. He sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Morning Leo," Mikey said

"Morning Mikey," Leo respond. "Mikey!" he yelled causing Donnie to fall of his chair and Raph to half asleep jump to his feet with a sai in hand. "You're awake!"

"How ya feelin' bro?" Raph asked, placing his sai back into his belt.

"My head hurts like shell," he said rubbing it.

"After what you went through I am surprised that is all that hurts," Donnie remarked.

Mikey looked at his wrist. It still hurt but he was not going to tell them, especially Leo. He knew how bad Leo felt.

He looked up at is brothers and smiled. Raph was going to tell about why he was wearing his mask, but Leo came in and he never did. He had an idea.

"Oh, and Raph did you really mean to say what you said about my mask?" Mikey asked. Raph froze. Leo and Donnie exchanged glances. "So you…" he baited him on.

Raph looked at Mikey and then to Leo and Don. "Yeah Mike, I sorta love ya sometimes."

"Thanks Raph!" Mikey said smiling.

"What!?" Raph snapped.

"I never did hear you. I just wanted to know why. I tricked you," he smiled.

"Why you-!" He jumping on the bed attempting to grab Mikey.

"Raph, don't hurt him!" Donnie begged.

"He asked for it!"

"You could have lied," Leo said giving a small laugh.

"Mikey!" Raph yelled, "get back here!" Raph was chasing Mikey around the lair.

Mikey hid behind Leo. "Save me!" he called to his brother.

"What did you do?" Leo asked the hiding Mikey.

"Uhhh. . ." Mikey rubbed his head.

"Give 'im up Leo!" Raph yelled entering the room covered in red paint. Leo simply stepped to one side.

"All yours, Raph," Leo said.

Raph leaped forward and tackled Mikey to the ground.

"Wait owww," Mikey complained getting covered in the dripping red paint as well. "Uncle! Uncle!" he wailed.

Raph let him up and gave him a playful shove. Mikey laughed.

"Good ta have ya back, bro," Raph said.

"Just think of all the pranks I have to catch up on," Mikey sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV.

The End

A/N: I enjoyed writing this story very much! I hope you enjoyed reading it. I am going to be posting '12 universe fan fic. It's going to be called "A Brother's Bond" based on an idea I got watching the episode "The Gauntlet" (I missed writing Raph accent :p)

Even though it's done I still like reviews, keeping me going to write other stories.

I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. (Sorry I missed Hanukkah hope it was good if you celebrated it!). . .speaking of holidays I have a '12 holiday fic called "Merry Christmas Raph! Love, Mikey"

Hugs to you all!
