It was raining outside, and I was on my way home from mi Fratello's house. At home, I knew Ludwig was waiting for me, probably reading or maybe watching TV. What would he do when I came home? Maybe he would give me a hug. I would really like that, I like hugs, and I like it when he's being nice to me and showing affection. But maybe, maybe he would pin me to the wall and kiss me all over. It didn't happen that often, but he did do it every once in a while.

I smiled to myself, driving a bit faster by the thought of it. I did have a wonderful time with Fratello, but he was always so angry, and he doesn't like fun. Or, at least not the things I find fun. Ludwig isn't a person that likes fun very well either, but he's special to me, so I can forgive him for that.

I parked my car, and grabbed my bag. I always bring some books and my art supplies, but I always make sure to take them back home again, or else Ludwig would get mad at me. I don't like it when he gets mad; I want to see him smiling. The best feeling in the world is when I can make him happy and see him smile.

"Ludwig! I'm home!" I called as I opened the door, my hair wet and plastered to my forehead, my lips trembling from the rain and cold. I sat the bag down on the floor, and started to take off my jacket. Ludwig came walking over from the kitchen, and he smiled softly to me. His hair was gently slicked to the side. He had his reading glasses on, and also, for some reason, his training clothes. Maybe he had just taken a shower after training?

"Did you have a nice trip home Feliciano?"

He asked as he helped me with my jacket. I turned around too quickly, and being quite a bit smaller than him I bumped into his chest, stumbling backwards.

"Si! We ate a lot of pasta, and then we read books, and we also drew a lot and did some other things, but then Fratello got mad at me, I don't know why.."

As I kept on blabbering, Ludwig smiled and moved my bag into the living room. I kicked off my shoes, not even bothering to put them in a straight line. Then I continued to blabber my way into the living room, telling all about the kitty that Fratello and I had met during our walk in the park.

"Feli, go pick up your shoes, they look messy," Ludwig said with his calm voice. I stopped talking and nodded. So Ludwig did notice. Eh. Well, I had no choice, so I went back to the hallway and picked up my shoes.

"There, is it better now Ludwig?"

I asked as I put the shoes down again, this time in a more structured matter. He nodded and then sat down on the couch, picking up one of his books. Why would he do that now? I just got home, and I haven't seen him for days! I just wanted a hug; A small one would be enough.


I asked softly as I walked over to him, stroking the thick fingers gripping the book. He looked up at me through his glasses, and I smiled happily. Grandpa Rome always told me that if I smile, other people will smile too. He never got the chance to tell me why I should smile, but I still do it. If I can make Ludwig smile, I'm happy.

"Ja Feliciano?"

He didn't seem as happy as I thought he would be. I moved away his book and laid it on the table. I didn't want him to read now, not when I just got home and badly needed to be close to him.

"Aren't you happy to see me now that I'm home again?"

I said with almost a sad tone in my voice. I wanted to touch him, to cuddle up close to him, but I wasn't sure if he would like it or just push me away.

"Ja, I'm happy, now what do you want Feli?"

I giggled a bit, and then slipped my hands down his sides, throwing myself into his arms. He was warm, and his broad chest felt nice against my cold cheeks and lips. When I lie close to him I really notice how much more muscular he is than I am. He's so tall and everything; I just feel so small compared to him. But I guess that's okay, right? Everyone has to look differently, just like me and Ludwig. Those differences are what make us so attracted to each other. People say that friends are usually similar to each other, but I don't think so. Ludwig is everything I'm not, and I still find him to be the most amazing and wonderful person in my life.

"I just wanted to be close to you."

I whispered, kissing his earlobe. His hair smelled faintly of pineapple. I guess the smell comes from his hair gel. Sometimes I will just stand there, watching him while he's styling his hair in the morning. My eyes fixate on those muscular arms working through his hair, and the blond flicks covering his strong hands. I love every little piece of him, and I want him to know that. I know I can be clumsy and stupid, but I really do love him with all my heart. I try to show it everyday, but it just seems like the harder I try, the harder I fail.

"I always want to be close to you."

My hand stroked his cheek fondly. He had no stubble; It seemed like he had just shaved before I came home. Maybe he had just been showering. Of course, he still had his wonderful sideburns, which I now stroked my fingertips over, tickling him slightly. He closed his eyes. leaning into my touch, enjoying the feeling.

"Feliciano, what are you planning?"

Ludwig opened his eyes and looked at me with a devious smile on his face. I tilted my head. Planning something? I was merely cuddling with him. I'm not the type to make plans; I take life as it falls down on me, sometimes literally.

"Me? I'm not planning anything… Ve~."

It didn't seem like Ludwig believed me. He stood up, lifting me up in his arms. I was giggling softly. Being lifted by Ludwig makes me feel like a little kitten, or maybe one of his dogs. Sometimes he will carry his dogs around in the same manner. Oh well, I'm not a dog. I know that. But sometimes it's nice to pretend, right?

Ludwig leaned closer to my ear, biting it gently. I shook gently, my whole body suddenly on fire. I love those moments when Ludwig takes control in a romantic and caring matter. I know he likes it too. I'm a tiny and fragile person, and when he puts his strong arms around me, I just can't help but want him to never let go. I feel safe in his arms, and I trust him completely.

He gently tugged my curl, and I gasped, my face turning red from the heat. It made me think of what was happening right now, and not wandering off in my own thoughts.

"Oh Feli, I know exactly what you're planning. And don't worry, you will get it."