Priceless Jewels
"And don't forget the back office. I need these figures before the end of the day." Her boss griped while he inspected one of the boxes a few feet from the raven-haired woman.
"Consider it done, sir." Kagome loved her job. She was an appraiser for a local antiquity shop, and a pretty decent one if she could say so herself. Almost constantly, she found herself surrounded by relics and memorabilia, centuries old, from all over the world. She judged each piece critically, confident the pieces her boss sent to auction were authentic and worth the asking price.
Somehow it always made her feel connected to the past. It was a nice feeling, and though their stock wasn't always of Japanese descent, that just made those pieces all the more interesting.
Noticing a rather out-of-place box in the corner of the tiny office she approached it. She ran her hand across it, lifting months- possibly years, worth of dust from the cover. The symbol embossed on the front made her breath hitch in her throat. Impossible. She lifted the lid.
She had seen olde Spanish diamonds fashioned in solid gold tiaras from the early 1200s, but none could measure the worth of the single item. She half expected swords, two in particular, and was shocked when neither brother's fang were present. Instead she pulled out a leather throng that held a small pink jewel.
Her boss, noticing her unusually quiet demeanor took a step nearer. "What era-"
She cut him off before he finished. "Sengoku Jidai. 15th century."
He took the leather from her fingers and inspected it. There were several small chips and cracks throughout the surface, as though it had been broken one too many times. "What value do you place on it?"
Kagome smiled sadly, "It's priceless."
AN: As always read, review & enjoy :3