A/N: Hi? Hey. Hello! So it's been over a year... I'm so sorry, I'm horrible. The thing is, I have no idea what to do with this story. Obviously I would like to finish it but I feel like I won't be able to do it justice anymore since I've kind of lost interest in Glee. Not Faberry, never Faberry, but it makes it harder to write, I have discovered. Anyway... People reading this, I love you. That will be all.

Quinn was in class when she received a text from Rachel.

Finn is in my class.

She spent the remaining fifteen minutes seething in her chair, bouncing her leg, impatiently waiting for the bell to ring. As soon as they were dismissed she left to find Rachel. They met on the stairs and walked towards their lockers.

"So, Finn's in your class?"

"Yes, I have no idea how he managed to transfer since it's obvious he isn't smart enough to be in an AP class."

Quinn clenched her jaw and took a breath, trying to suppress the urge to punch Finn. "He's up to something."

They stopped at Rachel's locker and Rachel turned to face Quinn.

"Relax, he may be in my class but he can't actually do anything," she said, grasping Quinn's hand in her own.

"That doesn't make me feel any better," Quinn muttered, pouting slightly.

"What would make you feel better?"

"Ripping Finn's head off would help."

Rachel rolled her eyes. "I have no desire to visit my girlfriend in jail, thank you very much."

"You wouldn't come visit me?" Quinn asked, feigning a hurtful expression.

"I highly doubt those conjugal visit trailers are very hygienic."

Quinn crinkled her nose at the thought of said trailers. "Gross. But you'd come talk to me, right? Or are you just with me for the sex?"

Rachel shrugged lightly.

"I see how it is. In that case, I'll -"

"Shut up," Rachel uttered softly before she pulled Quinn to her and kissed her, making the blonde lose her train of thought.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to Kurt about a glee-related matter," Rachel said after she pulled back from the kiss.

"I'll see you later?"

"Of course."

Rachel placed one last peck upon Quinn's lips and went off to find Kurt. Quinn sighed and leaned back against the locker, rubbing at her eyes tiredly. She'd been up late, trying to figure out how to deal with Finn. How the moron managed to avoid leaving any sort of proof was beyond her, and frankly more than a little frightening.

With a shake of her head she went to collect her books for the next period and headed towards the chemistry classroom.

It was just her luck that Coach Sylvester was in a bad mood that day, making everyone stay late. It was also her luck that she was captain, therefore she had to stay until everyone else was gone. It was getting dark by the time she reached her car in the abandoned parking lot. She was reaching for her keys when a hand covered her mouth and she felt someone behind her. She struggled, kicking the stranger's shins hard, before she felt a needle dig into her neck. It didn't take long for her eyesight to blur until everything went black.

Rachel wondered what was taking Quinn so long. She knew Sue was insane but she doubted it was legal for her to keep her cheerleaders on school grounds at night. Or at least Quinn would have sent her a text by now, letting her know she'd be late.

She had tried calling her girlfriend a number of times but she ended up listening to Quinn's voicemail every time. She was worried enough that she decided to call Santana. The fact that she answered her phone wasn't a good sign, because Sue would have thrown Santana's phone away if she had it with her on during practice.


"Good evening, Santana. I'm sorry to bother you at this hour but I'm wondering if you know where Quinn is?"

"I don't know, Berry. Maybe at home?"

"No, I've tried calling her home phone already. Judy said she wasn't expecting Quinn tonight since she was planning on spending the night at my house."

"Maybe Coach Sylvester needed to talk to her or something after practice."

"No, I have also tried calling the school, with no answer."

She heard Santana sigh. "Fine, what do you need me to do?"

"I don't know," Rachel replied softly. To say she was worried was an understatement. "It's not like her to ignore my calls for too long."

"I know. Okay. I'm coming over, we can figure something out."

"Thank you."


After Santana hung up, Rachel tried Quinn's number again. Still no reply.

"Where are you, Quinn..."

Quinn groaned as she regained consciousness. She blinked her eyes repeatedly and slowly tried to sit up. Something refrained her from moving too far, making her heart pound faster. She looked at her arms to find herself cuffed to the bed she was lying on. Her feet were equally cuffed, impeding her movement to lifting her head. She looked around but didn't see anything that could give away her location.

It was a dim, dank place with a single crappy lightbulb dangling from the ceiling. It could've been underground, which made her claustrophobia act up. She tried to relax herself, taking deep breaths and clearing her mind, but she failed. Quinn never had been that into yoga, she was too impatient. Instead, she yanked at her restraints and trashed on the bed for a few minutes, to no avail.

She had no idea how long she lay there until someone entered the room.

"Ah, you're awake. Good."

"What are you doing, Finn? You do realise that people will look for me, right?"

Finn took a rusty chair and dragged it along until he stood next to the bed. He chuckled and sat down. "Let them look."

Quinn told herself to stay calm, they'd find her. Finn wasn't that smart. He couldn't be. Rachel would get the FBI involved if she had to. She'd be fine.

"What do you want?"

"Rachel, of course."

Quinn scoffed. "You're never going to get her."

"I don't know. I bet she'd be devastated when she finds out her girlfriend is dead. She'll need someone to comfort her. Someone to take care of her. That would be me, by the way."

"You're going to kill me?"

"Yeah. Well, maybe. I'll be going over to Rachel's soon, if she agrees to go out with me maybe I'll let you live. We'll see."

Quinn didn't know what to say. She knew Finn was messed up but she had no idea he was capable of murder. He smiled at her and lifted his big hand to her face, stroking her cheek with his calloused fingers.

"You know, if you'd have been nice to me I could have made a deal or something. I mean, you're kinda pretty. You and Rachel teaming up to take care of me would've been awesome."

Biting her tongue to prevent herself from making things worse, she let Finn caress her face. The thought of Finn anywhere near Rachel made her cringe and she wanted nothing more than to break his fingers, slowly, before bashing his head in with the rusty chair he was using.

"Maybe we can still make that deal," Finn said, tugging on a strand of Quinn's hair.

Santana and Rachel spent the entire night looking for Quinn. Her car wasn't in the parking lot so she definitely left at some point. She wasn't at home, or at any of her friends'. The next day Rachel was beside herself with worry. Judy had been informed, of course, and she had called the police department but they had to wait 24 hours before Judy could report Quinn as missing.

Rachel couldn't bring herself to think of Quinn as missing, she had to keep her head cool. Her fathers were off to work so she was home alone and it was making her crazy. She had to do something, talk to someone, she had to find Quinn.

She was about to call Jamie, the police officer who had given her card to Rachel in case the stalker showed up again, when the doorbell rang. Hoping it would be Quinn, she raced to the door and opened it.


"Hey," he replied with a small grin.

"W-what are you doing here?" Rachel hasn't really been alone with Finn since he asked her out and she declined. She clasped Jamie's card in her hand and told herself not to let him in the house.

"I was in the neighbourhood, and you know, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"

"Um, I can't right now, I have plans with Quinn. She should be here soon."

Finn chuckled. "Oh, I'm afraid she'll be a little late, Rach." And with that he forced his way inside, locking the door behind him.

Quinn was only mildly surprised when she managed to remove the cuff on her left hand. It had taken a few hours, a lot of patience and a lot of strength but she did it. She freed her other wrist and her legs and got up quickly. Finn was dumb enough to leave the door unlocked and she hurried outside.

She emerged in a backyard, she assumed it was Finn's, and quietly crept towards the house. She had been hidden away inside an old bomb shelter, it seemed.

The house looked empty but she had no way to get inside. When she was about to just leave, she spotted her phone on a table near the window and she stopped in her tracks. She had to call Rachel, tell her that Finn was on his way over to her and to call Jamie and her parents.

With a loud clang the window broke and Quinn crawled inside. The glass at the edges of the window snagged her clothes and her skin but she failed to notice, she was too focused on her phone. Grabbing it, she opened the front door and left. She figured she was about fifteen minutes away from Rachel's and she began to run while dialing her girlfriend's number.

"Pick up, pick up..."

"Hello, Quinn."

Her steps faltered and she came to a halt. "Finn?"

"I guess I should've dealt with you before I left, huh?" He sighed. "Whatever. Hey, guess what? Rachel's here. Wanna say hi?"

"You fucking -"

"Ah ah ah, that's not nice. If I were you, I'd be nice to the guy who's inside your girlfriend's house, alone."

Quinn gritted her teeth. "What makes you think you'll get away with this?"

"I know you'll let me, because if you so much as inform anyone of this I'll kill Rachel, and then I'll kill you."

She fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Please, you'll never succeed."

"That's up to you, isn't it?" She heard him move around and then she heard quiet whimpering. "So, Rach, tell Quinn to keep her fucking mouth shut."


"Rachel! Don't – I'm on my way, okay? Everything will be okay, I promise. I won't let him hurt you!"

"He – he has a knife, he, I don't – please, do what he says."

"No, no, I'm gonna get you out of there."

"Enough. Come to Rachel's house, alone. If I see anyone else, I won't hesitate to stick a knife into Rachel."

"You wouldn't."