Mutant Reality
Summary: "Reality Trip" Redux after events in "A Half-Ghost Mutant?" and "X2"
Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, X-Men, I Wonder as I Wander, or The Amazing Spiderman.
Danny decided that Principal Ishiyama had a bizarre sense of humor. The penultimate day preceding summer vacation, she had arranged a school assembly to hear the live broadcast of the President's Address concerning Mutants. Despite his classmates' misgivings about Nathan, who hadn't figured out that sophomores preparing for their senior prom so far in advance were more than a little off-putting, Danny was pretty sure that he was the only legitimate Mutant in Casper High. Still, of all the President's speeches and addresses, this particular address was the one the principal chose to make a fuss about.
The speech started at 8:00am, CDT, and it lasted an hour. When Channel 6 went to commentary, Mr. Lancer turned off the television and approached the podium. "I Wonder as I Wander, people, this speech gives us something to think about. Personally, I can't remember such rhetoric since the Civil Rights movement in the '60s. But President McKenna said some things that were seriously emotionally charged.
"Besides the illuminating lecture delivered by Mr. and Mrs. Fenton a month ago, we haven't had much talk about Mutants and mutations outside of biology class, as our… social disruptions, more often than not, are caused by ghosts, not Mutants of any sort."
Danny repressed a snort as he considered Vlad and thought, 'If you only knew…'
Mr. Lancer nodded to the assemblage. "Principal Ishiyama and I thought it best to open the floor for any reasonable questions and comments. Anyone?"
The first hand acknowledged belonged to Kwan. The boy furrowed his brows as he remarked, "I'm not sure I get this. I mean, I remember when everyone in school got sick and had, um, something like ghost powers for a day." The students all shivered as they remembered the day they were quarantined in North Mercy Hospital. The adults present at the assembly noted the boy's qualification in description. Mrs. Fenton said it was impossible for humans to exhibit ghost powers, so they weren't sure what to think.
An inarticulate chorus of disapproving noises came in reaction to the statement, but they quieted to hear Kwan's question. "From what the President said, it sounds like they, and who is 'they,' by the way? But anyway, it sounds like they have an opportunity to work with these Mutants to make the world a better place, or something. But Mutants are just people, and from the way he described it, he talked about them like space aliens or something. So what's the big deal? I just don't get it."
Mr. Lancer nodded. "That is a perceptive observation. Apparently, since the well-known Mutant Magneto attempted a mass mutation-turned-annihilation on the gathered dignitaries on Ellis Island in New York (or is it New Jersey, now? Anyway)… And the assassination attempt on the President, certain people in the government and media are of the mind that people with powers others don't have are dangerous. Of course, this is nonsense.
"As these hallowed halls of learning can testify, our very own resident ghost, Danny Phantom, is a creature of great power and potential, and he's been seen protecting us from vicious ghostly malefactors."
Danny preened and Valerie, who hunted the Ghost Boy with a vengeance in her guise as 'the Red Huntress,' huffed indignantly.
Mr. Lancer continued. "It isn't a matter of power. It's how that power is used that is important. With great power comes great responsibility. As long as the stewards of such power are ethical and benevolent, I don't see why baseless prejudice is necessary."
Seeing that Kwan's confusion had not abated, the teacher sighed. "In short, I don't 'get it,' either."
The question and answer portion of the presentation lasted until well into the next period. Questions were asked about the event on Ellis Island, about Magneto, about why Mutants didn't seem to recognizably exist in Amity Park, and other such things.
At lunch, Danny, Sam, and Tucker took their lunches outside, co-opting a picnic table in an out-of-the-way quadrant of the yard. Sam nodded thoughtfully and stated, "It looks like, despite all expectations of the predominantly shallow, narrow-minded… people who make up our classmates, people here don't seem prejudiced against Mutants. What a pleasant surprise."
Danny gave a half-smile. "Last night, I got a phone call from Magneto to warn me of a possible Mutant Registration Act…"
Sam ejaculated, "That's disgusting! The last time a country in the Western World made members of any ethnic group 'register,' the Nazis made the people in Germany wear badges to make people easier to persecute: yellow stars, pink, brown, or purple triangles… And America, of all places, wants to set up a Mutant Registry. Like the memory of Manzanar isn't bad enough…"
Tucker blinked. "Yeah, I guess I could see why that could be a problem."
Danny sighed. "Yeah, well… As we heard this morning, the Act didn't go through." He ran his hand that didn't hold his sandwich through his hair. "I'm glad. Like I need another Act of Congress that officially declares me fair game. The Anti-Ecto Control Act…" He shuddered. "Anyway, Professor Xavier also called me to let me know that the school is back in working order."
Tucker frowned. "Why wouldn't it be?"
Danny grimaced. "Because of Colonel William Stryker's attack on the school." Sam made a horrified noise. "The school was evacuated until the crisis was over. Apparently, it's over, and the kids and most teachers came back."
Sam narrowed her eyes. "Most teachers?"
Danny shrugged slowly. "One of the teachers was killed. Professor Xavier was very upset about it. On the upside, Stryker won't bother anyone anymore." He closed his eyes. "He also died."
Sam and Tucker shared a glance. All this information hit Danny particularly hard. Danny opened his eyes and sighed. "You know… Despite all the danger the ghosts put us in, they never really hurt anyone too badly."
Tucker interrupted, shaking his head. "That's mostly 'cause of you, Danny. Who knows what could have happened with that Ghost King?"
Danny thought about that and gave a half-smile. "Yeah, I guess. But this Mutant thing is so deadly; people are getting killed over it. That's beyond me." His shoulders slumped.
Tucker shook head vigorously. "No, Danny. You may be a hero, but you're only a kid. You can't be everywhere at once. You've only recently managed to be in two places at once, so far. It sounds like this trouble was brewing long before we were born. You can be a part of the solution, but unlike our, uh, ghost situation, there are other people all over this. Adults who've been trained to deal with this stuff are out there."
He readjusted his beret. "This isn't just us. Don't worry about it."
Danny put his sandwich down. "You're right, but still…" He sighed. "No, you are right." He sat quietly for a minute. "But after tomorrow, school's out! And we can discuss our other plans after the Dumpty Humpty concert!"
The tone remained light and cheery until the lunch period was over.