Story of how Silver was born


He hated his new life. According to the government he died that day his life changed forever...he wishes that was true.
He crawled onto the cot into the corner so he can see the rest off the cage, he wrapped his arms and tail around his legs, hugging himself as he remembers what happened on that awful day fifteen years ago...

He'd finished his tour in Kuwait Operation Desert Storm and was enjoying a Family holiday in Mexico with his Wife Shannon and their beautiful Daughter Kelly...he feels the tears sliding down his face as he remembers Shannon's smile and Kelly's laughter, he closes his eyes as if he could keep the memory fresh but he can't help but remember the rest off that fateful day...they were on their way home just crossing the Border when he heard gunfire, he hears Kelly scream and Shannon trying to calm her down while crawling from the front of the car to the back. He watches the Bastards shoot the other cars as they force their jeep through the stationary vehicles. He remembers his girls screams as the windows were blown apart due to bullets from the Bastards guns then the awful moment when he realised that his girls were quiet. He looks up and sees why...Shannon's laying there her eyes glazed over with blood pouring down her chest she's clearly dead he forces his eyes away from his dead beloved to look at his Daughter...he remembers feeling a rage he hadn't felt before while looking upon his dead family, he remembers feeling a massive pain as if all his bones were being broken and mended along with his skin feeling as if it was being scrapped and burnt from the inside out.

Next thing he remembers is chasing the jeep and gaining upon them. He recalls jumping onto the truck and attacking the men. It wasn't until he realises that the men were dead that he realised that he was no longer on two legs but four and that he could hear screaming along with seeing people staring at him. He turns and looks into the reflective surface of the vehicle and sees a white Tiger staring back at him...he looks in shock then feels what just happened catch up with him, he tilts his head back and roars out his grief for his lost Family. The sharp pain returns and darkness brings blessed relief from his loss...