Utterly devastated and trying to hold his tears, Ike slowly fell to his knees and clutched Link tightly. Tears rolled down the corners of his eyes. He couldn't believe it. There is no way he could get to Link's home. Link is trapped in this dark, merciless world forever. Noticing that the distressed Ike was weeping, Link gave the bluenette a tight hug and wept with him. He worked so hard to try to get him back home and this is what he gets!

"I'm sorry, Link." Ike shakily muttered. "This is all my fault." Link forlornly looked at him directly in the eyes and nuzzled him with the side of his head.

Suddenly, Link began to cough and wheeze uncontrollably. Blood began to trickle from the corners of his mouth. Ike jumped and began to panic. He greatly wished Roy and his medicine was here to assist the dying blond. No, Link can't die! Not now! He isn't ready to leave yet!

With a distressful cry, Link violently hacked up blood, suddenly closed his wide eyes, and went limp. The red liquid of life spattered all over Ike's winkled jacket and his terrified pale face. Ike put a shaky hand on Link's facial cheeks. It felt clammy and cold as ice. He then opened one of Link's eyes, which were gray and lifeless. Stinging tears began to roll down Ike's face like a waterfall. No… it can't be…

"Link, don't die!" Ike gasped loudly, his distraught voice echoing on the walls. "Please…" He buried his teary face into Link's still chest. "Link…."

Although Ike declined the dreadful fact with all of his heart, sadly it was true. He had broken his promise to Link. Looking up at his heartless dark surroundings, Ike let out an anguished scream so loud, everyone in all of the underground cities could hear him. The only one who couldn't hear him was Link.

Suddenly silencing, Ike put a shaky hand on the blond's soft hair and looked around. It was as dark as the color black. To the bluenette, it represented his true personality. His friends WERE right. He is a selfish person. If it weren't his huge ego, he would had still have friends to help him save Link, or at least comfort him. Ike was so determined to help Link return to his home, he completely controlled his friends like helpless puppets! Now, he is left with nothing. He had lost his beloved, loyal friends and he doubt that he could return back to his home. Bowser and his men will be there, waiting for the perfect chance to attack and strip his freedom away. For the first time ever since he started his journey, Ike felt helpless, like if he had lost his parents for the second time.

Link suddenly woke up from his unconsciousness with a startled yelp. His boiling head painfully spinning, he looked around his unfamiliar surroundings. Metal bars surrounded him. With a feeble mewl, Link unsteadily stood up. Looking for an escape, his dull blue eyes darted around the empty room. The only objects he were cabinets, his purple sword in its sheath leaning against a wall, a door leading to his desired freedom, and a table directly next to his prison.

A shining ring of keys sitting on the table caught Link's gazing eyes. He eyed the cage's lock. Maybe one of the keys can unlock the cage! With a desperate grunt, Link reached his arm through the metal bars and hysterically reached for the keys. He couldn't reach it, it was too far.

Too determined to give up, Link sat down, stretched his right leg through the bars, and tried to knock the keys off the table by kicking the table. It was worthless. The best he could do was helplessly kick air. The table was simply too far from him. Angered, Link shrieked in frustration and stomped his foot. He needs to get out now! Ike and the others are in trouble! They need him! He can't just wait for them to show up and rescue him!

Footsteps strolling down the hallway immediately silenced Link, who quickly drew his leg back into his prison. He hurriedly crawled to the furthest corner of the cage, curled into a vulnerable ball, and whimpered softly. No… these men are going to take him back to that frightening, dark place! He isn't ready yet! As the door creaked open, Link recoiled. All of his muscles tensed up in defense.

"There's Link!" Link hesitantly looked up and saw Fox unlocking the cage. Roy, Falco, and Samus stood next to the Canidae with a huge smile.

Once when the metal doors squeaked open, Link dashed out of his prison, wrapped his arms around his loyal friends and gave them a huge hug. "Guys! You're here!"

"Can you walk?" Roy carefully asked. Link let go of his friends and began to walk around the room. He stumbled a bit. Raising an eyebrow, Roy ordered, "Link, let me feel your forehead." Link clumsily went to Roy's side and the redhead gently put a hand on the blond's forehead. "Err… it is really warm." Roy said sternly. "But I think you're alright."

"Where could Marth and Ike be?" Samus asked Fox.

"Just follow us." Fox said, heading out of the room. "My sixth sense is tingling."

Marth was miserably lying on the freezing flat ground in his prison cell, sadly looking at the dark wall. The heavy iron shackles made his wrists turn into a painful red. He wondered what happened to his friends. Were they tortured, or worst, killed? What's going to happen to him? Is he going to share the same fate? Marth slightly cringed when he heard the chillingly steel door screech open. Gradually accepting his fate, he slowly turned around. The chains clinked nosily as he moved.

"G-Guys?!" Marth gasped in surprise when he saw his friends. "How did— You escaped! What happened?!"

"Heh, Bowser's men thought they won." Roy snickered. "They let their guard down and had a little party. I drugged their food, so they won't be coming after us for a while!"

Using a key, Fox unlocked the shackles that restricted Marth's movements. Marth rubbed the blood circulation back into his sore wrists. "Where's Ike?" Fox asked.

"I don't know." Marth answered sadly. "Bowser's men took him to another room. I don't know what happened to him."

"Another room, eh?" Falco asked. "I guess we need to search all over the base for Ike!" Fox huffed in frustration.

"It couldn't be that far." Marth replied, "I heard Ike shouting and all of a sudden, he went silent." Fox and Falco froze in fright. "Then, I heard one of the men say, 'I can't believe Cyrus managed to train that dark Pokemon!' and— "

"Wait, dark Pokemon?!" Fox exclaimed in shock. His green eyes were filled with dread and his tail rose in anxiety.

"No, it can't be that thing!" Falco replied nervously. The Canidae and avian rushed into the hallway without saying another word

Marth hurriedly rose to his feet and chased after the two ex-henchmen. "What are you guys talking about?" He saw Fox and Falco immediately halt in front of a front and quickly look away. Wondering what terrified them, Marth looked over them and saw the dark Pokemon gaze into his eyes with its hypnotizing blue eyes.

"Don't look into its eyes!" Fox quickly ordered. Marth quickly looked away with a startled cry. A frightening chill shot up his back. "It's Darkrai, a Pokemon that traps people in nightmares!"

Samus, Link, and Roy hurried to the scene. "What do you want us to do?" Samus asked. "Attack it?"

"No, we shouldn't. Ike is trapped in the room with Darkrai." Fox explained. "If we attacked, we might accidentally hit him. We need someone to get him out of the room ASAP."

"I'll do it." Samus bravely volunteered.

"Alright." Fox said. "Just to warn you, Darkrai will attack. It will try to trap you in a nightmare. Are you sure?"

"Yes." Without another word, Samus hurriedly rushed into the room, towards Ike. Noticing that a stranger has invaded its territory, Darkrai made a murky shadow ball out of its magic and chucked it at its intruder. It barely missed Samus's head by a few inches. Right next to Ike, Samus noticed that he was securely bounded to a chair, much to her panic. She quickly began to tug on the ropes to free Ike however, her efforts were in vain. "Ike's tied up!" she shouted to Fox panicky.

"Great!" Fox shouted in annoyance. He saw Darkrai about to toss his nightmare-inducing shadow ball at Samus. "Look out!"

"Samus!" Without thinking twice, Marth took out his sword and dashed towards Darkrai. Completely losing it, Link began to tremble wildly and covered the hilt of his sword tightly. Roy gave the pointy-eared male a tight hug and clutched his eyes shut. Fox and Falco immediately took out their tasers and prepared to attack.

Darkrai was not expecting Marth's sudden attack. With a violent battle cry, Marth slashed the dark Pokemon's side with his sword. The slash didn't kill Darkrai, yet its pain was enough to make it howl in pain. Seeing this as a chance to flee, Marth hurriedly sliced the restricting ropes that bounded Ike to his seat. The hypnotized bluenette slumped over like a floppy pillow. His hypnotized, enlarged pupils made his cobalt eyes look completely black.

Using all of his strength, Marth quickly picked up Ike and carried him over his shoulder. "Let's get out of here!" he shouted. "Hurry!"

Samus and Marth hurried out of the room. "We got Ike!" Samus panted. She looked at Ike's dazed, helpless dull eyes. "What happened to him?"

"He's trapped in one of Darkrai's nightmares." Fox began. "It—"The Canidae heard a ghostly moan and saw Darkrai slowly get up. "Not now! Run!"

The travelers hurried down the hallway as fast as they could. They dreaded being trapped in an endless nightmare. Once when they were outside, Fox continued his explanation on Darkrai's nightmares. Marth gently set the unconscious Ike on the ground and sat next to him.

"Darkrai's nightmares reflect on the victim's fears and the darker part of their personality." Fox explained. "For example, if Roy fell into Darkrai's nightmares, he may dream of being neglected by his father due to being spoiled."

"Hey!" Roy exclaimed in annoyance before calming down.

"Will Ike wake up soon?" Samus asked, a bit scared.

Falco looked down at the ground with a sad gleam in his eyes. "We don't know." he answered uneasily. "The last time we saw someone become Darkrai's prey, he never woke up again."

Marth's lower lip began to quiver in fright. Trying not to cry, he shakily whispered into his best friend's ears. "Ike, are you there?" Ike didn't move. His emotionless expression remained the same. Swallowing nervously, Marth gave a small, weak nudge on Ike's shoulder. "It's me, Marth." he said, his voice a bit louder. Ike still did not replay. A small tear rolled down Marth's face. Unable to hold in his somber emotions, he began to cry hysterically. "Ike, please! Wake up! Please!"

A few of Marth's teardrops fell in Ike's dazed eyes. Greatly saddened, Samus kneeled down next to Marth and held Marth's tense hand. Tears began to fill her narrow eyes. Roy began to quiver violently in shock. This scene reminded him of his gloomy mother's death. Noticing the younger redhead's sorrowful expression, Fox and Falco gave him a tight hug. Link could only watch his friends mourn over Ike's passing. He felt guilty; he never did anything to say "Thank you" in return. Admittedly, Ike was a bit straightforward and over-determined on their quest. But, he's their friend! He truly worked hard to guide everyone like a true leader, and this is what he gets in return from fate! They could continue without him, but it doesn't seem right!

Something snapped in Link's brain. With a soft whimper, he kneeled down and looked into Ike's soulless eyes. "Eek..." he weakly muttered. "... A-Ack..."

Marth stopped crying and looked at Link with a strange shine in his eyes. "L-Link? What's wrong?"

"Are you feeling well?" Roy asked. Fox and Falco released Roy from their embrace, letting him get to Link's side.

"A-Ah..." Link shakily murmured, his pointy ears twitching.

"Are you going to throw up?" Roy asked again.

"Is it the air again?" Samus worriedly asked. Link shook his head and continued to look at the still Ike.

"Are you hurt?" Fox asked.

"It's okay to cry, you know." Falco added.

"…...IKE!" Link suddenly exclaimed. The blond's friends jumped in surprise. Did he—!? Yes he did! Link just said something! "IKE, PLEASE!" Link shouted desperately.

Ike was still grieving over Link's death when he heard sobbing. That crying sounds like Marth! But, he isn't here! Ike hysterically looked around.

"L-Link? What's wrong?"

Ike looked back at Link, who was as still as a rock. Everything is wrong! He just died! A final tear dripped from the corner of Ike's left eye. He had finally cried himself out.

"Are you feeling well?"

Ike shook his head madly in confusion when he heard Roy ask this question. Is he hearing things? His friends aren't here!

"Are you going to throw up?" Roy's voice asked again.

"Is it the air again?"

"Are you hurt?"

"It's okay to cry, you know."

Ike set Link on the ground and began to look around for any signs of his friends returning. Did they change their mind? Maybe they actually wanted to help him! But, he needed to tell them Link had passed away...

"IKE!" a young man's voice screamed. "IKE, PLEASE!"

The bluenette jumped at the unfamiliar voice. The voice was hoarse and weak, yet it strangely felt familiar. It can't be another traitorous henchman! It must be Link! Ike eyed Link, who was lying motionlessly on the ground. If Link died, than how can he talk? Wait, this is just an illusion! This is a nightmare! Wanting to return to his true friends, Ike clutched his eyes shut and desperately wished to awaken from this hideous nightmare.

The six travelers jumped when they saw Ike's fingers twitch. Is he waking up, or are they seeing things? They held their breath and their muscles tested in anxiety. Marth put his left hand on his chest. Samus could only gaze at Ike. Her fingers twitched slightly in nervousness. Roy, Fox, and Falco did the same thing. Link blinked the tears that filled his wide eyes.

Using all of his gathered strength from his heart, Ike unsteadily blinked as he woke up from his nightmare. "Emmm... What happened?" he asked. He was a bit groggy from his slumber.

"I-Ike!" Marth threw his arms around Ike with a happy cry. The others joined in, making a group hug. Ike was greatly stunned by the sudden embrace.

"A Pokemon called Darkrai trapped you in a nightmare." Falco explained. "We thought that you'll never get up!" He and the others released Ike.

"Everyone..." Ike softly said. He looked at Link. Calm cobalt met relieved azure eyes. "Link, did you actually talk?"

"Y...Yes." Link quietly answered. All of a sudden, he began to cough hysterically.

With a determined look in his eyes, Ike stood up and took Link into his arms. "Fox, is the lift this way?" He pointed us finger north from where he was standing.

"Yes." Fox answered.

Ike nodded thanks and began to walk in that direction, leaving the others behind. "C'mon, Link. You're almost there." Link nodded and followed the bluenette.

"Hey, where the heck are you going?!" Roy shouted as he chased after Ike, stopping him. The other travelers followed him.

"I'm taking Link back home." Ike answered calmly. "I'm sorry for dragging all of you into this. You can go home now."

"Ike, I thought we were together in this!" Falco said worriedly.

"I used everyone." Ike replied, his voice rising a bit. "I was selfish. I only cared about myself and saving Link."

"No, you didn't!" Samus responded, a bit shocked by Ike's statements. "If you were selfish, then you wouldn't want to save Link!"

"You didn't use Falco and me as a guidance to Link's world." Fox added. "We agreed to help."

"I did it for my ego!" Ike said.

"I don't believe you!" Marth argued. "Ike, you're not like Bowser, who only sees his men as tools!"

"Really?" Ike asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah!" his friends said at the same time.

"Well..." Ike didn't see a point in continuing the argument. His friends' loyalty were set in unbreakable stone. "C'mon guys, let's go!"

"Alright!" Roy piped up.

"Great!" Fox said happily. "Follow me to the lift!"

The lift took the exploration group to a mysterious tunnel. At the end of the long tunnel was a bright gleam of white light. Ike's eyes widened in astonishment. He looked at Link, whose eyes were sparkling like sapphires. This is it... He is finally returning home...

"You see that light, Link?" Ike asked, pointing to the light. "There's your home!"

"I'm really curious." Marth commented with a smile. "I wonder if Link's world is just like ours!"

"No, it isn't." Fox answered. "It's way different."

"Let's go!" Link cried out, his voice still hoarse. With a cheery laugh, he began to dash towards the end of the tunnel.

"Hey, wait for us!" Roy barked, chasing after the joyful blond.

Samus, Fox, and Falco hurried after the two teens. Marth was about to run after them, when he saw Ike emotionlessly staring back at the lift. "Hey Ike, what's wrong?" Marth asked, a bit troubled.

"Uh, nothing." Ike answered with a calm smile. "I just... can't believe we made it."

"Me too!" Marth spoke happily.

With a glad smile, the two bluenettes hurried towards the beckoning light. Many thoughts began to rush into Ike's mind. He couldn't believe that he and his friends did it. After all of these worries, fear, and pain, they had finally completed their quest. Mysteriously, the tunnel seemed familiar, just like his occurring dreams. But, that doesn't matter now! He wants to see Link's world!

A small, joyful tear rolled down Link's pale cheek as he walked into the warm sunlight. He began to inhale some fresh air. A small brown bird that was flying across the endless blue sky saw Link. With an innocent chirp, it landed in front of Link's feet, who took notice of it and gently picked it up. He stroked the bird's soft feathers before letting it fly free.

Roy was astonished by the colorful, bright surrounding. The ground was covered with fresh green grass. In the distance, was a vivid mystic forest filled with unknown creatures. Roy turned around and saw protruding, towering mountains. A feeling of freedom began to run through his blood. He looked up and watched the fluffy clouds lazily drift through the sky.

"Hey, Link." Roy spoke with a beaming grin. "I feel free!"

Link nodded with a smile and looked up at the sky too. In the beginning after when he was captured, he thought he was left alone in the darkness. However, his newfound friends guided him towards the light. They were the gleam of light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to his friends, he was finally free.

Author's Notes: Hooray! The first part of this story is finished!

I may start the first chapter of part two in a least two weeks. It will explain the past, Ike's dreams, Link's "magic", etc...New characters will be introduced!

Overall, I feel that the first part of the story is good. And judging by the reviews I got from the last chapter, I finally found Ike's character flaw! So if you still think he is still a bad leader and he doesn't deserve his friends, then... I don't really care. Also, I wasn't planning to make Link talk in this chapter, but I suddenly got an idea and decided to add it in this chapter.

Story Questions:

What's your favorite part of the story? Your least favorite part?

Who are your favorite characters in the story? How about your most hated characters?

What would you like to see in the part 2?

(You don't need to answer this): Which part of the story impacted your feelings the most?