The sky; what is that? It is the blue endless region of the atmosphere between earth and outer space. Thousands of years ago, all of humanity used to thrive on the earth's surface underneath the sky. The air was cool and fresh. Vivid green forests thrived with wild animals, such as chatty birds, quiet deer, and fidgety squirrels. High mighty mountains bordered through regions. Oceans, watery pieces of the sky, separated land from each other. Even the vast dry deserts, appearing to be empty of life, were secretly hiding life.
Tribes lived everywhere on earth. Although they had disputes with each other, they agreed to live peacefully with each other. They were conservative of the earth's natural resources. Therefore, life on earth was perfect.
However, peace is like a living thing's life. It can never last forever.
A sudden deadly plague spread through the earth like wildfire. Quickly, it burned away many lives. The earth's resources diminished as all tribes of the earth struggled to survive. Violence erupted between the tribes, as it was survival by the fittest.
Finally, most of the tribes couldn't take it anymore. Unable to resist the disasters occurring through earth the most of the tribes hurriedly moved towards the mountains, the entrance to many of the great giant caverns that lay underneath the earth.
The tribes settled in the underground caves. As years passed, technology evolved and took its place in society. All of the tribes knew nothing of the world that existed above the ground.
Yet, some knew about the world above. They kept it a secret from the others. But secrets can never be hidden forever.

"C'mon, Ike! We're gonna be late for work!"

An eighteen-year-old man hurriedly put on his dark blue jacket and combed his tangled short indigo-colored hair. Damn it, why can't work start later?! Why wouldn't Bowser not give the power company workers any break times? The workers seem to not do anything but check if the machines are running properly!

"What's taking you so long?!" the voice asked with annoyance.

"I'm coming, Marth!" Ike called to Marth's impatient voice, quickly putting on his tall leather boots. Ike grabbed his equipment, which were packed in a leather bag, and rushed out of his room, towards the end of the long hallway. There, stood his partner Marth, who was edgily tapping his right foot. He was wearing a light-blue jacket, tall black boots, and a golden hair accessory that looked like a tiara.

Although Marth was the same age as Ike, he was an inch shorter than him. He also had a slender body, which looked skinny compared to Ike's more muscular body. Marth had straight dark blue hair that reached his chin and matching blue eyes that resembled the shine of sapphires. At the power company, new recruits often mistake as a girl, much to his annoyance.

"I'm ready to go to the company." Ike said quickly, heading out the door. Marth followed him.

They walked down the crowded streets of Techol, the underground city that has the main power company. People hurriedly rushed down the streets, most were heading towards the power company, the large square-shaped building with funnels blowing out clouds of black smog. Houses, which were lined together, were cube-shaped one-story buildings. Gigantic bright lamps were attached on the ceilings of the enormous bunker. The electric horns of distant trains bellowed nosily. Marth cautiously looked at Ike and saw an irritated frown on his face.

"Ike, I know that you hate getting up early, but I don't want us to lose our jobs!" Marth said to him, afraid that he had annoyed Ike. Although Ike was usually a calm person, no one dared to annoy him, as he could get infuriated easily.

"I understand." Ike replied, "But, we don't really do anything at the power company. All we do is check if machines work correctly!"

"We get to deliver stuff!" Marth added.

"That happens once in a while." Ike complained, "Workers who have a much higher rank usually do the delivering. It's so boring working at the power company! Bowser doesn't pay us a lot. He doesn't even give us a single day off!"

"I'm afraid that this is the only job we could have." Marth sadly admitted, shaking his head, "As much as I hate this job, I rather work here than be out in the streets."

"I agree."

Ike and Marth reached the entrance of the power company. Entering the company, the two immediately headed towards the main office. There, a lady with blonde hair tied in a ponytail wearing a blue suit, sat behind a wide desk. She stared at an expensive-looking computer, checking to see if how much electricity was being generated in the company.

"Reporting to duty, Samus." Ike said to the lady courteously. Samus looked up at Ike and Marth.

"Both of your assignments are checking to see if the machineries at Floor C3 are functioning correctly." Samus spoke coolly, "If there are any problems, please report immediately." Ike mentally shook his head in frustration. He and Marth are doing the same assignments for three months! Like if she actually saw him crossly shake his head, Samus smiled unhappily at Ike and Marth. "I know how you two feel. I'm also tired of doing the same job every day."

Minutes felt like hours as Ike and Marth watched the rumbling machines. Bored out of his mind, the two stared at the small clock that seemed to be glued on the blank white walls. Its thin needles lazily trudged around the twelve numbers.

Ike couldn't believe it. He is getting paid for watching machinery work for at least ten hours! There was never a malfunction with any of them! If the machines never seem to breakdown, why should he and Marth be here? Why won't Bowser give them the job of delivering equipment to other underground cities?

Marth lazily sat on the floor and yawned in boredom. Ike is right, this is a boring job. But the two had no choice. They need to work here or they will be homeless! Both Ike and Marth were born in lower-class families. Those who are born in the lower-class section are mostly left with low-paying jobs. It just isn't fair... Marth thought to himself. When he was younger, he always wanted to get a job which involved going to other underground cities. But just because of his class, he is stuck with a boring job that mostly involves... watching over machines every day.

"Damn it," Marth spoke crossly to himself, staring at the slow clock, "It only has been one hour! That felt like five hours!"

"I know..." Ike replied sadly, looking down. All of a sudden, Samus's voice came on the intercom.

"Ike, will you please report to the main office?" she asked, "Thank you."

"Looks like you have been given a new assignment." Marth said, "Lucky."

"Hey, I might not be lucky!" Ike responded with a small smile, "Remember the time I was assigned to see what was wrong with the garbage disposal?"

"Oh, yeah!" Marth replied, smirking.

Ike entered Samus's office. What assignment did Bowser give him this time? He hoped that he wouldn't ruin the given assignment like last time! The last assignment given by Bowser was looking to see what was causing the garbage disposal to malfunction. As he was looking inside the disposal, Ike accidently lost his balance, and fell head-first into the disposal. It took him days to remove the smell from his hair!

"What is my given assignment?" Ike asked Samus.

"You are supposed to deliver these files to Bowser, who is at Floor A1." Samus spoke calmly. Ike suddenly had a bad feeling about the files. His face slowly went pale, like if he saw a ghost. Why did he suddenly have a feeling that these files contain documents about something suspicious? Samus saw Ike's fearful face and asked, "Are you ok? Do you not feel well?"

"T-These files, what are they about?" Ike nervously asked. Samus looked around to see if anyone was standing outside the office, overhearing their conversation. There was no one.

"Promise me that you are not going to tell anyone about this." she said.

"I promise." Ike replied trustfully.

"These files contain data of our newest power generator that arrived today." Samus whispered, afraid that someone will overhear, "This power generator seems to be working better than the other generators. Just to warn you, Bowser might lay off some of the workers due to the efficiently of it."

"This generator, how does it generate electricity?" Ike asked, "If it is working better than the other generators, then it must be producing energy in a different way." Samus shook her head.

"I don't know." she sadly answered, "I've only heard it from Bowser. He did not give me a description of how does the generator work."

"I should be going right now. Bowser is going to get mad if I don't deliver him these files!"

Ike headed out of the main office, towards the electric elevator. Should he see what was written on the files? But Samus already told him about the information written on the files. He shouldn't be that nosy! But, is there something that she didn't know and tell?

On the elevator, Ike couldn't resist the temptation to see what was written on the files. Skimming through the documents quickly, he saw a strange line graph showing the amount of energy produced by all of power generators in the company. Ike's dark blue eyes narrowed in thought. There was a sudden growth sprout in the amount of energy produced. Could this be the works of the new generator? What does it use to generate energy? All of the other power generators in the company produce electricity the same way, so the new generator must be using something different to produce that much energy!

The elevator reached Floor A. Although he knew that would probably get into trouble by looking through the documents, Ike skimmed through the papers for descriptions and information about the new generator. He didn't see anything about it, not even a single statement. Ike's eyebrows rose in mistrust. Why isn't there a written description of this generator? The other documents mentioned something about each of the other generators, so why not this one? Maybe Bowser doesn't want the other workers to know about the new generator!

"Hey! What are you doing here?!" a loud voice shouted. Ike slightly jumped in shock. It's Bowser! Did he catch him looking through the documents? Ike slowly approached the gigantic spiky-shelled turtle, who tapped his enormous feet in annoyance.

"I was sent here to give you these files." Ike said coolly to Bowser, handing him the documents. Bowser began to read the files studiously. He grinned in an evil way.

"Very nice, he seems to be an excellent infinite energy source..." Bowser mumbled to himself. Ike's eyebrows rose a bit in disbelief. "He"? This generator has a gender? That doesn't make sense...

There was a sudden shrill scream, which was full of suffering. Ike worriedly looked around the hallway. That yell... it sounded like a human's! It came from one of the generating rooms!

"Don't worry." Bowser said calmly to Ike, trying to soothe him, "It must be someone who accidentally got his or her hair caught in a machine!" Bowser entered the elevator, which took to one of the upper floors.

Ike looked at the end of the long hallway of Floor A. There, was a mysterious door that had a sign that read: Unless if given permission by Bowser, DO NOT ENTER. Another shriek echoed through the hallway. It came from behind the mysterious door! What's happening in there? Ike carefully crept towards the door and put the side of his head on it, listening to what was happening in the mysterious room.

"L-Let me out of this thing!" an angry teenage boy's voice shouted. There was a shaky gasp full of pain and the sound of a fist slamming on a surface that was made of plastic.

"Shut up!" another voice with a tone of annoyance yelled, "No matter how much you protest, we are never going to let you go!" There was another shriek.

"Please..." the teenage boy's voice pleaded feebly, "Stop t-this! I... I...!"

Thinking that someone was getting hurt behind the door, Ike was about to quickly pull it open when he suddenly felt a hand on his sweaty shoulder. He yelped in surprise and turned around. It was Marth.

"M-Marth!" Ike exclaimed, "You scared me, I thought it was one of the security guards!"

"I was wondering what was taking you so long." Marth said uneasily, "Why are you listening... to a door?"

"Something's suspicious is happening here." Ike whispered to Marth, glaring around.

"I know! Bowser just gave many workers, including us, the pink slip!" Ike suddenly stomped his feet on the flat ground in anger. Although he hated his job, he never wanted to get fired; since it is the only job he could probably only get. Bowser is such a terrible boss! He forces his workers to do everything for him, never gives them the day off, and fires them; thinking that the workers are useless due to the arrival of a newly made generator. Wouldn't the new generator, give the workers a break?! Maybe Bowser just doesn't want to give his workers a share of money, now that the generator is raking in lots of cash!

"Graugh!" Ike shouted in rage, "Thanks to that stupid new generator that Bowser has been hiding from us, we lost our jobs!"

"New generator?" Marth asked out of sudden interest. Losing his cool, Ike grabbed Marth by his left wrist, taking him to the elevator.

"I'll... I'll tell you when we arrive back home..." Ike replied softly, putting a hand on his head, trying to calm down.

"Are you happy with our new generator, Bowser?" a gray wolf of the Canidae family asked.

"Yes, I am, Wolf." Bowser replied, looking at the new generator. It was a metal container that was large enough to enclose a person in it. Incased in it, was a sleeping dark figure. Strands of wires were connected from the container to a much larger and complex machine. It seemed to be turned off. "With this machine, we can make much more money. But I have a small problem with it. It is too loud. Some of the workers are getting suspicious."

"I understand." Wolf replied, glaring at the sleeping figure, "Extracting energy from him seems to give him pain. It makes him protest. Should we put a gag on him?"

"No, he would still be too loud." Bowser suddenly thought of an evil idea. He whispered something into Wolf's ears.

"D-Do that?!" Wolf exclaimed, "That's against human rights!"

"Why does it matter?" Bowser asked, "He isn't a human. Why does human rights matter to him?" Wolf sighed sadly to himself.

"Even so, surgically removing his voice doesn't seem to be right." he thought to himself.

Author's notes: I suddenly had the desire of writing a SSBB fanfic. So, here it is! *Crickets chirping*

Never mind that. Most of the characters are based on their SSBB designs (I'm more familiar with this SSB game than the other ones). How often this fanfic is updated depends how often my writer's block visits and if anyone is interested in the story.

So, this new generator seems to have a gender... Could it be a living thing? Wait for chapter 2 to find out!