Disclaimer: I own nothing. If I did we would have AJPunk.
A/N: Inspired by the Dolph and AJ segment as well as the song Addicted by Kelly Clarkson.
Chapter 1
The one single word repeated itself over and over in her head as the tears in her eyes threatened to spill out of her eyes.
Wrapping her arms around her middle she tried to stop the tears but they still slid down her cheeks.
Wiping them away angrily she continued to pace the small space. Her lips were still tingling from the kiss she had shared with John earlier. But if she was completely honest with herself she knew it had been awkward. And while the kiss was going on all she could do was compare him to Punk.
Cursing herself she kicked the small crate in frustration. She was supposed to be over him. She wasn't supposed to close her eyes and think of his green eyes, tattooed arms and pierced lip. No. She was supposed to think of blue eyes and dimpled smile.
Running a hand through her hair in frustration she bit her lip.
Save it AJ, girls like you are a dime a dozen, you came from nothing and you are nothing.
The tears began rolling down her cheeks and there was nothing she could do to stop them. Her shoulders shook as the tears fell harder and faster than before.
See you've been so alone your entire life that when someone pays you a little attention you climb on to them and make them your entire world.
She feels arms wrap around her and she buries her nose in his shirt breathing in his cologne. She help but frown when she realizes who exactly is hugging her. He's not the person she wants.
"AJ?" he asks softly "Can you tell me what's wrong?" he asks even though he already knows.
She frowns because Punk wouldn't have asked her. He would demand he tell her so he could go kick some ass. So she shakes her head "Nothing." pulling away she takes a deep breath "Sorry John. I can't. I need to be by myself."
Stepping out of his arms she turns her back on him.
And where does that leave you, huh? Where does that leave you?
Wrapping her arms around herself she waits until his footsteps are steadily getting father away before letting the tears out.
Placing her forehead on the cold wall she sighs closing her eyes.
His worlds keep running through her head.
At the end of the day you're back all by yourself.
Running into the room to avoid the conversation Kaitlyn wanted to have she closes her eyes leaning against the door.
Sliding down the door she pulls her knees closer to her body, wrapping her thin arms around them and placing her head on top of them.
All alone, desperate, pathetic, and every time someone disappoints you, you lose a piece of your pride.
She feels bad about leaving her best friend behind but she's not in the mood to have that conversation. She just wanted to pretend that had never happened.
She should have listened to Layla.
She wanted to rewind time and not go into that locker room. She wanted to escape his worlds from her head but she couldn't.
And now you're nothing more than a shell of a women.
A clearing of a throat makes her look up from her opposition on the floor. Her eyes widen as she sees him sitting there looking over at her with green eyes.
Scrambling to get up she looks at him nervously. They hadn't been alone in a room in so long. She had made sure of that.
"April." he greets and she lets out an involuntary shudder as her given name rolls off his tongue.
"Phil." she manages to stutter out as her hand reached behind her to grip the door knob.
Before she can move he's standing right in front of her. His chest brushing against her own. Her breaths deepen as she looks up into his eyes. And suddenly she trapped.
I've seen girls like you my entire life. You're all the same. Sad, weak, pitiful.
Looking away so he won't see the tears in her eyes as more of Dolph's worlds filter through her head.
"Look at me." he demands softly and she can't help but obey him. Her lips quiver as she hold back the tears and her eyes meet his.
"It's not true. You're not like that." he insists.
She looks away because he wants to believe him. So badly. But she can't.
She can see his first clench at his sides and she knows he want nothing more than to punch the door behind her. But she sees his hands unclench and suddenly they're on her waist rubbing softly against her exposed torso.
She shivers.
She can't help but lean forward slightly as his hands grip her waist tightly. He leans down his hot breath grazing against her skin.
Before she can stop it, not that she really wants to, his lips are on her's and he's kissing her roughly.
She gaps against his lips giving him the opportunity to push his tongue into her mouth without a second though. Struggling against him she feels his hands grip her hair pulling her closer as his other hand presses against the door trapping her in.
Her hands are itching to grasp onto something so she allows them to grip his hair between her fingers pushing her body harder against his. This time he's the one that gasps and she takes the opportunity to teasingly bite his lower lip.
Her pushes her harder against the door, gripping her thighs and pushing her up against the door.
Locking her legs around his waist she moans against his lips. She feels him smirk against her lips before his fingers trace the edge of her shirt.
Gasping against his lips she nods slightly and soon her shirt is being pulled off her body.
Her eyes flutter close as he begins kissing his way up the side of her throat.
Face it AJ, you're just trash.
A/N: WOW that was kinda dark, intense and hot... way to go me :P So you guys this is going to be a short fic, I think. And it's going to have some lemons so if you guys aren't comfortable with that you should probably stop reading...