The funeral was a somber event. Corrie stood in between Jax and Opie while Gemma was flanked by Jax and Thomas. There was a large turnout as members from Charters all over the country came to mourn the old President of SAMCRO and to patch-in the new President. Corrie tried to look the "right" amount of sad instead of just put out. She was only there to show her support to Jax, Thomas, Gemma, and the other SAMCRO members. She didn't particularly feel sad that Clay was gone. She just felt tired and nauseous.

Story of my life, lately, she thought, rubbing her abdomen. Jax squeezed her other hand, as if he could read her thoughts. It wasn't lost on him that Corrie wanted to be elsewhere but she never voiced her dissatisfaction with being right where she was. She was doing what a good old lady would do and she hadn't needed to be told by his mother what was going to expected of her. Corrie just knew, instinctively, what she needed to do. Jax was thankful that it was her by his side. He needed a rock to help stabilize him in moving forward with this new path his life was taking.

"Thank you," he whispered into her ear.

Corrie smiled and whispered back, "No thanks needed."

Jax kissed her on the forehead. "Love you," he whispered.

She was about to tell him she loved him too when they were interrupted by bikers hugging Jax and expressing their condolences. Corrie didn't mind getting pushed to the side. It gave her a small break from having to put on a show.

The celebration was getting into full swing. Members from various charters were playing pool, giving each other a hard time, flirting with crow eaters, and having a good time. Corrie felt like a fish out of water. Being pregnant at a biker party made a woman feel left out. She couldn't partake in the drinking, obviously. It didn't help that all of the Redwood members of the Sons were locked away in the Chapel with the presidents from the other charters. Corrie knew it was just a formality and that Jax would be officially voted in as SAMCRO President but practically everybody she knew was behind those doors. Of course Gemma was flitting around playing Queen Bee.

So, I guess I just stand around and wait, Corrie thought. She knew it was part of the life-part of her life-but she was kind of lonely in a room full of people. Corrie wandered around, making small talk with other old ladies. A happy ruckus from behind the Chapel doors signaled the end of the vote and it signaled Jax was the new president. Corrie was going to make her way to the doors so she could congratulate Jax when he got but she slowed when she noticed Tig poke his head out of the doors and signal for Gemma. Tig handed Jax's cut to Gemma. Gemma walked towards her with a smile on her face.

"Here, honey," Gemma said, handing Corrie Jax's cut.

"What's this?" Corrie asked, confused.

"When he comes out, you're going to put his new, official, president cut on him." Gemma explained.

Corrie smiled at the matriarch. This was Jax's destiny. It was what he'd wanted his whole life and she was getting to be a part of it. She was excited for him and also a little bit scared. This is not where she'd pictured her life when she started working at as a volunteer at Stockton. But it was where she had ended up and she honestly couldn't be happier.

Jax came out of the Chapel doors, smiling with unhidden glee. The clubhouse erupted in shouts and applause. Corrie stepped forward, holding out Jax's cut for him to put on. He slipped his left arm into the cut and stepped behind him to let get to his right arm. He quickly pulled his cut on, turned around and kissed Corrie passionately. She wouldn't have minded being alone in that moment. His kiss turned on and she wanted him right there.

He cupped her face in his hands. "I love you."

"I love you too." She said, giving him a huge smile before he was pulled off into the crowd for more drinks and congratulations from members. Corrie caught Thomas' eye and she went over to talk to him.

"He's really happy," Thomas said smiling.

"Yeah, he is. It's everything he's always wanted." Corrie smiled both of them looking at the new SAMCRO President.

"Finally, it's all coming together for him." Thomas said.

"For both of you." Corrie nudged him with her shoulder. "Hey, can you do me a favor?"

"Absolutely." He replied.

"I rode here with Jax but I'm utterly exhausted. Wanna ditch the party and take me home?"

"Of course." He said.

Corrie went to tell Jax she was heading out. She assured him that he didn't need to leave his party for her, that she was going to go home and go right to bed.

Jax couldn't believe that it was already 2 am when he walked through his door. The house was dark and quiet, as he expected; as always, Corrie had left the hallway light on for him. He peeked into his bedroom and smiled. Corrie was asleep facing the door, one of Jax's shirts clutched in her hands. She told him that she liked to have something that smelled like him to help her fall asleep when he wasn't there.

Jax quietly checked on Abel. He was asleep with one hand in his hair and a thumb in his mouth. He checked the guest room, just in case, but found it empty. That didn't surprise him either. Of course Corrie would have insisted that Thomas go home instead of babysitting her. Jax had explained to Corrie that he felt better when somebody was there with her in case something were to happen.

Quietly undressing and slipping under the covers, he pulled Corrie against his chest. He hadn't felt so relaxed and so good in so long. Everything was falling into place. Now he could get the club onto the right track. And, if he didn't have to tell his brothers that his actual brother killed Clay, all the better.

"Hey, babe?" Jax called from the living room the next morning.

"Yeah?" Corrie answered from the kitchen.

"Where are those letters that Piney sent you?"

"They're in the drawer in the coffee table." Corrie said bringing him a cup of coffee.

"I looked in there. I couldn't find them." Jax said.

Thomas came bursting through the door, his face red in anger and tears streaming down his face. Karina was hot on his heels.

"Would you please talk to me?" Karina begged. Thomas slapped the envelope with the letters onto the table.

"What?" Jax asked in shock.

"Have you read these?" Thomas demanded.

"No! I haven't had time." Jax said. "I was just going to burn them. Who needs to read a bunch of love letters from Dad to his mistress?"

"She killed him, Jax!" Thomas yelled, fresh tears spilling down his face.

"What? Who?" Jax asked still confused.

"Mom! She and Clay killed Dad." Thomas said. "They set it up."

" Mom would never kill Dad." Jax shook his head.

"Yeah, well, she did. He knew that something was going to happen to him. He knew that Mom was sleeping with Clay and he predicted that he'd die in an accident." Thomas said. "She didn't deny it."

"You talked to Mom about this?" Jax asked.

"She said that she didn't participate in his death directly but she condoned it. She okayed it with Clay! She was fine with it!" Thomas seethed.

"Jesus," Jax said, sitting down in a kitchen chair.

"What do we do, Jax?" Thomas asked.

Months later...

"He's beautiful," Jax whispered as a tear slid down his cheek. Corrie had decided to quit working for St. Thomas when the nausea didn't go away. She was happy staying home and raising Abel.

"John Thomas." Corrie smiled at her newborn son.

"Thank you," Jax kissed her on the forehead. "For him, for being my wife, for raising Abel. Thank you for everything." Two weeks before Corrie went into labor, they'd had a wedding at the SAMCRO Clubhouse. It wasn't anything fancy, Corrie didn't even wear a dress.

"Poor kid has no grandparents to speak of." She whispered.

"But he has a shit load of uncles to look after him and a big brother." Jax replied.

After having a long talk with Thomas, the Teller boys had gone to visit their mother for one last time. They told her that if she wanted to live, that she'd leave Charming and never contact the Sons of Anarchy, Corrie, Thomas, or Karina again. Gemma had quietly sold her house and most of her belongings. Her and Wayne Unser had left Charming without a word. Rumor had it that they were living in Wayne's mobile-home about an hour north of Charming. Jax knew that Gemma was keeping up on what was going on in the Tellers' lives because Mary Winston never hesitated to tell him that his mother was miserable. The fact that the once queen of Charming had to resort to getting family news from a woman she loathed gave Jax great satisfaction.

The club and the Tellers lived out their lives in relative calm in Charming.

The End

A/N: I know I kept you waiting for an update. I'm sorry! It's been really hard to write lately. I actually had some anxiety when I'd open the Doc Manager. Crazy, right? Not sure what that was about. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story. I do plan to start a new story soon!