Wow I suck...

I really, truly apologize for the wait. I did admit I'm a very slow writer and that updates would take awhile, but I never thought it would take this long. I was just a little bit unmotivated. But, the other day I decided to read your guy's reviews and was inspired. They were all so nice and excited I couldn't stand the thought of making you wait any longer. So here it is. It's a bit short, because...well I suck.


Vlad felt he must have stood there shocked, for hours. Simply staring at the gore before him. There was green and red blood spread around the entire clearing around the ugly statue. It appeared that Daniel had had a crash landing, but why? And surely simply falling from the sky wouldn't cause this much blood! No, something, or someone had clearly injured Daniel before he fell.

After a total of 2 minutes of just flat out staring Vlad finally jumped into action, running over to where Daniel lye on the ground. His boots became covered in blood when he approached the boy. He knelt down, ignoring the puddle of blood, and with a shaking hand checked for a pulse.

His heart dropped when he felt nothing. He re-positioned his hand and tried again.

… Please…

… Please, no he can't be…

… I can't believe it…


"Oh thank God!" Vlad shouted out his relief was so great. The heartbeat he'd felt was weak and slow but it was there! Vlad gently picked Danny up and rocked away towards his mayoral home in Amity Park. He hadn't wanted to teleport and risk adding anymore strain onto Daniel's body. It hardly mattered anyway, he was there so quickly. When he wanted to, he could fly at speeds up to 600 mph! This got him to his manor in about twelve seconds.

He phased himself and Danny into his own personal infirmary that he'd had installed after one-too-many ghost related injuries. Quickly Vlad set Danny onto one of the cushy beds in the corner and set to work cut off Danny's shirt which was where most of the blood seemed to be coming from. When he was Danny's chest Vlad couldn't hold himself back from yelling, "Holy shit!" There was green and red blood gushing from what seemed to be three bullet wounds. Upon closer inspection, Vlad realized that one of the wounds was glowing a faint green. He used some tweezers to probe the wound; he felt metal against metal and after many failed attempts and curses Vlad got the bullet out of Danny's stomach.

He held the strange, glowing bullet up to his eye and saw the inscription F.W.


Vlad though that perhaps Jack and Maddie had shot at him while in his ghost form and Danny passed out trying to get away. But why didn't his parents come and collect their "prize"? Surely they wouldn't go through all the time and effort of hunting their number one target and then just leave him be! No, there must be something else going on; he would just have to ask Daniel when he woke up.

Going back to his work, Vlad extracted the remaining bullets and began to stitch together the wounds. Luckily he knew a passable amount of first-aid and could deal with Danny's condition himself. It would be hard to explain the glowing ectoplasm in his blood to a doctor. Still, that didn't mean that Vlad completely knew what he was doing, the stitches were crooked, ugly, and sure to leave a nasty scar. "Oh well, they'll match the rest of him" Vlad muttered to himself looking at the numerous scars on Daniel's chest. He stored the image away for future pondering, right now Daniel need his full attention.

Finally, after about 30 minutes of hard and tedious work, Danny was hooked up to several I.V.'s-one containing Vlad's own blood- and was resting rather peacefully. His heart beat was still weak, but it was gradually getting stronger. Vlad was quite sure that without ghost healing Daniel would have died before he had even found him. Vlad noticeably shivered at the thought of his little badger dying on the cold cement. He didn't allow his mind to linger on that image for very long.

Vlad was still desperately curious has to the story of how Danny came to be bleeding on the ground in the park, but he knew there was absolutely no way of knowing until the child woke up. So he went to his office and collected some paper work that needed to be done so that he could work on it by Daniel's side; he didn't want the young halfa to wake up alone and very possibly distressed. So he sat there silently scribbling away while leaving his mind free to wander and explore. He thought quite a bit the boy lying in bed in front of him. The child really didn't look very well, even ignoring his multitude of injuries. He was thinner than he used to be; Vlad was quite sure about that now. He also thought about the many scars he'd seen while wrapping up Daniel's torso. Daniel had an extensive collection of scars littered about his chest and arms. Vlad felt slightly guilty knowing he was partially to blame for that, but hope fully that would all end now. Vlad hoped to start a healthier relationship with Daniel after this whole fiasco was over. Perhaps even convince him to spend more time with him.

In my dreams…

Vlad was beginning to think that Daniel would never learn to trust him and think of him as anything but a creepy old man. He wasn't even that old! It was just simply his white hair that caused him to have an... experienced appearance.

Vlad had been gazing off into space for quite some time when he saw Daniel begin to rustle a bit in his bed and his eyes blink lazily. Vlad put a hand on Daniel's forehead which seemed to help him wake up more quickly.

When he finally opened his eyes all the way he muttered out, "Vlad?"

I've noticed this getting a little unoriginal and I think someone even mentioned that in a review... I'm going to need to shake things up and soon. Anyway, I just have a quick question for you guys if you're even reading his BALLS!-that might get a few people's attention.

Can you guys go to my favorites page, and look for any stories I don't have that you would recommend? None of my favorite stories have been updated latly and it's making me sad...guess I kind of deserve it lol. Just list any recommendations in a review of PM me. Thank's a million!
