Why hello everybody SuperDaikenki here and its Dai-ken-ki, not Daikinky, Daikenkai, Daikenai (though that one sound cool), or Daikaykay. I just want to point that out because a lot of people I met always gets it wrong.

Now that is out of the way, as I promised, here is the Q and A I promised you guys. Where you send me questions and I respond to them. Now lets start off with the first question and the biggest question that I have.

"How many characters will be in Total Pokemon Insane Action?/Will you be looking for OC's next season?"

Almost all of you have asked this question, and all I have to say is that I haven't started it yet and of course there will be new ocs and a few old ones that will make a return in action...if I'm not too lazy to do it. Now for the next question.

"Where did Your OCs come from creation wise?"

I did create quite a few pokemon OCs, but alot of them I did create for TPI before I did my PMD fic. Lets start with the main two, Jesse the Lucario and Steven aka Dew the Samurott. I remember I started off with Jesse when playing PMD explorers of Sky when I had the Riolu and I decide to name him after myself...obviously. That also goes for Dew. Jesse is my first name and Steven is my middle.

For Dew's case, I named him Steven because I wasn't able to come with a good name for Dew back when he was a Dewott for Dragon132's fic, and by the time DA33 started his TPI, I changed it to Dew because it sounded better.

Static was originally going to be based on Red's Pikachu, just basically an uber badass kind of rodent, but that changed over time as his character became a mix of overconfident and unlucky.

Morgan the Meowth/Persian is named after one of my younger sisters. She likes to draw and all which she is really good at (wish she post some of them) and the reason why I made her a Meowth, is mainly because our dad gave her a cat for her birthday and she's really attached to her. Also, I made her Dew's sister because I felt like Dew is the better choice between him and Jesse when it comes to protecting her,

As for Lilly, she's named after my youngest sister who died from cancer years back… I had her as a Lilligant because not only Lilligant is one of my favorite pokemon, As for her character, I noticed that i have no antagonists during the time so I had Lilly as basically like the spoiled rich girl who tries to use her looks to get what she want I still feel I can do more..

Mystic, the Zorua/Zoroark was another character I had for the TPI, she's mainly the type who's a prankster and likes to have fun despite any issue that currently bothers her. I decided to have her as part of my PMD as a love interest for Dew Even though he's with Ally, I still see him with both. Part of her backstory involved her being picked on as a kid because she's a shiny. I don't quite remember why but I think it was related around the time when I was picked on alot back from 2nd grade to high school.

And last is Giovanni as one of my main OCs. Giovanni was also made for my PMD fic as the main antagonist. I kinda took the idea of Gio from another PMD fic I read on deviantart from a Honchkrow named Faust. The user (if I can remember) goes by GreenSonic. And he is the one who gave me the motivation to start writing. Both of us did talk a few times, but we haven't had contact with each other since. Giovanni is one of the main pokemon who picked on Mystic.

And for the final question since I didn't have many to talk about…

"What's some of your favorite pokemon?"

My main favorite pokemon will always be Samurott (better have his mega as water/steel Gamefreak!), and my other favorites are Clefable, Snorlax, Articuno, Jigglypuff, Alakazam, Gengar, Arcanine, Muk, Lapras, Jynx, Vaporeon, Espeon, Chikorita, Feraligatr, Cyndaquil, Azumarill, Suicune, Ho-Oh, Swampert, Mightyena, Mawile, Gardevoir, Cacturne, Regice, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Infernape, Empoleon, Turtwig, Staraptor, Luxray, Roserade, Weavile, Togekiss, Glaceon, Riolu, Lucario, Froslass, Porygon-Z, Dialga, Giratina, Shaymin, Arceus, (again) Samurott, Dewott, Oshawott, Lilligant, Sawk, Throh, Hydreigon, Mienshao, Gothitelle, Reshiram (its the first pokemon who's shown to have a johnson!), Delphox, Chespin, Greninja, Floette, Florges, Sylveon, Goodra, Hawlucha, Xerneas, and thats about it…

Anyways, that ends the Q and A, if you want to ask more questions, I'll gladly answer them via pm. Other than that, I'm SD and its 4am so...good morning.