A/N: Heya guys! I included myself in this chapter, yes. XD I'm not writing anything else though just so you all will read the excitement this chapter. xoxo. Bai. READ IT ALREADY MAMACITA.

Tinka's POV.

I may or may not be happy with what the woman just said. Ty seemed confused. He clearly doesn't like me at all. We smile for the picture, in anyways.

"So, what do you guys want in anyways?" she got a notepad and a pen out of her pocket.

"I swear if you guys have gulasto this one over here will either scream, or cry tears of joy." Ty pointed at me and we both laughed, then the woman sorta fake laughed.

"Now, seriously, what do you want, guys?" she asked again.

An idea just came into my mind. Gunther told me if I acted 'American', Ty would probably fall for me. And this is the perfect time to start acting 'American'.

"Yeah, I'll go with the burger, a coke, and some chicken." I said. Ty looked surprised. I could see Gunther looking at me from the other table and giving me a thumbs up.

"Okay.." she wrote it down.

"I'll go with the same thing." Ty said. The woman left.

"Tinka.." Ty said.

"What?" I replied trying to not do the accent. It's kinda of working.

"Why did you order those stuff? I thought you only ate those old country type of food."

"I don't know, actually. I just feel like changing myself a little bit." I lied.

Ty's POV.

"Look," I put my hands on the table. "If you're doing this for a guy, remember that if he truly loves you, he'll love you for who you are. You shouldn't change for anyone."

"Thanks." she replied. "But it isn't for a guy though, I really just feel like changing myself a little bit, you know." she wasn't talking the way she usually does and stuff. What happend? I have no idea.

"You aren't talking with the accent, either. What's happening to the Tinka I know?!" I asked.

"I'm just changing. It was sorta fast to get rid of the accent." she nodded.

I seriously feel like she's changing for someone. How could getting rid of her accent be that easy if she just wants to change herself a bit?

"Tinka are you changing for.. err.. me?.." I asked, a bit nervous. Okay maybe a lot.

"What? Ty, I've told you I'm not changing for anyone. Plus, you're just a really good friend, and I think we're good, and should stay that way." she replied.

Good friends. That's the first step. I usually know how girls talk, and such.

"Oh, okay." I said and right after that, the food got there.

We ate and Tinka was actually eating normally, not in that old country way, ya know?

"Tinka, you're acting.. way too normal should I say." I said.

"Oh, come on, swaggaboy." she hit my arm playfully. "I'm just changing a little bit."

"A little bit? You sure it's only a little?"

"Yeah." she replied.

Soon we finish the meal and wait for the others to finish. When we're done, we wait a few minutes to go to another ride. You know, just so we don't throw up.

"Okay kids, now where do y'all think we should go?" my mom looked at the map and asked us.

"I think that Star Wars one is really good." Tinka walked up to her and pointed where the Star Wars ride was at. "My little friend, Brenda always goes there when she comes here. She told me it's a really cool simulator."

"Let's go then!" Gunther said in excitement. "Brenda always talks truth."

We all agreed and went there. It was really good, actually. When we got out we went to see the Christmas Eve parade. It was quite a hot day for Christmas Eve. After the parade, The Muppets in 3D was what we went to. The day went by very quickly, actually. Well, Tinka took my attention all the time, obviously.

Gunther's POV.

"My thighs swet! And it hurts you know!" I screamed as everyone laughed in the car on our way to a restaraunt to have dinner, when we got out of the park. Maybe I was exagerating...?

"...And there's the clowny part of Gunther we all know and only Tinka loves." Rocky said as she crossed her arms.

"In anyways..." my sister started to talk and took out her phone. "Who wants to listen to some Justin Bieber?!" she asked in excitement.

"Noooooo!" I said quite loud and touched her shoulders. "My sister cannot be with the Bieber fever. Just no."

I don't really like him at all. Sometimes I just pretend to, just so Tinka doesn't start telling me about her book; "1.000 reasons to love Justin".
Soon she starts to play 'As Long As You Love Me'.

"Okay okay," she declared. "I sing Justin's part, and you, Ty, sing the other guy's that I have no idea who the goat is."

"...Okay..." he looked at her a bit confused.

As they sing, me and Rocky cover our ears. She doesn't honestly like him either.

"We're here!" mama said.

"THANK GOODNESS NO MORE JUSTIN BIEBER OR TY AND TINKA." I ran out of the car before it even completly stopped.

"I'm quite awful at it," Ty laughed and walked out.

"Hey, you're not that awful." Tinka got her purse and walked out of the car. The car was pretty much tall, which made Tinka fall on her heels.

"Got you!" both me and Ty got her in unision before she fell down the floor.

It was obvious I'd hold her, I mean come on, she's my twin, my other half you know.. But Ty? That makes me think he likes my sister even more.

"Thanks guys." she thanked us. "Although I did hurt my feet a little bit.." she looked down at her foot. "But I'm alright though, I'll just get the extra pair of shoes I have and maybe limp a bit while walking,"

She went back to the car and put on the other shoes she had. Sneakers. She should've wore that today to start getting Ty to like her. It's being some type of pleasure to help them get together, and I'm just here, alone, you know.

"Brenda also told me this restaraunt is good," Tinka said as she walked into that "Camila's" restaraunt.

"She sure did!" I replied. "She talks about it as if it was some type of heaven food."

We walked in, ate and talked with our elbows, as they say in me and Tinka's country.

"Guys guys! Group picture!" my mother said getting her camera.

"Smile!" Marcie, Rocky and Ty's mom said.

So, we took the group picture. I didn't really look at the picture, actually.

Tinka took a sip of her drink and went get some more food. She was sitting between me and Ty. They both were drinking Sprite, their favorite drink, as I know, when Ty accidentally confused his cup with her cup.

"Ty! That's Tinka's!" Rocky said a little bit way too loud.

"What?!" he stopped drinking quickly.

"Hey guys," Tinka came back and stared at Ty's horror face. "What's going on?"

"I-I-I uhhh..."

Rocky cut him off. "He accidentally drank off your cup. There."

"Oh. I'll just uhh.. get another one..." Tinka sat down looking at her cup holding up a horror face.

She walked to the cashier to ask for another.

"Purpose?" I asked with a grin on my face.

"Ew, no! No. No. No. And NO hell the NO." Ty replied quite loudly.

"Okay..." I backed up and covered my ears as if there was a goat crying besides me.

Tinka came back. I could see her and Ty checking each other out. We ate pretty fast, we were all tired from a long day at the Disney park. When we got back to the car..

"TY! You know Cher Lloyd?" Tinka randomly asked.

"Yes?" he replied confused.

"Okay okay, you do Becky's part and I do Cher's part." she took out her phone. Here comes another Tynka duet.

Oh goat. Not againnnn.
Well, when we got to the hotel, there it is. RELIEF. No more duets, no more hiking, no more Rocky gorgeousness, and... Wait what did I just say? Well, I have to admit, she's a really good dancer and person, you know. *snap* Back to reality.. At the hotel room, it was just another night you know. When the three of us were about to sleep, I whisper to my sister;


"Same joke again?! Really?!" she and Ty asked at the same time. I laughed.

A/N: I wrote sooooooo much this time. Like woah. Review pwease? ^.^ Next chapter will get veeeery romantic! ;) xoxo