A/N: Hiya guys! :] Well, basically, last christmas, (I have you my hearttttt.. Lol, just kidding.) I spent ALL season with my twin. Da best goat-ish person evaaaa! ;D Hahah, well, this fan fic is mostly about all the fun we had, but in a romantic way, just to make it Tynka-ish. :) Fyi, everything that's romance here, did NOT happen with me. x] Enjoy!

Tinka's POV.

Winter. December 23rd. Freakishly cold. Christmas. I'm pretty much happy Christmas is finally here.. Best of all? Me and Ty's family are going to be together, in Florida, Orlando, DisneyWorld. We're about to go on the car trip to there. It's some hours, or maybe even a day, away from Chicago... But well, let's just think about the fun we'll have later.

"Okay kids, come here!" Ty's mom shouted at the mall's parking lot we combined to meet before the trip. "We have two cars, the Hessenheffers's, and ours, the Blues's." his mom pointed at our cars.

"Gunther, Tinka, and Ty are going in our car." my mother continued.

"W-w-wait.. That leaves me with.. You? Only you?" Rocky looked at her mother, as she pointed at her.

"Yeah, just stick with it, Ms. I want my friends." Ty pushed her gently inside the Blues's car.

We walk into the our car. Ty walks in first, me second, and that leaves Gunther in the left window. Car trips make me reaaaally sleepy. It's amazing.

"Ty, do you mind if I lay down on your shoulder?" I asked him with that sleepy look on my face.

"No no no, not at all." he replied.

"I smell romance.." Gunther joked. I punched his arm playfully.

"Hahah, nice one, brother." I laughed.

"Why are you laughing? It's true.." he said.

Ty just sat there and laughed a little bit nervous, as of what I saw. Maybe he liked me, but was too nervous to admit? Maybe he was just un-comfortable with the joke Gunther did? I have seriously no idea... Well, I was tired, so I layed on his shoulder, and fell asleep.

Gunther's POV.

Going down to Florida right now. You know, about the fact of Tinka sleeping on Ty's shoulder.. that's basically why I bought her a neck pillow. Wait.. what if she likes him, and forgot it on purpose? I'm pretty sure she likes him. I mean, come on, she's my twin sister. I know her better than anyone in this entire world. She basically likes him, did that on purpose, and now she's happy ever after laying on his shoulder.

"Are we there yet?" she said yawning, and getting off Ty's shoulder.

"Five hours, still.." our father answered.

"Tinka, you know, you don't seem comfortable.." I said.

"Why?" she looked at me and asked.

"You're kicking me." I crossed my arms and looked down at my legs, which were being kicked.

"I've got the perfect solution for that, my beloved brother." she said getting her legs and feet and putting it on my lap. "Told you." she grinned.

Okay, now it's weirder. Since she's completely laying down, I have her legs on my lap, and Ty has her face of his lap.. Okay.. Let's skip that part..?

Tinka's POV. (A/N: Yes, again. x3)

This car trip is actually being really.. enjoyable..? Hahah, I totally trolled my brother with the 'perfect solution'. And yeah, I may or may not be just pretending to be asleep. I have such a feeling we're about to get there.. But the car trip.. I mean, come on. Ty's shoulder was very comfortable. And so is this 'nap' in his lap. I can feel his hand on my hair. Awww... Wait.. Back to reality, Tinka!

"Hey, Ty.." I heard Gunther whisper to Ty.

"What?" he whispered back.

"I sorta kinda of think my sister likes you.." I heard Gunther say. He. is. dead.

"Why do you think that? Did she tell you anything? Is she usually talking about me?" Wait, was Ty actually caring for an answer?

"Wait wait.. If you're asking all that.. You like her!" Gunther said a little bit louder.

"Shush, man!" Ty replied even louder.

Wait, does that mean he likes me, but doesn't want anyone to know? Well, sooner or later we all are gonna find out. I've got the perfect plan.. Well, sorta.

*Orlando, FL, 3:00AM, December 23rd.*

"We're here!" said my father as he stopped the car at the hotel. I basically slept the entire car trip.

"Uhh, Tinka.. We're here.. Wake up.." I could hear Ty whisper and touch my hair. Should I still pretend to be asleep? I don't really know.. Okay, maybe I do have a tiny crush on him.

"I think she's still asleep.." Gunther said. "So let's do this; Me, papa and mama carry the bags upstairs, and you carry Tinka upstairs."

"Oh.. okay.." Ty said opening the door the door, getting out of the car, then getting me.

"Guys guys! Stop right there at the hotel door! I have to take a picture of you both!" Ty's mom screamed.

"But Tinka's asleep.." Ty looked at me reaaaally close. Yes, like about to kiss me. But lolno.

"I'm wide awake." I randomly opened my eyes and sang that little part of Katy's song.

Everyone laughed. Ty put me besides him for the picture.

"3.. 2.. 1, and.. Smile!" I had my elbow on Ty's shoulder and he was kinda of hugging me.

"Okay guys, we have two rooms." I heard my mom shout from a little far away inside the hotel. All of us ran up to her.

"Me and Rocky, and The Hessenheffer parents, all in one of them. So, Ty, Tinka and Gunther, that leaves the three of you in the other room." my mother said.

Sleeping in a room with Ty. Wow. I just.. I can't sleep knowing he's there.. I don't know. So we got to the room, I could saw the room number. 143. That was the door number. W-w-wait.. That number means.. I love you. What the goat?!

"Okay.." Gunther declared as he put down his bags. "Since I always, and I mean every freaking goat night, have to share a bed with a girl that kicks me all night long.. I'm getting my own bed tonight."

Wait wait wait. If he's getting his own bed.. that leaves me sleeping with... WAIT WHAT.

"So that leaves.." Ty was cut off by my brother.

"Yes." Gunther grinned. "Now good night, sleep tight. Tight.. get it?" he laughed. My brother became a troll. Woah, goat.

Well in anyways, I went to the bathroom to change into my pajamas. I was way too tired to take a bath at that moment, so I decided I'd take it next morning.

After I changed, I went to brush my teeth, and those before bed stuff. If you know what I mean. After that, I went to the bed on the right side of the room, since Gunther was in the left one. I went to the left side of the bed. I could see Gunther perfectly from there.

"Sleep tight.. to each other.. Mwahahaha." Gunther said looking across the room at me.

Woah. He was always that over protective brother every 'stick in the mud' girl would like to have, and now he's saying these stuff. I think he's changed a lot in this car trip. Just woah. I'm seriously amazed.

Soon Ty comes back from changing. I basically just heard him walk back in. I feel him laying down next to me.

"Tight." Gunther was still whispering to me and winking. If Ty hears he's still joking about that, my brother is basically dead.

"What'd you say, Tinka? Tight? Still the same joke, or..?" Ty asked me. Uh oh. He thinks I was the one who said that. Oh goat.

A/N: Sooo, what'd you guys think? :) That "tight" joke thingy just randomly came into my head. x3 Well, review and next chapter, they'll (or me, since it's about meh. ;3) be going to the first Disney Park, Magic Kingdom. By the way- there's a pic of the day we, (the actual people from the story.) got in Orlando in my profile. ^.^ Just click the link you'll find. :] If you want to. ;3
