Kink/Theme: Jealousy.

Interface mode: Sparks

Miscellaneous warning: violence and some blood play.

Note: For Nightbird's fans: I love Nightbird as a character and it was in no way, shape or form, my intention to bash her. But Starscream happened and I shall not be taken responsible for his words or actions.

Exit the Nightbird.

At first, Starscream had only been slightly suspicious. Megatron's smile had looked slightly different than those he usually reserved for events like these; whenever he found a new super-weapon-of-doom to use against their enemies.

Starscream hadn't judged that small detail worthy of more than a passing thought.

But then, there had been the words and, along with them, the realization that there obviously was more to Megatron's behavior toward the 'thing' than a simple, sparkling-like joy to have a new toy to play with and add to his collection.

If she succeed, you mean?! She's not so hot!

She's hot enough to replace you whenever I choose!

Starscream's face had contorted in disgust at his leader's statement. How could Megatron want to replace him, his second-in-command and most competent soldier, with that human-manufactured robot. Nightbird was a drone and nothing else, Megatron could program her to do almost anything he wanted but that changed nothing to the fact that she was a spark-less shell with no will of her own.

That statement, the seeker mused inwardly, was the worst insult his leader had ever thrown his way.

Nothing in his memories of past clashes with Megatron- and there was a lot to compile- compared to this affront.

It was probably a banter, he thought then, a very bad banter. Megatron would never do that. Starscream was far to valuable to him and to the Decepticon cause to be replaced by a drone.

Megatron only wanted to rile him up and pit if Starscream would allow that to get to him, he didn't want to give the 'glorious one' the pleasure to see him offended. He quickly composed his expression back to one of boredom and calm superiority.

He was annoyed, still. He couldn't help fuming silently, hating every klik of the ninja's presence around Megatron. He couldn't bear to witness their exchanges or the way his leader looked at her. Starscream tried to convince himself that he was seeing things that weren't there, but Megatron's blatant interest for their 'new recruit' and his behavior toward her were nonetheless meaningful and worrying.

At some point, he almost took the ex-gladiator's threats to spark. He's really going to replace me with her, he thought dreadfully. He fretted inwardly, wondering how he would survive the humiliation of Megatron introducing his new 'second-in-command' to the troops. What would he do with Starscream then? Keep him in a cage? Terminate him himself? Leave that to Nightbird?

No! Starscream virtually stomped on these nonsensical, parasite thoughts, Megatron couldn't possibly...

Ooh! You're definitely on my replacement list, Starscream!

She's everything I ever wanted.

Megatron didn't even look at him when he said that; He was looking at the screen of his console, through which they were watching Nightbird fight against the Autobots, and he was smiling at the screen lovingly, smiling at her.

This was too much, this he couldn't bear. Starscream felt his rage overwhelm him and he struck like a wild animal.

Replace me?! Never! He screamed as he punched Megatron with all the force his emotions channeled to his balled hand.

The impact of his fist against Megatron's face surprised the warlord who, thrown off balance, fell to the ground and landed on his aft in a very undignified manner.

"Thundercracker, Skywarp!" Megatron called, not looking as furious as he sounded but still unhappy at the turn of events. This couldn't go unpunished. "grab him!"

And then Starscream was put in a cage, just as he had feared he'd end up, among other possibilities. He squirmed about and screamed in outrage to hide his fears, Megatron only laughed and taunted him some more about this cage being a farewell gift.

He is really doing it! Starscream realized with terror. He is getting rid of me!

He wouldn't allow this to happen that easily, he decided, he wouldn't let himself be ditched like this, without a fight and a parting gift of his own.

Megatron would pay! Starscream promised himself. He'd offer the deactivated carcass of that ninja chick to him, so his ex-leader would realize that getting rid of Starscream was the worst mistake he ever made in his function.

The seeker hoped Megatron really had feelings for Nightbird, it would make it all the more painful.

He did exactly that.

When he shot at her and Nightbird fell in Optimus Prime's arms, lifeless- supposing she had ever been 'alive'- Megatron roared her name in shocked surprise and fury.

Say good night to your Megatron! He laughed. This is what you get when you come between me and what I own, he added for himself.

Forgetting all about the Autobots and the power chip, a device they had been after in the first place, the warlord sent all his soldiers after his treacherous seeker. Starscream transformed and flew off at top speed, aware that none of Megatron's mechs could catch up with him.

He had overseen an itsy-bitsy detail, though, and it war far too late when he was reminded of it; He carried no spare energon. Megatron, however, always did.

Groons later, after having flown on fumes for too long, Starscream was forced to land, his tanks as dry as the rocky desert he landed on. The climate there was far too warm for his frame, which was already searing hot to the touch for he still physically burned from rage and exertion. If he stayed there, the warmth would cause him painful damage. Dragging his tried carcass onward, Starscream walked in search of a shadowy place that would allow his plating to cool down.

He shouldn't have bothered: When he found the little cave, it was almost night time and he was in a state beyond exhaustion. He laid down on the slowly cooling rocks to rest his aching body, but his still boiling anger and his fear to be caught didn't allow him to fall in recharge.

Unavoidably, as time passed by, his violent emotions ebbed away. The rage, the thrill, the need to kill, they all retracted from his consciousness slowly, despite himself, to make room for other feelings he didn't want to have.

Starscream thought about Megatron and Nightbird, forced the image of his leader's smiles to the front of his mind. With a stubborn determination, he tried to call back the hatred he felt toward his leader then- and on so many other occasions before that- along with the rage and the murderous thoughts that always accompanied it. But none came back and he was left with those other feelings he loathed to have: pain and sadness.

Involuntarily, Starscream found himself wondering what she had that he didn't have and hated himself the next moment.

She was dead now, Megatron would go next.

And whatever there might have been between the ex-gladiator and himself wouldn't deter the seeker from his decision.

Too busy he was entertaining himself with morbid scenarios of his leader's termination, each more cruel and violent than the previous, he didn't pay attention to his surroundings.

Most Decepticons, who had been forced to push a maximum of power to their engines so they could do as much as keep track of the fugitive seeker, had for long turned tail back to base.

Megatron had continued on, this chase was not one to pass on, this chase he had very much wanted.

The warlord grinned. Starscream's rage and impulsive nature had made him forget yet another detail that would prove highly detrimental to the success of his escape: He had forgotten to switch his personal beacon off and his pinpointed echo had stood clearly visible on Megatron's radar from the start.

He finally had him in his visual and landed not far from where the seeker had found shelter. Starscream didn't even saw him, he had obviously let his guard down, a mistake he rarely did and for which Megatron was, for once, grateful.

The unguarded expression of surprise on his face when the seeker finally realized his presence and turned his gaze toward him greatly delighted the Decepticon warlord.

"M..megatron!" Starscream sputtered, battling with himself to stand up and get ready to fight for his life. He quickly found his bearings along with his self-control and Megatron watched, amused, as Starscream's facial expression shifted from surprise to renewed rage and determination. All traces of fear vanished from his optics, immediately replaced by vindictive defiance.

" Come here!" The seeker purred darkly, " so I can slag you like I did your pet!" He showed off his claws to make it clear serious he was serious, held them up in front of himself so they could shine under the light of the setting sun. His mouth contorted in a cruel, energon-hungry smile, he beckoned his leader over.

Megatron said nothing, he smiled, pleased by his second's attitude as well as by what he saw in his fiery optics. Silently, he walked over to where the seeker stood.

Starscream watched him, ready for the kill, he licked his lips.

The warlord kept going, the same insufferable smile on his lips, as if he already knew he risked nothing in the end.

Not this time! Starscream promised himself. This time, I won't falter

Immobile, frozen like a cobra waiting for the right moment to strike, he allowed Megatron to come that much closer, almost too close. He caught himself watching his leader's lips and quickly shifted his gaze to the white column of his throat. Yes, he decided, there.

There, he would slice and tear and rip until Megatron gave his last, gurgling outtake. And then he'll rip his spark out of his chest and crush it under his foot.

Like he has done mine.

As if reading his thoughts, Megatron tilted his head, showing the expense of his throat off, almost as an offer. He smiled teasingly, prompting Starscream to make his move.

Which the seeker did.

Starscream launched himself forward with a strangely-sounding, shrill, roar. His claws closed around Megatron's shoulders as his sharp teeth sunk into his leader's neck. He opened his mouth wide and bit hard, plunging his teeth as deep as he could, crunching wires so he could reach the main energon line. That line, once ruptured, would make Megatron bleed to death and, then, Starscream would finally have everything he had always wanted.

The power, the respect, the crown!

Megatron let him have his way, he made no move to try and defend himself from the violent assault to his person. He simply stood there and draped an arm around the seeker's waist to hold him close to his frame. Chuckling lightly, he waited...

Starscream drank the energon flowing from Megatron's ruptured lines in earnest, finding the taste intoxicating. This reminded him of other times, other things. Despite himself, unwanted memories presented themselves to his mind. He growled low against Megatron's metal, the sudden surge of arousal making his core temperature rise abruptly.

No, not this, not now, not ever again! He told himself. This was an execution, he wouldn't let his libido dictate his actions, least his feelings, feelings he didn't have anyway!

But then Megatron's fist closed around his wing tip, ripping a moan out of his treacherous mouth, he pulled away from the touch with a warning hiss.

" Don't touch me! You have lost that right when you made your choice!" The seeker coldly reminded his unfaithful leader.

" What choice did I make exactly, Starscream? Can you spare yourself a break from this comedy to remind me of it?" Megatron said. His voice sounded mocking but his optics were bright with lust.

" It doesn't matter anymore;" Starscream's grin was cruel. " I killed her."

Megatron's optics flared, surprisingly not in anger. The seeker took advantage of this, whatever it was, to abruptly kick at the other's leg, efficiently getting him where he wanted: Sprawled on his back, on the uneven ground. That must have hurt but Megatron showed nothing of it, he just kept smiling up at his seeker.

Starscream straddled him. He couldn't care less if Megatron didn't want to fight back, it would make it just that easier for him to kill him, and he certainly didn't want to delay his leader's appointment with oblivion.

Megatron chuckled again and moved his hands up to rest them on his wings, again. The seeker hissed in his face, baring his fangs. " I won't let myself be fooled by your twisted games!" He promised, his claws digging deep into Megatron's chest.

" But you are already acting like a fool, Starscream!" Megatron commented softly, almost fondly. He let his hands where they were. " You let your feelings cloud your judgment once again."

" I have no feeling for you, Megatron!" The seeker spat, his hands now knuckle-deep into Megatron's plating. " and you have no feeling for me."

" I had no feeling for Nightbird either!" Megatron added, then hissed in pain when Starscream removed his claws, only to stab him anew.

" You shall say her name never again!" He said, voice dripping with resentment. This, to his surprise, made Megatron shiver under him.

He desires me because I killed her. He realized and the thought made him heat up some more despite himself.

" You want reassurance, isn't it so, Starscream?" Megatron spoke again, his voice a dark purr, the sound Starscream loved most to hear. " That she was nothing else to me than a weapon."

" Am I not a weapon to you too? Yet, that didn't prevent you to to find other uses for me." Starscream retorted.

" How hypocritical of you to pretend so!" Megatron chuckled. " If my memory doesn't fail me, you have used me almost as many times as I have used you...If you insist in calling that 'using' someone!"

Starscream growled low, his fingers flexing in his leader's wounds. " And what about her? How many times did you 'use' her? Was that drone that much better than I that you chose to replace me with 'it'?"

" I never touched her." Megatron confessed. " I didn't need to resort to that." he informed the seeker, a smirk now decorating his amused expression. " Only a few words, a few meaningless threats and, at this end, my dear Starscream, I have you right where I want you."

"You wanted me above you, clawing my way to your spark?" Starscream retorted with a snort and smirk of his own.

" No, I wanted you just as you are now: Overwhelmed by your emotions, confessing how jealous my supposed interest for her made you." Megatron precised.

Starscream looked down at him, observed his face and realization finally made its way to his processor. He grinned

" So you set me up, pushing me as far as to make me destroy your precious ninja and the power chip along with her?"

" I had no use for the power chip without Teletran One. Its destruction was all that mattered to me."

The warlord said.

Starscream growled low, not liking to be be played so. But in all truth, he was relieved, even if he felt pathetic for thinking that way. Oh Megatron would pay for this, one way or another.

But for the moment, it seemed Starscream had a point to prove.

" What did you want me to prove exactly?" he inquired. " That whatever stands in my way, I tear apart?"

And, to follow though on his statement, he dug his fingers deeper within his leader's chasis, curled them inward and pulled, tearing Megatron's chest wide open.

The Decepticon lord gave a loud moan, arching his back in pain.

" You like to believe that I am yours, Megatron" Starscream purred dangerously as he ripped yet another shard of metal. " but you forgot that you are mine just as well!"

He straightened up and allowed his own plating to part.

" Would you set your sight on another, I'll kill them again." Starscream finished, leaning down to get what he wanted, craved.

This, Megatron thought in satisfaction, is what he had wanted his seeker to prove and state. This was the last test he had needed Starscream to pass, to prove that he was indeed deserving of what the warlord would soon be ready to offer him. Not now, though, the time was not up yet.

He didn't care for a loyal, devoted mate who would obediently wait for him while he conquered the Universe. He wanted a mate that would be about his equal and who could handle his violent desire, his harsh dominance, just as much his treacherous submission. He wanted a mate that was fast, strong and merciless like a weapon, a mate that was vicious and cruel and who would never make their doubts come in the way of their efficiency. He wanted a mate he could never own like a prized possession and who would never submit easily to his will.

He wanted a mate that wouldn't be afraid of him and who could hold his stare and not falter

Starscream was all that.

And he was so deliciously arrogant and possessive, his beautiful murderer.

Megatron straightened himself up abruptly, pulling the seeker to him for a violent kiss. Starscream hissed aggressively in his mouth and bit at his tongue, Megatron retaliated and then they both savored the taste of their mixed fuels.

" I hate you, Megatron!" Starscream hissed, pushing his spark toward Megatron's almost brutally, as if he had wanted to emphasize his claim. Megatron responded in kind, launching his spark forward to meet Starscream's in the middle, he pushed both sparks back in the seeker's open chest before allowing them to finally merge together.

" Pit-spawned creation of- Aaaah!" Starscream's tirade was cut short by the too-sudden and too-intense surge of pleasure when their sparks merged inside of him. He clawed at Megatron's arms, wanting to deal pain just as much as he needed to grab onto something.

Why haven't we done this for so long? He wondered, biting Megatron's lips hard to muffle his own cries of bliss.

Megatron was equally affected by the raw, violent pleasure that seemed to crash all over and inside of his frame, burning him like the lightning.

He held Starscream tight against him. He had almost forgotten how his seeker's spark felt. Always so intense, always so deadly, so unlike those other mechs and femmes he had had before! Starscream's spark was perfect for his.

How long has it been since they had last done this?

Too long! He decided.

Although not very coherent anymore, Starscream was still attacking him from the outside as well as from the inside, but his claws had grown tired and his fangs were biting him far less hungrily than before.

None of them fared better than the other, the experience was just too intense not to lose control.

They cursed and moaned, riding wave after wave of fire-like passion, until they could no longer remain afloat. As it was often the case when they merged sparks, their overload took them away simultaneously. Megatron roared and Starscream shouted a curse of Megatron's name.

It felt like the pit and so much better, it felt more intense and violent than death itself.

It was an agony of pleasure, it felt like the thrill of conquest itself.

Their febrile sparks returned to their respective owner, hoping nothing else than meeting each other again soon.

The silence fell then, and for a time was only disturbed by the noise of their cooling vents and the occasional cries and pleas of wild animals in the distance.

The night was cold and the moon was high, its light reflected beautifully on the sharp edges of Starscream's wings. Megatron traced them lazily as he observed the desert around them. They were alone here, he didn't care about what he did, he knew they wouldn't be found.

The seeker moved after some time, raising his head to consider his leader arrogantly.

" Next time, Megatron," He started, his anger now reduced to a dying flame; " Next time you do something like that, I will kill you!"

" I can't wait!" Megatron replied sarcastically, pulling Starscream into a long, heated kiss that was nothing possessive or violent.


Thank you for reading, drop a review if you liked this.

If you have an idea of kink or theme, shot, I'm always open to suggestions.