Hello all! It's me again, with a brand new story! Now I know some of you know what happened in the game, Republic Commando and some of you know what happens in the books. Well, this story is basically a cross over of both! I, myself, have read about half of the third book so far, still working on finishing it, but I know something bad happens to the character of Fi, and I am sorry, but just like in the end of Republic Commando, I can NOT let that lie, and things will be different from that. Sorry all. But I can NOT do that, to Fi.

SO yeah, now that I've talked on and on, as always, I'll shut up now and without further ado...
Star Wars: Rise of the Commando's.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

*Epic theme song start's playing*

Star Wars: Rise of the Commando's

Not long after the tragic loss of their brother, RC-1207 Sev. Delta Squad returned to Coruscant for further orders, only to find out they had evacuated, just for safety purposes only, and they might could have saved Sev, from his horrible fate.

Infuriated by this news, the rest of Delta Squad, RC-1138 Boss, RC-1140 Fixer, and RC-1262 Scorch, went off together to mourn the loss of their brother. But what was unknown to the Commando's or the Republic, was that an outside source had tapped into their communications, and had found out what had happened to the lost Commando brother.

Risking life and limb, the outsider decided to make a daring attempt to rescue RC-1207 from behind enemy lines, deep on the planet of Kashyyyk...

Unknown's POV:

After hearing the tragic news of the missing Commando, I knew I had to do something. I may be an aruetii, an outsider, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be a part of this war, the Republic is fighting in.

So taking my own ship, and my own time, risking my own life and everything I have, I sped towards the planet of Kashyyyk, in hopes of rescuing the incapacitated Commando.

By the time I came out of hyperspace, it was the dead of night on the side of the planet, I was venturing to. Luckily for me, part of my armor was black, meaning I would be able to sneak in easier.

I landed my personal Gun ship, which I had taken the liberty of 'borrowing' from the Separatists, who had 'borrowed' it from the Republic. But now that I had it, you couldn't even tell it was once either one of their's. I made it perfect to my needs.

After silently landing and leaving my ship, I made my way, through the tree blocked path. I knew I had to tread lightly, or I could set off some sort of motion detector.

I held my hand gun, tightly in my right hand. My fingers going numb, I held it so roughly. It was a simple nervous habit for me, same with my itchy trigger finger.

After a long walk, in pure silence, my helmet, suddenly burst into life. I saw read-outs on different life forms, near my current location. And also their powerful weapons.

I carefully stalked closer to them, and crouched down behind some bushes, for cover. I adjusted my helmet frequency, and was able to tune into what a few of them were saying.

Aside from their crude talk, of crushing the Republic under their, in my opinion, rather ugly, feet. I also found out where the detention block was. I smiled within my helmet, and silently crept away.

After a bit of crawling on my stomach, for fear of being spotted, I found the entrance I was looking for. It was an old ship docking area, with plenty of cover for me to use.

I crouched low, and quietly made my way inside. I carefully peered around a corner, and saw two Super Battle Droids.

I smiled to myself, as I pulled out my, DC-17 Sniper Attachment and clicked it onto my DC-17. I got down, on one knee, and leveled my Sniper Scope, until I found one of the droids.

I let my finger slide down to the trigger, as I inhaled quietly in my helmet, then let lose a powerful bolt. It pierced the armor of the droid, and disabled it's controls for good. The other SBA, tried to fire at me, but I sent another bolt, straight through him.

As they both lay on the ground, smoking, I sliced into the main terminal, and found which cell, held the captive Commando.

After downloading this information, I permanently wiped it from the system, and continued on my mission. The only sound I could hear, was my heavy boots, clanging against the metal floor.

I held my DC-17 Automatic, close to my chest. So many times, this thing had saved my life, and I wasn't about to let it out of my sight.

I could, every once in a while, hear a quiet voice come from down one of the halls, telling me, I didn't want to cut down that way. As I jogged along, I could feel my pack slamming against my back.

I looked down, at the right corner of my HUD and saw that the hall, leading to the detention hall, was just up ahead. But I also saw, I needed to take out a few guards as well.

When I got closer, I saw they were nothing but some clueless Battle Droids. Luckily for me, I haven't run into one of those horrid Geonosian bugs or one of those ugly Trandoshan lizards.

When I finally reached the place I needed to be in, I pushed myself up against the wall, and tried to figure out how many droids I had to deal with.

There were three Battle Droids, and one of my worst nightmares...

"Droideka!" I spat, furiously.

I hated those things. I had lost my parents, because of one of those. I wasn't going to take it easy on that one, not for anything. Even if it hadn't been the one to kill my folks, it and all Droideka's would pay.

I reached back, into the side pocket on my pack, and pulled out a Thermal Detonator. I triggered it, and chunked it around the corner, then closed my eyes.

After I heard the loud blast, and the last stutters of the stunned Battle Droids, I sprung around the corner, somersaulted and landed on my stomach, lying down a heavy line of fire.

The Droideka didn't even have a chance to react. I blasted away, until it was on the floor, barely moving. I got up and walked over to it.

I scowled angrily, and brought my foot up, and smashed it down on it's head. I twisted my foot on the ground, crushing it's circuits, until they weren't anything but smashed up bits of metal.

I normally don't hold grudges. But this thing and it's kind, stole the only family I had, away from me, and that is something I never will forget or forgive.

After snatching some wires off the stupid thing, I marched away, DC-17 in one hand, and a thermal dept in the other. I was ready for anything and anyone who stood in my path.

I soon found the Detention block and sliced into the main system, until I came across the cell, that they were holding 07 in.

After a little bit more of slicing, I wiped the entire system and hurried off to find 07.

As I walked along the halls, I could see many other prisoners of war. Even though I was bred and taught, to never show emotion or let feelings get in the way, I still couldn't help but want to shed a tear, for these men, who were forced into this war, and gave their lives, for a cause, that they had no part in.

I shook my head, and walked on, but I couldn't help, but form another plan in my mind.

After a while, I found the cell, that held the Commando. I unlocked it and walked inside, and once in, I let a quiet gasp, escape my mouth.

I was shocked to see such a proud, brave Commando, simply chained to the wall, his buy'ce, helmet, thrown to the side, like trash.

I closed my eyes for a moment, and forced myself to breathe. It was horrible seeing him tossed aside, like some piece of scum. I opened my eyes again, and they burned with rage. This had gone to far.

I hurried over to him and quickly released him from his bonds. He fell, face first, to the floor, unmoving. I crouched beside him, and ran my health scanner over him. He was alive, but badly beat up, and it looked like he had taken the worst, that each beast here, could give him.

It was amazing that he had even survived. But it just proved how strong and tough the Commando's were. And that's why I wanted to be one of them.

I carefully propped him against the wall, and reached over, and grabbed his helmet. I brought it over and carefully snapped it on, hearing the satisfying, 'click, hiss' of it's air lock.

I linked up to his HUD, and watched as the read-outs scrolled across my own. I nodded once, then turned and inhaled deeply, then grasped the Commando by his arms and hoisted him up onto my shoulders, grunting under his weight.

'Man, either this guy outta go on a diet, or I need to work out more.' I thought to myself.

I shook my head again and took off running, out the cell door and through the halls, with the unconscious Commando flung over my shoulders.

Once I reached the Detention Block's, main terminal again, I adjusted the weight on my shoulders, and freed up one hand, and got to slicing.

After about two minutes of hacking the system, all the cell doors suddenly opened, as did the secure doors to the weapons and medical supplies room.

I saw shocked and amazed faces, pop out from the cells, and stare at me in wonder. I looked towards the weapons and they knew exactly what I had done for them.

"Come on men, we're free! Let's go!" one of them cried out.

And following that, was the cries of renewed hopes. I smiled and turned to run off, when I saw them all snap to attention, saluting me.

I turned back to them, and with my free hand, returned their proud and grateful salute, then dashed off towards, Shadow Dancer, my proud Gun ship.

I could hear them making plans to take back this fortress, and run the Sep's off the planet for good, though I knew, that would never happen, not for a long time.

But it wasn't my concern at the current moment. I had to get off this wood land planet and get Sev back to where he belongs, with Delta Squad. As I passed by, the smoldering rubble, of a once fine Droideka, I couldn't help but step on it, one last time, for good measure, before hurrying off.

I soon made my way into the woods, towards my ship, but the Sep's had already been alerted to my presence, and I had to hurry.

It was much harder for me to run, carrying the weight of an unconscious man, dressed in full armor, over my shoulders.

But soon, I saw Shadow Dancer come into view. And just as it did, blaster bolts started flying from out of no where. I ducked and dodged as best I could, but still took a light hit to my right side. I yelped in pain, but kept on running.

I soon made it inside and sat Sev at a nearby table and chairs I had set up and strapped him in, until I could get into hyperspace. I closed the blast doors and scurried off to the cockpit.

The inside of my ship, looked nothing like a traditional Republic Gun ship, because I had fixed this baby up really nice and perfectly suited to my personal needs.

I could hear bolts bouncing off the metal, as I brought my shields up. Then I revved my engine and my ship, blasted off into the night sky, heading towards the freedom of space. I looked back towards the planet and smiled.

I had done it. I had gotten the Commando back. All by myself.

'And I'm not stopping. Not until I'm a Commando as well. I promise, mom and dad!' I thought, as I turned my attention back to the controls.

I typed in my coordinates, and blasted off into hyperspace, heading straight for Coruscant. Once safely in hyperspace, I unbuckled and carefully crawled out of the cockpit, which could hold up to six people now, then the original one.

I made my way back to Sev, and unbuckled him and dragged him back to my med bay. I carefully got him up on the bed, and unlocked his helmet and gently set it aside.

I could see battle scars, and I knew how hard he must have fought. And to think of all those Sep's must have put him through there, only proved his strength.

I reached under the bed and pulled out a med pack and carefully got to work, fixing up some of his wounds, that I could handle, and giving him some painkillers, for when he came to.

I continued to do what I could for the injured Commando, all through hyperspace, until my alarm finally blared to life, alerting me that we would be coming close to our drop point soon.

I carefully strapped him to the bed, then hurried back to the cockpit. I took my seat, and clicked my safety strap into place, then gently pulled back on the control, to take us out of hyperspace.

As the fast flying stars around me, slowly pulled to a close, I let out a deep sigh, at the sight of the planet of Coruscant. It's amazing beauty always took my breath away.

As I carefully steered my ship towards the last known location of the Republic Commando's, Omega Squads trainer, Kal Skirata.

I turned back towards the small med bay in the back and quietly whispered, "Welcome home, Sev. Welcome home."

As I pointed my ship towards the fit direction, I let out a sudden and pained gasp. I looked down to my right side, as a sharp, burning pain began to form.

I then remembered that one of the blaster bolts had grazed my side, and that must be what it was. I shook my head, as my vision blurred slightly. Now was not the time to give into the pain. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply.

'You are a Mando'a. A Mandalorian. You are stronger then this!' I reminded myself.

I knew I had to get myself some help, as well as the Commando. Hopefully not only will Skirata, but Delta's trainer Vau as well, will be kind to the person who saved one of their Commando's and will not only get me some help, but allow me to join them in their fight.

Yes, that is one of my many reasons for rescuing Sev. My main one, was that I refused to let a Commando rot in a cell. My next objective, was to inlist with the Commando's.

And if I had a say in it, I would be a Commando yet...

Alright! I finally got that done, and man, what a chapter that was to write. I hope that you all enjoyed the first chapter to my story, and please all, even you silent readers, please REVIEW! I live off those, and need them, so please. When you review, I always smile! So yeah, hope you all enjoyed it, and hopefully I'll have more up soon. Later all!