Hey everyone it's me EClare143 I have a new story hope you enjoy

Come here in my arms

Maya POV

I was running barefoot to cam's house I was embassed what had happen at the pageant I said," I'm so stupid now people have the right to call me ditz." When I got to cam's I had mascara running down my face and he said," Maya are you okay, what happen?" I said," Beauty pageants are freaking stupid." Cam said," Maya you can came in if you want." Nodded and came in and he said," Do you want to get out of the dress?" I said," Yes." He went through in drawer and pulled out sweat pants and a hoddie he said," Change into these and we will talk." I didn't smile I just took the stuff and went to the bathroom. I thought to myself the last thing I want to talk about this." I got out of the bathroom and cam was sitting on the bed and cam spotted me and said," Maya came here please." I started walking and got on the bed with him and he said," Maya are you ok." I was trying to tell myself to not break down but I did. I got under his covers and I started crying. Cam tried to get me out of the covers by saying Maya please come out of the covers or making shushing sounds. I finally got out of the covers and cam said," Come here," he had his arms really for a hug. I got in his arms and started cry even harder. He said," It's ok Maya you are okay nobody can hurt you I'm here for you." Cam got up and I said," Where are you going?" I'm going to get some tissues. I thought to myself I'm such a big baby when he came back he started wiping my tears away then he started to hug me and then I heard soft sniffling I let go of Cam and saw that he was crying and I said," Cam what is the matter?" he said," Maya I hate seeing you like this it just kills me. I hugged Cam and said," Cam you are the sweeties guy I ever meet." I faced him I wiped his tears away. I looked at my watch it was 10:30 at night and I said," Hey do you want to go to sleep I'm tired." Cam looked at me and said," Are your parents ok with it?" I said," There out of town." He said," oh is Katie going to mind." I said," No she is with a friend." I said," Ok you can stay here for the night." We got in the covers and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Sorry if it's short I hope you like it!

Please follow me on twitter EClare143

Love you guys 3