A/N: This fic is a collection of drabbles I make up while thinking of my otp :3 It's my first [K] fic so I'll try my best to stay true to the character's attitude. I'll keep updating as long as I have ideas. Reviews are welcomed and thank you for reading~!

Pairing: Misaki Yata x Saruhiko Fushimi

Skateboarding was something Yata was a natural at, ever since he picked up his first skateboard as a child. It was as if it were destined for him. He loved the feeling of freedom he had as he rolled down the sidewalk, passing by countless faces. He'd already grown accustomed to this type of danger, to avoid running someone over. His power allowed him to think ahead, to see anything that came out of nowhere, but as Fushimi Saruhiko walked down the curve he was rolling down, he was not expecting the blue haired boy to stay in place without noticing him. It was too late, the wheels of the skateboard were going overspeed, rolling rapidly on the pavement, his power only managing to stop it for one mere mile. A shriek escaped his mouth as he ran over Fushimi. The megane looked up in surprise. Without further though, his body fell back along with Yata's. The skateboard flew off another direction, landing right in the middle of the street and being run over by a passing by truck. It got crushed, its wheels rolling right towards Fushimi and Yata.

Looking up at the ginger, a sadistic grin emerged on to Fushimi's lips. "Misaki~ You should be more careful when riding your skateboard." He said, sounding calmer than he should be. Maybe the awkward closeness of their bodies made him act this way, for Yata was right on top of him, one hand on his chest and the other besides his face, his legs enclosed around his waist, and his face merely centimeters away. The megane, despite his probable head injury, chuckled lightly at Yata's flustered face.

"W-WHAT THE HELL FUSHIMI!? YOU JUST APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE, ASSHOLE!" He yelled, taking him by the collar threateningly. Although Fushimi was not threatened at all by Yata's words, he laughed lightly and pushed the red head off.

"Bastard!" Yata hissed once he noticed his crushed skateboard right in the middle of the street. "You'll have to buy me a new skateboard for this man!" He said bitterly, standing up from the floor and dusting his clothing off. Fushimi stood along with him, rolling his eyes at his remark.

"As if; Misaki, it's time you take a break from skateboarding anyway. Look what you've done to me. You brought this upon yourself." Fushimi said while taking the skateboard's broken wheel and showing it to him. He smiled widely at Yata's angered expression.

"What I've done to you? More like the other way around. You came out of nowhere, what the hell?" Yata argued. He almost felt like punching Fushimi in the face, but held back because, well because he was trying to have better tolerance. But it wasn't working. Fushimi kept grinning from ear to ear like a lunatic, and Yata was really getting creeped out.

Averting his eyes to the wrecked skateboard, Fushimi sighed and crossed his arms. "I guess you're right...but I'm not buying you a new skateboard..." He said calmly as he began to walk down the sidewalk casually. Yata turned towards him with a frown, and scoffed at the blue haired boy.

"Fuck you!" He yelled to a smiling Fushimi, who felt quite happy after this event, leaving behind a mourning Misaki. The boy picked up his broken skateboard and walked back to the bar, feeling pissed with the ex HOMURA member. "I'll kill him next time." He mumbled to himself out of mere anger, knowing very well that if it came to it, he would not have the heart to kill the boy.