Well here we are the first chapter of my Halo/Mass Effect crossover! Now I want you all to know that I won't be giving out a million details at the start of every chapter like many other people do. Also, I have never owned a Halo game, but I have beaten every single one of them and love them very much!

Now the synopsis for this story is that it starts eight years of the Human/Covenant War and peace has been achieved between the Separatist and Human nations, but animosity has remained. However, both species are working towards the future by establishing the United Species Federation. The USF is the combined efforts of mostly the human and Sangheili militaries forming a council to safeguard their species and allies from any other hostile force that may be out there like the Flood. This was achieved mostly from the Arbiter having sworn to defend Humanity no matter what in the future for their follies during the war.

Despite being founded by both the Humans and Sangheili the USF doesn't discriminate against the other species of the galaxy and offers full membership status and the Mgalekgolo, Yanme'e, and Unngoy have all become major players. However, the Sangheili, Mgalekgolo, Yanme'e, and Unngoy formed their own nation soon after the Loyalist Fleets were defeated 4 years ago named the New Covenant Alliance. Despite being part of the same government all species have an equal say in the USF

The main points of the USF is the combination of men, planets, technology, and resources between all of its species. When combined the fleets of every species together present a force able to overcome any known enemy in combat.

On a sour note though Spartan-117 or Master Chief John-117 has yet to be located by the USF despite ongoing efforts to locate the Hero of the Human/Covenant War. To many John-117 is the epitome of humanity's will to survive and their strength of character and in his honor the Spartan IV program is restarted with improved augmentations that have high survivability ratings and anyone of any age can join.


Despite the USF not knowing the location of John-117 didn't mean he wasn't working on a way to get home. Cortana and John crashed landed on an unknown planet seven years after the destruction of the Arc. It was there that they discovered an ancient Forerunner Military base still being run by it's sentinels.

Luckily for John and Cortana the sentinels registered John as a Reclaimer and quickly started to repair and upgrade the Forward Unto Dawn. It took almost a whole year for the whole ship to be repaired and upgraded with Forerunner technology and John was more than impressed with the new ship.

The Forward Unto Dawn now stood at a length of 1.3 Kilometers, nearly tripling the original size and it received an additional upgraded MAC that took less time to fire and increased damage output by 50%. The Old MAC was replaced by a new one too so it now had two MAC's at the bow of the ship.

The Forerunner Sentinels also decided to upgrade and replace many of the older weapons on the ships. The old missile systems were replaced with HYDRA launchers. The HYDRA missiles are pure energy missiles that break up into hundreds of smaller missiles that would decimate shields and the armor of ships and upgraded damage output by 300% compared to previous models.

Point defense weapons were upgraded to Forerunner Light based weaponry giving them a massive increase in damage output and making them capable of anti-ship combat instead of only being limited to anti-fighter capabilities. The number also increased from 12 to 30.

Railguns and Laser Cannons provided the main anti-fighter protection and were much more capable with Cortana operating them in combat.

The hull and shields of the Forward Unto Dawn were also upgraded greatly. The Hull was replaced with an alloy, that the Forerunners had only just finished before the firing of the Halo Rings that could easily shrug off all but the most powerful weapons known to the UNSC and Forerunners. The shields were retrofitted and upgraded to increase power by over 500%.

The Slipspace engine was also replaced with a Forerunner drive capable of traveling over 1800 light-years in only 24 hours! Compensating for this the engine was also replaced with a Forerunner fusion reactor capable of generating around an 1000% increase.

With the upgrades on the ship John theorized that the Forward Unto Dawn could perhaps even go toe to toe with a smaller Covenant Fleet as long as there were only one or two capital ships in the fleet.

The Forward Unto Dawn wasn't the only thing to get upgrades Cortana was upgraded to be able to process greater amounts of information and Forerunner upgrades prevented her from becoming Rampant. Johns Weapons and armor were also upgraded.

His armor was upgraded to be able to carry multiple kits such as the bubble shield, jet pack, invisibility, and few extras such as energy blades that came out of the wrists. The shielding increased by 250% and the armor itself could easily stop all but the strongest small arms fire.

Along with his armor he received Forerunner light weapons such as the Z-130 Suppressor, Z-250 Light Rifle, and Z-750 Special Application Sniper Rifle. Each one was energy fed so required no ammo, but plasma clips were needed to keep the batteries working after a while of shooting.

After a year on the planet the Forward Unto Dawn was prepped and ready for travel back to Human Space. They had only one planet programmed into the computer…it's name was Harvest.


"Chief? Are you sure that Harvest is the only planet we will be able to reach?" asked Cortana as she stared at John as he quickly worked at the controls of the Forward Unto Dawn.

"It is time that I returned Cortana. I have been gone for eight years now and there is no telling what has happened in those eight years. Harvest was the extent of human expansion before the Covenant arrived so I'm guessing that there has to be something there that we can use." Responded John.

"That's true…but why leave now? Why not stay and learn everything we can about this facility?" asked Cortana as John typed in several coordinates for the Slipspace drive.

"We have already detected Flood in the facility. If we don't destroy the facility then there is a chance they can escape. Now are you done with all the calculations that we need?" he asked as his attention was attracted to a Monitor floating in the room.

"Correct! The Reclaimer has made good arguments that the destruction of this facility is what my masters would have wanted!" stated the Monitor, 145 Alpha Bolt in a metallic voice.

"Is the warhead ready to detonate?" asked John as the Monitor seemed to run a few calculations.

"Indeed! As soon as you are ready we can proceed to destroy the base." Answered the Monitor as John nodded and looked at the form of Cortona.

"Is everything ready?" he asked.

"We are ready John. It will take about a week for us to reach Harvest with our new Slipspace drive. I suggest you enter cryo and wait till the 6th day to wake again. I will watch the ship and wake you if you are needed before then." She stated as John nodded and walked out of the bridge.

"Execute the destruction of the base and enter Slipspace." He ordered as Cortona nodded and Alpha Bolt nodded their consent.

John watched through a viewport the destruction of the facility and sighed in anticipation for what was to come. He may be a soldier, but that didn't mean he wasn't human. He missed his home and missed his other fellow Spartans and for all he knew there possibly wasn't any Earth left!

He made his way to the Cryo Chamber and quickly entered into the predesignated chamber for him and watched as the doors closed. "Okay Chief…initiating cryo sleep in 3…2…1…and mark!" with that all went black for the Spartan and he waited to be awoken once again.

Little did he know that he had just left one war only to enter upon another…


Swish…swish…swhish…Brrp…ssssh! Bullets and explosions echoed across the battlefield as a lone ODST soldier ducked behind a large pillar made from the debris of a fallen building destroyed through orbital strikes.

"This is Sgt. Richards requesting fire support at coordinates Echo Tango 85678123. Unknown hostiles are advancing on my squads position slowly, but steadily. We are at risk of being overrun by hostiles!" yelled Sgt. Richards as he fired his submachine gun at a group of aliens that had made a break for cover.

A shot rang out as one of his squad fired a sniper rifle with precision to decimate a lone enemy contact. It had been like this for the past 36 hours as these unknown hostiles had suddenly appeared out of nowhere right over Harvest.

It had all been so fast and the small fleet consisting of a Halcyon Light-Cruiser and three Charon-Classs Frigates was caught with there hands down their pants as a fleet of some 22 ships appeared 5,000 Kilometers away from Harvest.

Luckily the four ships defending Harvest hadn't died for nothing in the end. Their sacrifice gave the defenders of Harvest ample time to prepare for the enemy land forces. AI's aboard the ships were able to hack the enemy computers in record time and siphoned off massive amounts of information on their attackers. They were also able to defeat eight of the enemy ships and send out a distress signal to the nearest USF fleet.

They were apparently part of a species known as Batarians and they had come to the system from an unknown form of travel known as a Mass Relay. The Mass Relay that was used was currently hidden inside a massive asteroid that orbited the solar systems sun. It basically allowed instant transport to any part of the universe in just a few seconds.

However, all that technical bull shit mattered very little to the Sgt. What did matter though was the reasons why these Batarians were attacking Harvest. It was to capture a large percentage of the population and sell them in a slave trade sanctioned by their government known as the Batarian Hegemony.

"This is Eagle 9-1! Take cover we are about to drop our payload!" came a voice of a pilot of one of the UNSC Long Sword fighters.

"Get down men!" yelled the Sgt. As his men all dropped behind cover as a whirl of the fighter flew over them followed by a large explosion that decimated the attacking Batarian soldiers.

"Sgt.! How long are we supposed to hold out like this! We are running low on ammo!" yelled one of his men as the Sgt. Looked over who was left of the ODST platoon he had been commanding ever his is LT had been killed in the initial landing by the Batarians.

"Last I heard the nearest fleet was two days away! We have hold out until then no matter the cost! The Batarians…" he said with obvious disgust. "wish to enslave our people and kill everyone else! We cannon allow this to happen! Harvest has already fallen once due to aliens, not lets make sure it doesn't fall again!" the Sgt declared as his men nodded in determination.

"This is Colonel Williams to all ground forces currently stationed in Hope! A second wave of enemy forces are landing as we speak to finish us off! All units are to move to fall back locations and hold at any cost…we have to hold men…not for ourselves, but for the ones that depend on us. Colonel Williams out!" came the order from the leader of the forces on Harvest.

"You all heard the Colonel we move out now!" yelled the Sgt as his remaining 25 men all began to fall back to the center of the city to the main defense line. There they would be able to receive much more support from aircraft and vehicles due to the smaller amount of space they needed to defend, but once there they would have no where else to retreat to.


"Colonel Willams! The USF has sent the Third Expeditionary Fleet to help repel these Batarians and once they are cleared of our atmosphere they will be sent through the relay to secure the other line while the USF gathers a large fleet to attack this Hegemony and to ensure that this Citadel Council doesn't interfere. Sir!" reported an officer as Williams looked at his datapad detailing the battle currently taking place in the city of Hope, Harvest's largest city.

"It's a good thing that our AI's were able to easily infiltrate the enemy networks and extract this information. If we had attacked without this knowledge we could've started another war similar to the one with the Covenant." Stated the Colonel as he watched another wave of Batarians land on the planet and assault his forces once more.

"Can we hold out sir? They outnumber us by quite a large number and they have fleet support. What chances do we have against that?" asked the officer with fear in voice.

"You insult us as a species. We have survived against worst odds before and we will continue to survive. These Batarians haven't got a clue to what they decided to wake." Said the Colonel with conviction as the officer nodded with a slight smile as he went back to one of the command center's terminals.

"Sir! We have a ship exiting slipspace!" yelled an ensign at one of the consuls.

"Whom does it belong to? Did the Batarians receive reinforcements?" asked Col. Williams as the Ensign began to work at the consel.

"Acquiring signature…oh my god!" he yelled in surprise.

"What is it Ensign?" asked the Colonel with suspicion.

"Sir…the ship…it's the…"


"Chief we are picking up a distress signal coming from Harvest." Stated Cortona as she appeared on the holovid in his Armor.

"I'm on my way to the bridge now Cortana…how long until we exit slipspace?" asked John as he opened the door to the bridge to see a video being played on a screen.

"This is Colonel Williams of the Harvest defense forces! We have come under assault by a previously unknown species. AI's have been able to steal massive amounts of information from them and we have identified them as being Batarians. If there are any fleets out there we need help now!" begged the Colonel as the video shut off.

"How long until we reach the system Cortana?" asked the Chief again.

"We will reach Harvest in 45 minutes Chief…I suggest you suit up. I will be able to handle all space combat while you go to the ground to help there." Said Cortana as John wasted no time in moving to the ships armory to suit up.

45 minutes later

"I will punch a hole through their defenses, then when we are over the city of Hope I will drop you down to the surface of the planet while I continue to engage the enemy targets." Stated Cortana right as the ship exited Slipspace.

"Enemy strength is at 14 ships with 2 cruisers, 6 destroyers, and 6 frigates. I have already hacked the enemy ships and I deploying counter measures!" Cortana stated as John watched the enemy fleet turn to face him.

"Chief…we have a message from the surface."

"…Forward Unto Dawn." Finished the Ensign as the entire command center shut up instantly at the mention of the legendary ship that was said to be carrying humanities greatest hero into space.

"How is that possible?" asked the Colonel with a slight stutter as he too was surprised at this announcement.

"I don't know sir…but it is much bigger than the old Forward Unto Dawn. It is about the size of a Cruiser and it's power output is off the charts! Not even a Covenant Assault Carrier generates this much power.

"That's impossible! Patch me a link to that ship now!" stated the Colonel as Ensign began to broadcast to the ship.

"This is Colonel Williams of the planet Harvest! Identify yourself at once…you are impersonating a ship that was destroyed just over 8 years ago." He said with as much authority as possible. Why he spoke many people were looking at the holopad to see who would respond to the Colonel.

Many gasped when a figure appeared on the pad, he was wearing the MJOLNIR armor. "Colonel Williams Sir! Spartan Sierra-117 reporting for duty sir!" stated the Spartan professionally to the shock of the Colonel.

"But how?" he asked meekly.

"That isn't important now Sir! The enemy fleet has already turned to engage the Forward Unto Dawn. After we break through the fleet I will be dropping down to the planets surface to assist your troops." Said the Spartan as the comms dropped.

"The Chief is back? The Chief is back…THE CHIEF IS BACK!" yelled one of the staff as the entire room started to go up in cheers.

"Quick alert the infantry now that the Chief is on his way now!" yelled Colonel Williams with a smile. "This is exactly what we needed!"


"The enemy ships have entered the range of our MACs!" said Cortana.

"Then give them Hell…" said John as the twin Super MACs fired both their slugs at the incoming fleet.

It took less than 5 seconds for the shells to hit the enemy ships. One destroyer and one frigate were both instantly decimated by the sheer power of the kinetic rounds.

"They are opening fire! Brace for impact!" yelled Cortana as the Forward Unto Dawn was struck by multiple hits coming for missiles and Mass Accelerator Cannons. "Shields are holding at 92%...those torpedoes are the main problem…they caused a distortion changed the mass of the area around the shields."

"Fire every weapon at the fleet. Have Railguns and Laser Batteries target the fighters while the Hailstorm Proton(Light Based Weapon) Point Defense Cannons and Hydra missiles target the larger ships in the fleet.

"Fire!" stated John as the Forward Unto Dawn fired every weapon at it's disposal at the enemy fleet. Streaks of blue and white lights lit up space as the Hydra missiles broke apart into many smaller missiles as they neared their target and the Hailstorm cannons fired condensed beams of light energy.

The Hailstorm Cannons hit first and tore through the hull of the ships completely ignoring the barriers that the MACs had registered when they had first fired. The volley tore open two ships a destroyer, and a frigate.

Next the Hydra missiles descended upon the fleet and decimated every ship in the fleet leaving many with no shields and hull damage on many of the ships. The Hailstorm cannons continued to fire and soon the fleet was in full retreat to the other side of Harvest's moon.

"Chief…enemy fleet is in full retreat. Shields are standing at 86% and there are no hull breaches. The Forward Unto Dawn's upgrades worked better than we could've expected…do you wish to pursue the fleet." Asked Cortana as John got up out of the captain's chair.

"Negative…put us over the capital. I will go down through orbital insertion…continue to stay above Harvest and only engage the enemy fleet if they make a move. Once I'm clear I want you to send orbital supply drops to every unit down there…they much be running low on ammo now." He said as he entered the Hanger bay of the Forward Unto Dawn.

"Chief…we aren't positive if your new armor will hold up during Orbital insertion…" stated Cortana as the Hanger bay doors opened just as the Forward Unto Dawn took position over the city of Hope.

"Only one way to find out. Patch me through to all allied frequencies." Stated John as he began to walk to the edge of the Hanger bay. "This is SPARTAN Sierra-117 to all ground forces…the enemy fleet has been beaten back and I am about to make an Orbital Insertion at Coordinates ET 67855321."

"Good luck Chief…" stated Cortana as John jumped out of the Forward Unto Dawn and began to fall to the planet below.


Sgt. Richards was barely holding the line against the never-ending horde of hostiles that was throwing themselves against his dug in ODSTs. They had dug in to the position some time ago and met up with various other units in order to form one last line until help arrived.

It had worked at first and the enemy had suffered massive casualties against his men, but he knew they couldn't last much longer. All along the line units were starting to run low on ammo enabling the hostile aliens to close the distance with his forces.

Other parts of the line had even degenerated into vicious melees as the enemy was able to advance directly onto their positions. However, the various units holding the line refused to retreat as they all now knew the cost of failure was the death and enslavement of thousands of civilians.

"SGT! The enemy fleet has taken massive casualties and is pulling out of the atmosphere!" called out a corporal in his squad who was manning the radio.

"Is the fleet here?" Richards asked as he popped up and fired a burst from his smg to keep the aliens from advancing.

"Command claims it was a single ship, Sir!" yelled out the Corporal as those who were in hearing range looked at him in surprise.

"Impossible! The only ships capable of that would be one of our new Super Carriers or Battlecruisers!" claimed a specialist as he fired his gun sporadically at the enemy.

"Believe what you want man, but the ship has taken up residence over the city and the enemy fleet is in full retreat! The ship is hailing on all frequencies…patching it through to your personal transponders!" said the Corporal as all the men touched a button onto their helmets allowing them to all receive messages.

"This is SPARTAN Sierra-117 to all ground forces…the enemy fleet has been beaten back and I am about to make an Orbital Insertion at Coordinates ET 67855321." Came a deep voice over the radio shocking every single soldier on the battlefield enough that they all stopped fighting for a few seconds.

Sierra-117, Master Chief, SPARTAN-117, or John-117 was a name that every human or alien in the known galaxy knew. He was a shining example of personal sacrifice, courage, strength, and will and was the HERO of the Human/Covenant War and the destroyer of the Flood. Just the information that he was alive and about to fight alongside the defenders of Hope was enough to have all of the soldiers hearts soar.

"The Chief is alive? Come on men! LET'S SHOW THESE BASTARDS THE TRUE POWER OF HUMANITY!" shouted Sgt. Richards as he stepped up over cover and opened fire on a group of aliens. He was soon followed by his whole squad, but the enemy kept coming and ammo was running low.

"SGT! I'm out of ammo!" yelled a private, but before Richards could respond he saw the private take five rounds to the chest, the first three were brought down his shields and the last two downed the soldier hard.

"Medic!" yelled the SGT! As the Aliens started to push once again.

"SIR! THE SKY!" yelled the specialist as the whole squad looked up to see a bright orange object streak across the sky and land with a large shockwave no more than 60 yards away from their line and in the middle of a platoon of enemy soldiers.

"What the hell was that?" asked Corporal as every combatant on the battlefield looked at the cloud of dust that was kicked up by the impact.


Leuatenant Bozn's of the Batarian Hegemony's Marine Corps was truly surprised by how well this species had been able to fight against his species. He was positive that they would've just surrender after their small, but advanced fleet had been wiped out.

That was the first surprise that they encountered when they entered the system, as they hadn't even been expecting any enemy ships. Probes had been sent in with various meteor showers to prevent them from being detected by the enemy and they were a success.

There hadn't been any ships detected in orbit, but a week was a long time and in that time the planet must have received a garrison in that amount of time. When the fleet exited FTL it was already too late to pull out of the mission and it led to the Fleet Admiral opening fire as soon as they had entered effective attack range.

The enemy fleet garrison had been caught off guard, but they were able to quickly return fire onto their fleet and to the Batarian's surprise the enemy weapons easily decimated the ships in their fleet in one shot from their massive cannons.

However, they were outnumbered completely against the Batarian fleet and despite their shields being significantly stronger than the Batarian's shields they soon were all destroyed from the greater numbers, but not before taking six ships down with them including one of their dreadnoughts.

Then when they had finally commenced ground operations against the capital city it was predicted that they would've won after a little less than 6 hours, but they had held out for a surprising 3 days despite the odds.

Now they were making a final push for the center of the city and apparently the enemy was starting to run out of ammo due to them being unprepared for a longer engagement.

"Move up! Put some covering fire down and move up!" Bozn's yelled in a deep voice as his marines continued to slowly inch their way to the enemies line despite fierce resistance.

"Sir! The fleet is reporting that a new enemy ship has entered the system through some sort of unknown FTL technology!" yelled a soldier working on the two way radio.

"So the enemy sent in a scout? We need to move before their main fleet arrives! All men advance now!" yelled Bozn's as most of his men advanced on his enemy positions.

"Sir! The fleet has just lost a Dreadnought and a cruiser in just one volley away from the enemy ship! It's using advanced weapons…the fleet is retreating and has suffered massive damage!" yelled the soldier as most of the platoon completely froze in shock at that information.

It was at that moment that the enemy opened automatic fire upon his unit, killing three men immediately and sending the rest into cover. "Sir the enemy is advancing! They must have received word that our fleet has been destroyed."

"Doesn't matter! They only have one ship…that isn't enough to reinforce their position." Yelled Bozn's as he opened fire on the human soldiers, but the assault from the enemy was completely overwhelming to his men.

However, the assault was soon bogged down due to the enemy running out of their ammo and LT. Bozn's overwhelming numbers. "This is the final push! Advance!" yelled Bozn's as his entire platoon plus a few other platoons charged at the depleted enemy lines.

"Sir! We have incoming!" yelled one of his Sergeants as the whole platoon looked up to see a streak of light heading for their position.

"Get to cover!" yelled Bozn's as the men all scattered in different directions. The object impacted the ground with a massive shockwave that kicked up a large cloud of dust into the air and knocking most of his men off of their feet.

"What the hell was that?" asked a private as he pointed his gun at the cloud of dust as with hald of his men.

The attack came as suddenly as the object from the sky did. One second his men were approaching the cloud of dust and the next there was panic as 5 soldiers were struck by some sort of beam weapon in a span of only 2 seconds.

Bozn's took cover along with a group of men, but they had already lost 6 more men and they enemy in the cloud of dust wasn't even close to stopping. "All units open fire!" yelled Bozn's as his unit opened up with everything from pistol rounds to armor piercing missiles to destroy whatever was in the cloud of dust.


All combatants on the battlefield stared at the now even larger cloud of dust after the massive attack by the Batarians that could've easily destroyed a Scorpion Tank. However, they weren't shooting at a Scorpion…they were shooting at something much worse.

The smoke cleared and to the shock of the Batarians a single man was standing with his fist in the ground and a large yellow energy sphere surrounding him. He was massive and was wearing Green Combat armor that screamed deadly.

"My turn…" muttered the SPARTAN quietly, but his voice resonated throughout the battlefield. It sent shivers of excitement down the spines of the humans, but shivers of fear and death down the spines of the Batarians.

It all happened at once as the shield collapsed and the SPARTAN had closed the distance with the first Batarian and stabbed him in the throat, before anyone of the Batarians could react. However, it didn't end their as the SPARTAN took twin weapons off his back and started firing white laser projectiles at a group of Batarians with accuracy that could only be obtained through years of hard combat.

Before the Batarians had even opened fire 10 of them had already been cut down by the mechanical monster that was known as a SPARTAN. John fluidly cut a path of destruction through the ranks of Batarians as they attempted to put an end to his life, but he was too fast and his shields were too strong for any attacks to be successful.

Two missiles arced across the battlefield as John flipped over the first missile and leaned out of the way of the second as he drew an elongated alien weapon and fired a beam of energy that decimated a line of Batarians including the one with the missile launchers.

In just two minutes the Batarians had gone from 220 to just 140 due to the unrelenting and aggressive attack made by John. Despite having killed so many his shields had been only minimally weakened by the enemy, but had recharged quickly enough to the point where it seemed like he had taken no damage at all.

It seemed as if the initial attack by the SPARTAN had caused mass panic in the Batarians who remained as many started to retreat in panic in the face of an unstoppable force. That did little to deter the SPARTAN though as he killed the last of the enemies still trying to win the day.

When it was all said and done there was nothing more than piles of Batarian bodies as the SPARTAN stood at the center of the mass of bodies slowly looking over his weapons to ensure they were working properly.

"Holy shit! You slaughtered them all!" yelled one of the ODSTs as the remaining humans came from their cover to question the Chief.

"Just doing my job…" stated John as he pressed a button on his helmet. "This is Sierra-117…anyone in need of aid?"

"This is the 134 Colonial Regiment! We are in need of aid Sierra-117! Enemy forces are threating to overrun our positions and we are running low on ammo!" yelled the man on the other end of the radio.

"Hold out for a few minutes…I will be there soon." Stated John as he crouched and took off into the direction of the depleted regiment.


"Sir! Squads are reporting a drop in enemy forces and a lone SPARTAN making quick work of any remaining forces that are trying to break through our line!" yelled a radio operator as Colonel Williams smiled in victory.

"Hell of day for a living legend to return…eh boys?" the Colonel asked to his men as resounding cheers went off around the room.

"Sir! The enemy fleet is moving into position to attack the Forward Unto Dawn! Wait…we are receiving word from the UNSC 3rd Recon Fleet! They are about to enter the system soon!" called out the man as they whole room smiled in what was sure to be complete victory.


Admiral Reton looked at the many consoles on his bridge monitoring his fleet and ground forces. What was sure to be an easy victory against a primitive race had gone to complete hell as his fleet was decimated by their guard fleet and the single Dreadnought that had weapons and shields beyond anything he had ever encountered in his long life as an Admiral.

"Sir! Ground forces are getting slaughtered without fleet support! They are reporting that a single green monster is slaughtering our soldiers!" yelled one of his ensigns on the bridge.

"That's impossible!" yelled the Admiral. He was positive that even without fleet support his men would've taken the capital in less than a day and forced the enemy to just surrender, but now his men had lost? They had numbers with a 5:1 ratio and yet this primitive race was decimating them at every twist and turn.

"Sir! I'm patching in a video feed from the battlefield of this monster!" said the ensign as the whole bridge crew watched in curiosity as the video started. Curiosity soon turned to awe and horror as they watched the soldier rip through their lines with deadly precision that would put even the best Asari and Spectre commandos to shame.

It was over as fast as it began as many of the Batarian soldiers began to panic rather than face the monster in combat as it slaughtered all those who dared to resist against its might. The last they saw of the video was the monster coming to camera and picking up and staring at the device before crushing it between it's hands.

"Dammit! Notify the fleet! We are going to engage the enemy ship now! Our men won't last long without our help!" yelled the admiral as the whole bridge exploded into a mass frenzy as the they started to contact the whole fleet.

"Get into a Wedge formation! Frigates in the front, Cruisers on the flanks, and we will be in the center! I want one frigate heading back to the mass relay…tell Hegemony that we need to secure this colony…this technology might be what we need to fight the Council!" ordered the Admiral as he watched one of his frigates leave the formation and enter FTL to get to the Mass Relay.

"If this is to be our final hour then I will die destroying that ship!" claimed the Admiral as his fleet went do destroy the dreadnought hovering over the planet.


"Don't worry admiral! I have already calculated the direction in which that ship has retreated to. There is a system several light-years away in that direction." Stated Cortana as she stared at another Hologram of an older man in his early 50's.

"Good…we will be dropping out of Slipspace in one minute. Jam their communications as soon as we drop out. We don't want them knowing our true strength." Stated the admiral with a small smile.

"I have had extensive time to hack and decode their systems sir! I have learned that their race is part of a galactic council that consists of many races. However, this council is much more peaceful than the Covenant are…in fact these Batarians are attacking our system for resources and slaves for more power in the council." Stated Cortana as the Admiral nodded in reply.

"What do their numbers stand at?" asked the Admiral.

"Their fleet is large Sir, but their technology prevents them from matching our strength and by themselves they would lose a direct war with us. Their shields do not block energy weapons at all so our new plasma weapons should do massive damage to their ships and the new weapons of the Forward Unto Dawn are extremely effective against their ships. However, if the Council joins them then the odds of victory would go down from 90 to 10 to about 60 to 40 in our favor." Stated Cortana as the Admiral nodded.

"I have already received word that the NCA has already given full support to the USF. These Batarians have united our armies quicker than what 10 years of peace would've done for us. Once the main fleet arrives I have been given orders to cross this Relay and take the Batarians colony in order to secure a beachhead into their space. What are our chances of victory when the NCA enters the war?" asked the Admiral as Cortana smiled.

"Chances of victory will be at 98 to 2 Admiral Schneider. There is no fleet in the universe that can withstand the might USF when both the USNC and the NCA are working together." Replied Cortana.

"Good…we are exiting slipspace in 10 seconds." Said the now revealed Admiral Schneider.

"That's good Sir…enemy communications have been jammed. Enemy ships have entered MAC range…firing! Fleet arrival in 3…2…1" said Cortana as numerous contacts popped up on screen and fired their MACs immediately.

"Sir! The Kesh has been destroyed by a single shot from that Mass Accelerator!" yelled one of his men on the bridge.

"Communications have been jammed! We have no contact with the rest of our ships! SIR! Numerous contacts! 38 ships have just appeared in the system…they are firing Admiral!" yelled another as the admiral stared out into the darkness of space.

"My gods….what have we unleashed upon our people." Said the Admiral as he watched the massive enemy ships open fire at once. He didn't feel it when his ship decompressed from the multiple MACs impacting into the hull and exploded as the Mass Effect Core was breached.

It was the first of numerous victories that would show the rest of the galaxy that messing with Humanity would end with nothing but sorrow.

Well there you go everyone my first Chapter now here is the small codex for ya!


The USF is the combination of both NCA and UNSC Fleets into one to ensure cooperation and peace between the two powers. It is theorized that within 5 years the UNSC and NCA will be the past as they will have officially combined into the USF.


Formed in the aftermath of the Human/Covenant War the NCA is the combination of the Sangheili, Unngoy, Mgalekgolo, and Yanme'e. As the main leaders of the NCA the Sangheili have promised to always come to the aid of the Human species as a way to make up for the genocidal war that they waged for decades. Their efforts to make amends has come a long way and relations are steadily improving between the NCA and UNSC.

Ship Classifications (COUNCIL)

Dreadnought - Dreadnoughts are anywhere between .9 KM to 1.9 KM in length and are the most powerful ships in Council space. They possess powerful kinetic barriers and weapons capable of decimating most enemy warships…in council space. Despite all this there are rumors that the Turians, Salarians, and Batarians have been working on a series of super-dreadnoughts.

Carriers- Carriers are the largest ships in the council Navy standing at 1.3 KM to some being 2.1 KM in length. They carry very little armament and are to be protected by the other ships of the fleet. One carrier can change the tide of a Fleet battle.

Cruiser-Cruisers are the workhorse of the Council Navy, standing anywhere between .8 KM to 1.1 KM in length. A cruiser can perform any role in the Council navy from troop deployment, frontline combat, scouts, or even serve as flagships.

Frigates- Frigates are the scout and flotilla ships of the Council Navy and can be anywhere from .4 KM to .8 KM in length depending on the nation. They can range from being heavily armed to being geared for stealth for covert missions.

Fighters- Since any species learned the marvels of flight…there has been a man wanting to shoot a gun from that method of flight. Hence where the fighter got its origins! Ineffective alone, but deadly in a swarm fighters can do just about anything when given a task.

Ship Classifications (UNSC)

Maginot Class Super Carrier – The Flagships of the New UNSC fleet the Super Carrier stands at 13 KM in length, dwarfing all but the strongest NCA ships. The Carry hundreds of defense weapons including Plasma Torpedoes, 4 MAC's, 2 Super MAC's, Shiva Nuclear Missile Launchers, plasma turrets, pulse laser turrets, and a single energy projector. It is also shielded by an advanced shield and several layers of Titanium-A armor that can shrug off most attacks. Three have been built since the end of the war with two more under construction.

Infinity Class Battlecruiser – A new class of ship that was started at the end of the Human/ Covenant War the Battlecruiser was to push the Covenant back in the case that Earth fell one day. However, that was no longer needed at the end of the war so the ones in construction were soon upgraded even further with Covenant arms a like pulse laser turrets, Plasma Torpedoes, and two super MAC's along with many point defense cannons. They stand at a staggering 5.6 KM in length and have advanced Forerunner Shielding. There are currently 13 constructed with 6 more being built as of this moment.

Archangel Class Carrier – A carrier that stands at roughly 3.4 KM in length and capable of holding hundreds of Sabre and Short-sword Bombers in its hangers. Upgraded to have a good amount of shielding and carrying two MACs this class of ship can even fight with out it's fighter groups.

Halcyon Class Cruisers – Ridiculed at the beginning of the war these ships became a lifesaver at the end. Able to take massive amounts of damage this class of ship could be argued as the most powerful ship of the war for the UNSC. During the wars climax this ship received a major boost to it's armament making it just as strong offensively as it was defensively. They stand at a "modest" length of 1.6 KM in length.

Argo Class Destroyer – Armed to the teeth and rugged like a bull the new Argo class destroyers are 1.1 KM in length, but armed with a Super MAC and hundreds of guns along with advanced shielding and hundreds of plasma and kinetic based weapons. A destroyer can do just about anything from deploying troops to taking on a Covenant Carrier.

Washington Class Frigate - .6 KM long this frigate has replaced all other frigates in its class. Newer shields and plasma weapons make this ship quite the workhorse armed with Plasma Torpedoes, Laser Pulse Turrets, and a giant Super MAC this classification of ship has gained new appreciation in light of the end of the war.

Sabre Interceptors – Having to compete with advanced alien fighters the UNSC had to upgrade quickly and what they got was one of the most effective fighters ever made! This fighter could got toe to toe with any other aircraft in space and still come out on top. However, very few were built and those that were built were lost when Reach was glassed. But now they are back and are itching for combat.