As Caroline rang the bell of the Salvatore mansion, she wondered what she should brace her for finding. It was only a few hours ago that a red-faced Elena arrived at Caroline's house, sharing that she and Stefan had broken up. Elena was upset about the break up but felt that since becoming a vampire, her feelings for Stefan had changed. She needed a love that was darker, and she couldn't get that from Stefan. Caroline tried to listen to her friend with an open mind and heart, but her mind kept screaming, "Elena, you're an idiot!" Damon? She is choosing Damon over Stefan? Is she crazy? Caroline couldn't stop her feelings of anger and frustration against Elena for her decision. Caroline's been with Damon, so she understands the draw to those amazing eyes and lips. But she learned that beyond the lusting and sexual tension, Damon was just a needy little boy, looking for the next toy to play with him. Stefan was different. So different. Stefan cared about others' feelings. She remembered the time he brought Bonnie and Elena over to her house to spend the night with her. He didn't do it for himself or even for Elena. He actually did it for Caroline. He thought about her needs when he had only just gotten close to her. Caroline will never forget that he did that for her. Or that Stefan single handedly helped her through the worst time of her life, so to speak…becoming a vampire. Stefan helped her through that process, while Damon could give rat's ass about her feelings. After giving her friend as much comfort as she could, Caroline left quickly to console her mentor and savior, Stefan. She knew Elena would understand her going over to see him, but for some reason Caroline felt didn't want to tell her about it.
"Caroline, hey how are you?" Stefan answered as he opened the door. He quickly gave her a hug with a weak smile.
"Just checking in on you," She replied as she returned the hug. She felt him release a heavy breath as he held her shoulders.
"She told you, huh?" He asked after letting her go and walking toward the drawing room. Caroline closed the door and followed him into the room. She watched as he poured himself a scotch and motioned if she wanted one as well. When she shook her head "no", she was able to take a look at the room for the first time. The room looked like a tornado hit it, with broken glass throughout the floor. Stefan noticed her observing the floor.
"Yeah, I kinda had a moment," he said before taking a sip from his glass, "or maybe a whole night actually. It's funny really. The worst night of my life is probably Damon's best." Stefan took another sip of his drink and looked vacantly at the window. "I mean why shouldn't it be? He has the love of his life, right?"
Stefan flopped on the couch and suddenly threw his glass against the fireplace, shattering it in pieces. Caroline jumped at the sudden action. Stefan raised his hands up.
"I'm sorry Caroline. Shit! I'm sorry. I...I just…I don't know. " Stefan rubbed his hair with both hands, trying to either smooth it down or pull it out of his head. "I knew this was coming, Caroline, but I just kept hoping that maybe…maybe I would be enough."
Caroline sat next to him on the couch. "You are enough Stefan. You both are just not what the other needs right now. I don't know why, but it's just the way it is right now." Stefan looked at his hands solemnly.
Caroline wasn't sure what to say to make the situation better. She wondered if she was actually making the situation worse.
As if he read her mind, Stefan reached over and touched Caroline's knee. "It's not you, ok? Thanks for checking in on me, Caroline. You're a good friend." Caroline covered his hand with both of hers.
"And so are you Stefan. You are going to get through this. I know this hurts like hell right now, but you are going to get through it." Caroline gave Stefan's hands a squeeze and shook him lightly.
"Hey, you know I am here for you too, right? I mean, Elena has my best friend since like birth, but you Stefan…,"she shook Stefan until he looked her in the eyes, "You are my savior. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. We have a bond that I will not forget or blow off." Stefan looked closely at Stefan and his eyelids filling with tears.
"Caroline, I can't let you do that. You know Elena a lot longer than me, and I am not going to put you in the middle-" Before Stefan could continue, Caroline held his face in her hands and looked him gently in the eyes.
"You're not doing anything. I volunteered. Willingly. And by the looks of it," Caroline released his face and looked around the room with a smirk, "you don't look like you are beating friends off with a stick. So you're stuck with me." The both of them began laughing and Stefan let out a breath that he didn't even realize he was holding.
"I guess I am not the best company right now. "
"Well, then we were made for each other, cause I'm not the best company either." Stefan looked at his friend curiously.
"What's wrong? Are you and Tyler fighting because of Hayley?" Caroline gave a sarcastic chuckle.
"Hayley, Klaus, the other hybrids. Take your pick. But I think I sent him over the edge by agreeing to go out to dinner with Klaus." Stefan began shaking his head and stood up from the couch.
"No way, Caroline. That is not a good idea. Klaus is much too dangerous to play games with." Caroline pulled Stefan back onto the couch.
"Don't get all big brother on me right now. I can take care of it." Stefan started to say something and Caroline cut him off.
"I got it Stefan. Right now you need a "good old-fashioned stuff your face with crap and laugh your ass off" time with a friend, and that is what you and I are going to do. All day. Today. Got it?" Stefan was about to protest and then looked as Caroline's determined eyes and started to lightly laugh.
He leaned his face on his hand and smiled up at his friend. "Thank you Caroline."
Caroline smiled down at him. "Don't thank me yet. I intend to wear you out partying tonight, your treat of course. Stefan laughed as she gently placed his head on her lap.
"But first, how about I just hold you for a little while. Is that okay?" Caroline lightly stroked his hair and rubbed his shoulders. Stefan placed his hands on her lap, holding her closely.
"Yeah, that's okay." Caroline watched as tears fell from Stefan's eyes onto her lap and soon she couldn't tell his tears from her own.