This story has been amazing to write, and I appreciate the enthusiasm that so many of you have left me throughout the whole process, it has been truly incredible writing for you and your all so important to me, it absolutely makes my day when I write and get reviews from you! please keep it up one last time for Abducted as this is my final chapter in this particular story.
For one last time, please enjoy the next chapter!
.P.S. If you haven't seen Kat Graham's new video for her new song 'Wanna say.' Then get your butt on to youtube as soon as you finish reading this and listen to it!
I sighed contently, it had been two days since Kol had dropped me back home, but I hadn't alerted anyone to my presence, neither of us had, we stayed together at my mine, whilst my dad was still away on business.
Kol stroked my hair as we sat watching a movie on the TV together, after my confession to Sage, everything I had been wondering about started to fall in to place, and I knew without a doubt, that Kol was going to be there for me for a long time.
I looked up from the movie we were watching to peak at his face through my lashes.
He sensed me looking and took the time to look back with a slow impish smile.
'Yes my beautiful Bonnie?' I giggled at that, it was like that first relationship you have with a guy when he says anything that makes you blush furiously.
'Oh nothing, I was just admiring the view from where I was laying.' I said with bliss written all over my face I was sure.
'Well get comfortable, because you may be staying here with me for a long long time!'
'You really think so?'
'I really think so Bonnie Bennett. I'm stealing you away from the rest of the world and there's nothing you can do about it.'
'Bonnie?' I shifted my weight to see who was at the window. It was Lexi, Elena and Caroline. All with their mouths open, all staring unblinkingly at Kol and myself. Oh brilliant, I couldn't wait to explain this.
'It looks like we have some explaining to do...' Kol looked at me with yet another cute grin on his face.
'Actually, you have a cooking lesson to go to and I have an intense questioning ahead.' I smirked at him, ever since we had gotten back from the getaway, a nicer term than me being abducted I think, I had signed him up for cooking lessons, and made him go twice a day to my Grams, where he received them. I don't think it was doing much for his ego but he had to learn we are no longer in the century where housewives are kept, we have moved on from that. Big time.
'Do I have to?' He groaned, it wasn't his favorite thing to do in the world but...well, he had no choice, I couldn't have him burning down my house!
'Yes, unless of course you'd rather be tied to a chair and questioned and insulted for a while then go into complete girly mode with nail varnish, make-overs and chick flicks?'
Slowly, over the course of 2 days I was beginning to get Kol into the 21st century things that most people would like now.
That had the indented affect though, he got off the couch as fast as lightning.
'I'll see you later my beauty.' Kol kissed the top of my forehead, the tip of my nose and then my lips slowly, he was so cute like this!
'hmmm?' He asked.
'You still have to go.'
'Damnit!' Yep, still a manipulative person at heart.
'Go!' I laughed as I gave him a light shove towards the front door.
'Bye bye Bonbon.'
As he left he had to push past the three still in shock girls to get to his car.
As he left, they all turned back to me with questioning looks.
'I can explain all of this.' I began hurriedly.
'Oh please do.' Lexi stepped towards me as she said it and with the others in tow, I let them through and they filed into the house.
Boy was I in for night of torture.
Please leave some final reviews, but I am also sure I can be talked into writing a sequel to this if enough of certain people ask. This includes guests not just members!
Once again, thank you for being with me through the entire process, it means more than anything else I could possibly say to you.
TVDgirl4 (yes, ok, I actually just created myself a twitter account!)