Hiya Readers,

First of all, I just wanted to come on here and say that I think most of us, if not all would agree that 2016 was not a great year. For me, it was not a great year health-wise, but I don't really want to go into that because no one wants to read about all my medical problems LOL. Anyways what I wanted to do this little not to you all since it is a new year and I am hoping the year will be better than the last, even if things don't get better with my health.

I wanted to say that I am planning on updating all my multi-chaptered fics really soon, but I am going to try to be focusing on Love Amongst The Ruins, We Stitch These Wounds, and Bred To Kill Them All, only because they are the most asked about. None of my fics are completed I still have a lot to write on all of them and I plan to try to make time. I am busy with writing my novels also so that is an issue that I have 'time'. I am going to try my best to get all the fics finished. I promise I won't start any more multi-chaptered until all the ones I have out are complete!

So I hope that I have not lost you all but I understand if I did. I hope that you will be happy with the new chapters once they come out. Thanks again for your reads, comments, and kudos, they really do mean a lot to me.

Enjoy the new chapter!



Everywhere I Go

Blaine stared at the doctor as she scribbled her pen across the paper and then she looked up at him a smile on her lips.

"With the damage that was done to your knee in the past, I want you to wear this pretty much 24/7. Showers and bed being the exceptions." Dr. Winona Baker said with a smile at her young patient as she picked up the brace and showed it to him.

Blaine found himself returning the smile Dr. Baker had just given him without having to force it. She was really nice. She was a lot different than the nurse back at Dalton. The nurse back at Dalton actually scared Blaine. If he could see Dr. Baker every time he came to the doctors he wouldn't feel so nervous. Blaine found himself staring into her dark brown eyes that reminded him of coffee. Her eyes were just as kind as her smile. Her hair was just as dark as her eyes and her skin was such a warm terra-cotta brown it made her eyes look even darker. Blaine thought she was beautiful and she would be the type of person he would use as a subject in his artwork. He let out a sigh.

"Do you have any concerns about the brace?" Her kind voice asked.

Blaine shook his head. The squeeze on his hand brought him out of his small reverie. He let out a small hiss of pain as the doctor put the new brace onto his knee. Blaine glanced over at Kurt who was smiling at him. He squeezed Kurt's hand in return. Blaine watched as the doctor strapped the knee brace around his knee.

"You did some pretty serious damage to your knee a few years back. I am surprised that it is doing as well as it is." Dr. Baker said as she checked to make sure the knee brace was adjusted right. "Do you think you need anything for pain?"

Blaine shook his head. He didn't really like taking pain medication.

"Well, how about I write you a prescription for some Vicodin and your aunt can keep it that way you can get it if you need it. I have hopes that the knee brace will help. And I want you to switch between ice and heat."

Blaine watched as she wrote out the prescription and handed it to his aunt. His aunt smiled at him and Blaine focused back on the doctor.

"I do want you to have an X-ray, I want to make sure that you haven't done more damage to your knee. And I want to see you back in three weeks." Dr. Baker finished writing down the information on the chart. She then held it the checkout paper to Blaine. Kurt took it. "Just stop in and see Emma on the way out. She will make the appointment for you and they will call you with your X-ray time. It shouldn't take too long." She gave all three of them a smile and then walked out of to room.

Blaine let out a sigh and reached for his pants. "She was nice." He mumbled as he looked up at Kurt. The knee brace felt funny against his skin. Kurt once again held the sheet up, shielding Blaine from the view of himself and Blaine's aunt. He slowly stood up and pulled up his jeans. He wanted to get out of here.

"She seems to think the knee brace will work, so that is good." Aunt Lillian said with a sigh of relief.

The appointment was scheduled for the twenty-third. It was going to be during thanksgiving break. Which would mean if they went home to Kurt's they would have to come back for the appointment. Blaine let out a sigh and took Kurt's offered hand as they made their way outside. It was chilly out and Blaine felt the shiver run through him. He wrapped his scarf around his neck more and couldn't help but jump as his aunt put a hand on his shoulder.

"I have to get back to work. Make sure you call me in a few days to let me know when the X-ray will be?" She asked it as a question but Blaine knew she really meant it as he had to call her or else.

She leaned in for a hug and Blaine returned the hugged that she gave but never let go of Kurt's hand. "I will call you." They said goodbye to his aunt and watched as she pulled away from them in her small shiny red car.

"I am glad that she thinks the knee brace will help," Kurt said as he watched Blaine.

Blaine nodded. He was glad about that too but was a little nervous of what the X-ray would show. "I just don't know if I will be able to dance." Blaine groaned as he took a step down off the sidewalk. "Do you want to go back to the school?" He wasn't really sure what Kurt wanted to do.

Kurt shook his head. "I don't know if you will be able to either." He really hoped that with rest Blaine would be able to perform with no issues. He didn't know how the other guys would feel if Blaine indeed couldn't dance. He let out a sigh and then smiled at Blaine when he realized he was still looking at him. "Do you want to go see a movie?"

Blaine shrugged. "There aren't any movies I want to watch right now." The truth was he hadn't been to the movies in a long time, July of last year, Cooper had taken him. Cooper had been home for one day to take Blaine to the movies. Despite how miserable Blaine was he hadn't said no, it was their thing. He couldn't have said no. He glanced up at Kurt, he was smiling at him. "What?"

Kurt's smile grew. "I know you want to watch a movie this month, though."

Blaine smiled too. "Yes, I do." He felt his own smile grow. Cooper would be coming home that day to take Blaine to the movies. He knew that Cooper wouldn't miss it. "Cooper will be home that day." He told Kurt.

"Oh, so it's not going to be a date then?" Kurt asked and started walking towards the car.

"I mean it is sort of mine and Coop's thing but I wouldn't mind going to see it more than once." Blaine let out a chuckle and then froze in place. He had heard a laugh, a laugh that he didn't like hearing. He knew who the laugh belonged to. He gazed around the park in front of them, trying to spot the person but he couldn't see him. Blaine took a deep breath and held it as his eyes raked back across the green expanse in front of him. There were people riding bikes. People flying kites. People sitting by the lake. People lying on blankets. Groups that looked like they were studying, but in all that he could find the source for that laugh. He knew he was there. He couldn't find him. Blaine let out the breath when Kurt shook his hand.

"Did you hear me?" Kurt turned Blaine towards him but watched his eyes rake back over the grounds of the park.

"What?" Blaine asked keeping his eyes on the group of people furthest away from him and Kurt.

"I asked if you wanted to go over by the water in the park or did you want to go back to the school?" Kurt gazed out across the park trying to figure out what was wrong with Blaine. He then turned his gaze back to the shorter teenager. Blaine still hadn't moved.

Blaine let out a small startled noise when he finally spotted him. Jeremiah was sitting on a bench on the edge of the park, about ten feet away from where Blaine and Kurt were standing. He knew he wasn't crazy. That laugh was a laugh he would never ever not notice. He squeezed Kurt's hand as those gray-blue eyes focused onto him. Jeremiah was staring straight at him with a smirk on his lips. His curly long hair was blowing in the breeze and Blaine felt sick.

Kurt followed Blaine's gaze and felt his mouth fall open. "What the hell, is he following us?" He couldn't believe that the asshat was sitting there smirking at them the way he was. Kurt now knew why Blaine had frozen in spot. "Come on let's get out of here." He pulled Blaine close to him and then started to turn towards the car.

Blaine nodded and let Kurt lead him towards the passenger side of the car. "I don't…" He spun around fast, placing his back against the side of the car, feeling his knee snap at the quick movement. Blaine had heard quick footsteps rushing towards them and he wasn't going to keep his back to the person.

Kurt too turned to face the newcomer and felt a smile come on his face. Jeff was running towards them. "Hey, Jeff." Kurt's eyes roamed back over to the bench and Jeremiah wasn't sitting there anymore. "Did you see Jeremiah?" Kurt asked once Jeff stopped in front of them.

Jeff pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and nodded. "That is actually why I am here…well, why we are here." He gazed back into the park and noticed his companions walking off down the trail into the woods.

"Who is 'we'?" Blaine asked looking up at his best friend.

Jeff smiled at Blaine. "Me, Nick, and Sebastian."

"Sebastian?" Kurt questioned. He didn't know why Jeff and Nick would be hanging around Sebastian.

"Yes, he said he was going to tail Jeremiah, and Nick didn't want to let him do it alone." Jeff shrugged. "We had a feeling Jeremiah would be following Blaine." He cast Blaine a worried look. "We were right?"

Blaine let out a sigh as he watched Jeff take out his phone. "Please tell Nick and Sebastian to get away from Jeremiah." Jeff nodded at him with a sad smile. Blaine watched Jeff type out his message to Nick and he let out another sigh. He didn't want Nick or Jeff to get hurt, he didn't even want Sebastian to get hurt, no matter how much Sebastian annoyed him. Blaine turned his gaze to Kurt when he felt him move away from him. "Where are you going?"

Kurt turned to face Blaine and shook his head. "Sorry, I'm not going anywhere." He stepped back to Blaine's side and took his hand again. "Is Jeremiah here with anyone?" Kurt knew that Jeff, Nick, and Sebastian had been watching him probably since he left the school.

Jeff shrugged. "He acted like he was waiting for someone to join him but I don't know because no one ever showed up."

"Why did I hear him laugh then if he was alone?" Blaine wondered. He felt the panic started to build. Jeremiah was laughing because he knew that his friends were there in the park watching him. That Nick and Sebastian might be in danger. But it ebbed away when he saw Nick and Sebastian coming towards them, unharmed. He let out a sigh of relief.

"We lost him," Sebastian growled a deep frown on his face.

"It doesn't matter he knows we were watching him." Nick guessed. He gave Blaine a small smile which to his surprise Blaine returned.

"That means we will have to be more careful next time," Sebastian muttered.

"Next time, next time, are you crazy?" Kurt exploded. "You have no idea…" Kurt let his words fall off when Blaine gripped his wrist with the hand Kurt wasn't holding. Blaine's fingers were cold and clammy. "Leave it alone…" Kurt warned. He frowned when Sebastian narrowed his eyes at him.

"Why the hell would we leave it alone?" Sebastian demanded the growl slipping back into his voice. He didn't know what Kurt's problem was. His eyes turned to Blaine, whose eyes had looked worried a moment before but they held anger in them now.

"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!" Blaine bellowed. "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" He threw his hands up in the air, frustration at his friends filling him. He gave one last glance at Kurt then climbed into the passenger seat slamming the door closed behind him. He buckled up and watched Kurt through the window. He could hear Kurt saying something like 'you guys should get back to the school' and 'stay away from Jeremiah'. The three nodded at Kurt. They all seemed to be in shock of Blaine's outburst and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed about it.

Kurt let out a long breath and then climbed in the driver's seat. "Are you okay?" He asked reaching his hand over to Blaine keeping his palm up. He didn't know if Blaine would take his hand or not right now.

Blaine looked at Kurt's hand for a few moments before he placed his own on top of his. Kurt laced their fingers together and Blaine let out a sigh. "I'm sorry…"

Kurt shook his head. "No, you don't need to be sorry. What they are doing is dangerous and…"

"You weren't going to tell them were you?" Blaine questioned, keeping his eyes on their hands.

"God, no…I promised you that I wasn't going to tell them. Though, I should tell someone that can do something about it…" Blaine's hand jerked but he didn't pull it away.

"You mean like your Dad?" Blaine finally looked up at Kurt.

Kurt nodded again.

"What do you think your Dad can do about it?" Blaine wasn't mad at Kurt for saying he wanted to tell his dad. He had thought about telling more adults. Adults that would actually do something. But then his thoughts always came back to what his own father would do if he did talk about it. Blaine felt the shiver run through him again.

Kurt let out a sigh. He didn't know what his dad could do, but he thought that he could help, somehow. "My dad might not be able to do anything, wait..." Kurt shook his head, why hadn't he thought of it before. "What about Cooper?" Blaine's eyes widened at him. "Would Cooper be able to do anything?"

"You can't tell Cooper," Blaine shook his head. The thought of telling Cooper was scary to Blaine for more than one reason. "And I don't think my Dad would let Cooper do anything. You don't go against what my dad says."

Kurt let out a frustrated groan. "Shouldn't most dad's be like trying to sue the school or the family or something, anything?"

Blaine let out a humorless chuckle. "If I was his daughter and this had happened to me as a girl, he would be doing that. Boys can't be raped. Those were the words he spoke to me…"

Kurt felt his mouth drop open at Blaine's words. "Yes, they can!" Kurt couldn't believe that Blaine's dad said that. He had heard it before, but he hadn't actually known anyone that had had it said to them before.

Blaine nodded. "But my father doesn't think so."

They had spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies being lazy. Jeff and Nick had come by and apologized to Blaine, Blaine had apologized to them too. Blaine had spent about an hour writing in his journal, while Kurt did his homework. Blaine had already finished his own homework. Kurt had once again gone down to the cafeteria and got their food, bringing it back up to the room to eat. Blaine wanted to avoid everyone. Kurt knew it. Kurt wasn't sure what they were going to do tonight. Blaine had been in a down mood ever since they had gotten back and Kurt couldn't blame him.

Finding out that Jeremiah was following Blaine was upsetting. It was more than upsetting but Kurt didn't know what to do about it. Seeing Jeremiah at school was too much for him. It was bad enough that he and his sick friends had already put Blaine's body through hell. Now they were going to do that to his mind by stalking him.

Kurt shook his head and climbed on the bed behind Blaine. He wrapped his arms around him and placed a kiss to his temple. Blaine still had his eyes closed but Kurt knew he was awake.

"Is he going to be everywhere I go?" Blaine whispered and turned his head to look at Kurt. He didn't think he could deal with this.

Kurt pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. He dropped his forehead down onto Blaine's shoulder. He didn't know how to answer. Kurt let out a sigh and then picked his head back up. "I hope not, but I am not going to let him get close to you. I promise you." Kurt watched as Blaine closed his eyes again and a tear leaked out of the corner of his eyes. Kurt kissed Blaine's temple again, feeling the tears start to prickle at the corner of his own eyes.

It was like Blaine was breaking all over again. Kurt could do nothing but hold him and hope that it might be enough for him.