Day 1- Sweaters

Ruby placed the pancakes on the counter, It was 7:14, Belle would walk through those doors within the minute. Smiling to herself she collected the cup of hot chocolate and brought it over to the sheriff, miss Emma Swan.

"Thanks Ruby" Emma mumbled, not looking up from her paper.
"What's wrong? In the dog house again?" Ruby smirked knowingly.
"It wasn't my fault!" Emma defended causing Ruby to chuckle
"What did you do?" Emma didn't reply for a minute
"Henry found my Grand theft auto game..." she trailed off, Ruby waited for her to continue. "Me and Regina, we were having coffee in the kitchen. Henry walked in and said, and I quote `Daddy's back you bitches!`"
"Oh my god you're kidding!?" Emma shook her head

"That is the best way to start the morning ever!" Ruby exclaimed laughing.
"Stop laughing! I'm in serious trouble.. She wouldn't even kiss me goodbye this morning.." Emma pouted.
"Listen Em, just grovel, you're pretty good at it."
"True that. What about you? Where's your little bookworm?" Emma asked, desperately trying to change the conversation. Ruby went to reply but the sound of the bell on the door caught her attention.
"Right here." Ruby replied with a wink. She walked over to greet the girl in question but stopped short when she saw what her girlfriend was wearing.
"Belle. What?" she asked dumbfounded
"What? This? It's called a sweater Ruby."
"I can see that...But is the flashing lights a bit much?" Ruby frowned slightly. Belle laughed and hugged her girlfriend.
"Come on babe, it's Christmas!"
"In like a month Belle!" Ruby replied into the smaller girls shoulder.

"Okay, but it's cold so I thought I'd get into the spirit early!" Belle replied enthusiastically. Ruby chuckled and moved back behind the counter so she could pour herself another coffee
"Whatever, so long as you don't have a matching one for me It's fine." She laughed again taking a long drink from her coffee. When Belle didn't reply Ruby caught her gaze. No words needed to be said.
"Oh, you didn't!?"
Sheepishly Belle pulled a bright red sweater out from the bag Ruby hadn't even known she was carrying. Ruby stared at it for a moment, it featured a far to happy Rudolf surrounded by Christmas trees.
Sighing Ruby took the red garment from her girlfriend.
"At least it doesn't flash..." She sighed thankfully
"well..." Belle chimed in, she reached over and pressed something on the sweater, surely enough the trees began to flash as did Rudolf's nose.
"Oh dear god, really?!" Ruby began searching for the off button but to no avail.
"They also came with reindeer horns..." Belle added shyly
"You're kidding?"
"Please Rubs?" Belle pulled her best puppy dog eyes and Ruby knew she couldn't say no.
"Fine..." Ruby replied after a long sigh. "I'll wear it when we're walking home okay?"
Belle looked like a kid on Christmas.

As Ruby finished cleaning the diner, all she had to do was wait for Belle to come by so they could walk home together. She caught the sight of the sweater and matching horns on the coat hook.
Slowly she approached the mass of red and pulled the sweater on.
"Oh my god that is so cute!" Belle practically screamed as she ran into the diner.
"Thanks...I guess." Ruby replied as Belle greeted her with a kiss. "There really isn't a way to stop the flashing?"
"Nope." Belle smiled. Ruby sighed.
"Okay then, you ready to go?" Ruby asked holding her hand out for Belle.
"Not quite.." Belle smirked, she pulled the horns from the hook and placed them on Ruby's head before putting her own on.
"Bellleeee" Ruby pouted. Belle pouted, Ruby cursed her lack of willpower and nodded.

The streets of Storybrooke were quiet, Ruby thanked the gods that nobody would see her dressed in matching flashing sweaters with her girlfriend whilst simultaneously wearing reindeer horns.
Her blessings were short lived however as a familiar blonde haired woman walked around the corner and practically collided with them, her own girlfriend in tow.
"Ruby? Belle? What..." Emma began giving them the once over.
"My my Miss Lucas, what a...vibrant sweater" Regina gave her trademark smirk. If Ruby wasn't so terrified she could have sworn Regina was about to burst into laughter
"On the contrary madame mayor, Belle brought me this, It's rather warm" Ruby even made a point of standing behind Belle to wrap her arms around the smaller girls waist.

"And the horns..?" Emma asked gesturing to the horns on top of both girls heads.
"THEY SING!" Belle chimed in happily. She reached up to Ruby's horns and pressed yet another mystery button.
The four woman stood in silent awe as the carol sang through the headgear

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names;
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
Santa came to say,
Rudolph with your nose so bright,
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Then how the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee,
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,
You'll go down in history.

This time, Regina did laugh. Hard. Ruby stole a glance to Emma who looked positively concerned for her girlfriends well-being.
"'Gina?" Emma asked.
"Miss Lucas-" Regina began but laughter once again took over. Ruby frowned and looked towards Belle who was kicking the snow at her feet.
"Hey.." Ruby coaxed.

"I'm sorry if you're embarrassed.." Belle sighed
"I'm not, I'm in shock over the mayor over there having a laughing fit, but I'm not embarrassed, It's cute. You're cute." Ruby smiled

"Really?" Belle asked looking up to her girlfriend

"Really." Ruby confirmed and leant to kiss her girlfriend.
"'Gina why are you still laughing?!" Emma's concerned voice filled the street "What is going on?!"
Belle sighed causing Ruby to look at her with a questioning look.
"I got this." She winked. Both Ruby and Emma watched with confusion as Belle gathered as much snow as she could carry. Calmly walk over to Regina...
And them dump the contents onto the dark haired woman.

The scream that followed would haunt the three girls for the rest of their lives.