Jo pushed her hair back into her pony tail after she had stopped the argument down in Section 2. Her forearm was hurting from where the chemical explosion had burned her slightly and she was far too angry to think about going to see Allison. She turned the corner into her office and froze. Zane was sitting in her chair with his feet propped up on her desk.
"If you are thinking about trying what got interrupted this morning, I suggest you think again babe." She said, stripping her jacket off and throwing it on the couch. Their shower this morning had been interrupted with a phone call about the scientists who had stayed in GD overnight attempting to finish their work and then gotten into a full blown argument over one stupid number in their equation and started throwing beakers at each other.
"Wasn't thinking about it." He said, shaking his head.
"Then what exactly are you doing here?" He simply smirked at her irate mood and took his feet off her desk. She took a deep breath in and let her anger out, promising not to take it out on Zane, it wasn't his fault.
"I heard from Mansfield today." With those five words, her anger was replaced with nervousness.
"And?" She asked, slowly coming around her desk.
"And I have a question for you Jojo." His face was slightly blank.
"What sort of question?" He licked his lips briefly, before reaching over and removing an envelope from her desk.
"Don't hate me?" He handed her the envelope, the paper torn from where he had eagerly opened it to find out his fate. Jo breathed in and looked at him before slowly pulling out the folded letter inside.
"Dear Mr. Donovan,
It is with great pleasure that we are writing to inform you that your pardon is hereby affirmed"
She couldn't read anymore as her hands were shaking.
"Why would I hate you?" She asked, removing the paper from her field of vision and looking to him. But he was no longer in his chair. He was kneeling in front of her, a horrified look on his face.
"For surprising you again." He said. He nodded at the envelope again and she opened it to look inside. The light caught the reflection of an all too familiar pain in her ass. "I know you don't like surprises Jo, but really, isn't that the man's prerogative?" She dumped the ring into her palm and looked down at him. Beverly had died six months ago and they had been waiting for news of the status of his Pardon.
"Did you know how big of a pain in my ass you are?" Jo looked down, closing her hand around the ring as she did. "You never clean up after yourself when you cook. You leave clothes in the hallway, especially if I have just gotten out of the shower, and you never throw out the empty milk carton."
Zane was confused and she could tell it. He hadn't even told her that he loved her yet and here he was on his knees with his heart in his hands again.
"Is that a yes or a no?" She was staring at Zane and she wasn't sure if he was the one who asked her not. Leave it to him to surprise her and pick the worst morning of her life to do it.
"I thought I already answered this question." She shoved opened her hand again, having slipped the ring onto her finger as Zane's face split into the most knee weakening smile Jo had ever seen.
And then he was kissing her, her feet were off the ground and there was clapping. When Zane put her down he smiled over her shoulder. She turned, following his eye sight. Fargo winked at her, Holly was clapping ecstatically, Allison was smiling and leaning her head on Jack's shoulder who was smiling at her with that stupid all-knowing-so-happy-you-didn't-fuck-this-one-up smile of his, Henry was laughing and Grace was practically crying. In response to their audience, she punched Zane in the shoulder. He then kissed her.
"Someone call Vincent. He is waiting on a cake order." Jack said.
"Did you get everyone in on this?" Jo asked, just as her phone buzzed. A "You better say yes" from Zoe. "That answers that question." Zane wrapped Jo in his arms, pulling her close to him.
"I love you Jojo." Her eyes fell closed. It had taken a year and a half to get back to where she should have said yes to his proposal before. A year and a half to get back where she felt home; where everything felt right. She pressed a kiss to his neck, breathing in his cologne and squeezed. She was never letting him go again.
"I love you Zane. I never stopped." Her phone buzzed again.
"Good job Jo. Congratulations. I better be in the wedding." Jo laughed at Zoe, assuming Carter had texted her and moved around the desk to the hugs and congratulations from their friends.
AN- Sorry about the updates if you follow this story... for some reason one chapter was posted twice and one was missing. I am almost sure that this fixed it. Thank you Lezzles for pointing it out to me... I hope this fixed it for you. Also... shout out to Morbidhina for following! Enjoy again now the story is complete again!