This was a really short chapter, but sometimes you just have to belt something out otherwise i'll be stuck in writer hell known as " writers block" Thank you all who still cared for this story and sending me messages.
" YOKOZAWA!" Tankano's voice echoed through the dark halls, making Ristu hug himself closer within the sanctuary of his wings. As as a child he believed with all his tiny heart that hiding from the world would make his problems disappear, he'd cocoon himself in the softness of his feathers and suddenly the world would seem brighter and safe. Now of course he knew it wasn't true, he should have felt silly, but it only made his body wrack with another sob.
He couldn't find it in himself to care why Takano was shouting, Ristu wanted to shout himself. He wanted was to go home! he wanted to know why? Why was this happening? Why was he here? Why did Takano….
He held his stomach churn at the thought. He sat for what seemed like forever, but as it became increasingly clear that the screaming wasn't just becoming louder but was actually coming closer, he unfurled his wings.
He felt it too. Like a whirling vortex he felt as the barest warmth there was in his room, dissipate.
Ritsu's first thought was probably not the most helpful, he thought to himself " That's not Takano" and he felt a shiver strike his core. The slamming of multiple doors was heard and Ristu knew whomever that was, was coming. Fast. He didn't even get a chance to brace himself before the door to his own room slammed open, the wooden door cracking and splintering against the force.
He saw the icy blue glow, the eyes that screamed murder, the darkness of his clothes and hair and the tendrils of danger surrounding him. The demon broke the silence and lunged.
And seconds before he could reach him, Ristu encased himself in steal feathers, his wings solidifying with his will. He didn't have much strength, the chains restricted his movements to this room and limited the power at his disposal. He felt the demon try to claw his way through and wandered if he could keep this long enough for…..? For what ? For Takano to save him?
That'd be a sunny day in hell.
He summoned a sigil, golden and radiant as the sun. It whirled to life and blades of the same making were cast out through the sigil and through his barrier ( his wings would be unharmed as the blades only targeted darkness)
He could see through his wings now like a looking glass, and saw as the blades of light were consumed by the darkness, he was too weak in this state.
He saw purple crystalizes being to arise around him, making its way toward him, he be trapped, if he wasn't already. He knew he couldn't stay inside his wings forever, he had to get out.
P.S I'm planning on fixing typos and stuff because rereading some of my old chaps got me like that Mr Crabbs meme