A/N: I do not own any of the characters; they are all from the wonderful mind of J.K. Rowling. There are going to be 8-10 chapters. Some will be longer than others, but this one is most definitely the shortest of all of them. I will try to post a new chapter every couple of weeks as school is important and I don't want to get too distracted. Yes, I know some of the characters in the story have died or have already left Hogwarts. Just accept it and move on. Reviews are wonderful. Thanks. ~C
July, 1998
His break up with Ginny was clean. There were no accusations or disagreements of any kind. When he said that he just didn't feel anything anymore, she just smiled and said "I know."
When he had spoken to his friends a few minutes later, neither of them was surprised. Hermione had given him a puzzled glance while Ron, like the big brother that he was, pestered for an explanation. It wasn't until about a week later that Hermione started to bother him.
"You really should go back, Harry," Hermione said from her perch on Ginny's bedroom windowsill.
The younger girl had taken them up to her room after supper to talk about the next school year. Hermione and Ron had happily agreed to repeat their 7th year. Harry, on the other hand, had declined.
"Hermione's right," Ginny sat upright on her bed. "If it weren't for you, everyone would be dead, Voldemort would still be alive and Hogwarts wouldn't exist."
Harry sighed and nestled his head in his folded arms.
"I don't want to hold up to their standards. I'm sick of being the hero to everyone. I just want to be alone."
Ron looked from the moping boy beside him to the girls. He saw the reflecting concern and knew they were all thinking the same thing.