38. Out of Breath

She had zipped her way through the town of Goldenrod as quick as she could. A few curse words echoed in her mind as her parted lips panted with each step she took. "Damn…" Lyra hissed, pushing her way through the large crowd of shoppers.

The brunette was late to meet up with her boyfriend. And he was the type of guy who was punctual when it came to their planned rendezvous.

When Lyra finally managed to catch his flaming red hair at the outskirts of the city, she saw his relaxed poise, leaned up against a tree and boringly scrolling through his pokégear. The trainer slowed her running. Once she approached him, she bent, hands resting on her knees and gasping for air. The air that she inhaled burned her chest, so it was slightly difficult for her to speak. "Silver…!" the brunette gasped after she exhaled a few times, "Aw, crap! I'm twenty minutes late! I swear I could explain!"

Silver lowered his pokégear, slipping it into his pocket and staring at her with a nonchalant gaze. "Mn, Pigtails—"

"See, there was a lot of people today at Goldenrod," she breathed out. Her respiration finally relaxed to the point where she could talk properly. "Like, a lot."


Lyra stood up, and gestured with her hands to make an arc over her head. "But before that, I got a call from my mom, and get this - she's buying shit again with my money!"

Silver bit back a chuckle. "Lyra—"

"It's really starting to piss me off, because I don't give her permission to be spending my money, yet she still does it?" Her voice turned accusing, and she started to scoff in annoyance. "I want to tell her, 'Mom, stop spending shit with my money—'"

Rolling his eyes (although he feels what she says about her mom, he's been there when she calls Lyra), Silver hands clasped around her shoulders, yanking the girl close and cutting off her rant with a surprised squeak. "Just shut up and kiss me," he demanded softly.

She found his lips against hers afterwards to shut her up with her ranting, and is pleased to see that he wasn't even mad for her tardiness.

A/N: illusionsofinsanity asked: If you're still looking for a prompt, how about "Just shut up and kiss me" for SoulSilver? owo

felt like i should post it here to give you guys an update, and because she's a good fan of this fic. ily /3\\\

send me requests on this fic? i'll gladly write them! :3 and yayy for reviews! they make me happy ; v ;