Don't hate me. I could not come up with a somewhat solid chapter until now. I hope you enjoy it…I've had horrible writers block and a lot of personal things going on. I know its short and not the best but its something!

Chapter 22

POV: Scorpius

Rose was officially avoiding me. After her little spill in the shower, Rose wouldn't talk to me. At first, I tried to talk to her and tell her it was ok. But she didn't want to hear it. She didn't turn to look at me she just asked me to leave. Knowing Al wasn't at home, I flooed to his house, still dripping with water, a towel wrapped around me. When I got back inside our house, I found Rose in bed. By the way she was breathing I could tell she wasn't actually asleep. I kissed her forehead, feeling her still damp hair against my cheek.

That morning, the same thing happened. Rose usually woke up way before me. Today though, she was still "asleep". When I got home from work that day, I encountered the same problem. There was a note on the kitchen table next to dinner, saying she had had a long day and decided to go to bed.

"Rose" I pleaded through the locked door. "Come on, can we please talk? You're making a big deal out of nothing."

"Nothing?" Rose pulled open the door. "Scorpius. I threw up on you. That's not nothing!" She slammed the door in my face again.

"It may be a big deal to you, but I'm telling you Rose, I don't care!"

The door opened again, "You don't care? You're telling me that you not care that I barfed on you? You're telling me that you didn't find that disgusting?"

"I mean, yeah, it's not like I like getting thrown up on…"

Rose interrupted me, "exactly" slamming the door for the third time.

"Rose" I sighed exasperated, "that's not what I meant! You didn't let me finish. I me-"

"Just go away Scorpius! I don't want to talk right now."

I slammed my arms against the side of the door in annoyance. All I wanted to do was talk to my wife, but she was making that near impossible. Pulling my jacket on, I slammed the door. The January air stung my face as I strode down the streets of London. I couldn't understand why Rose was acting this way. I understood, she was pregnant, things happen. Just like I had said, yeah I didn't enjoy being barfed on, and yeah it did kind of ruin the mood but I understood why it happened. I knew it wasn't her fault.

I kicked an empty beer can on the side of the street, drawing surprised glances from passersby.

I walked up to the gates of Malfoy Manor, pulling the doors open to the place I used to call home. I let myself in, and headed to my old room. Stripping off my jacket, I threw it on my bed. I was unbuttoning my shirt when I practically jumped out of my skin.

"Scorpius?" I whirled around; my mom was standing in the doorway in her nightgown.

"Hi mom." I turned back around and continued to take of my shirt.

"Scorpius, what are you doing here? Is something wrong? Where's Rose?"

"It's fine Mum, let it go."

I threw my shirt on the bed, but my mum picked it up and threw it back at me.

"You need to fix whatever you did."

"I didn't do anything!"

"Whether you did or didn't, she's the pregnant one, get your arse back over there and fix it." She left the room.

I groaned, stripping off the rest of my clothes and slipping into my bed.


I woke with a start, hearing a crash from the door.

"Ow, ow, ow" Rose's voice traveled across the room.

"Rose?" I cleared my throat, "are you ok?"

She made her way over to the bed, "I couldn't sleep without you."

I pulled open the sheets of the bed, for her. Climbing in next to me, she leaned her head into the crook of my neck.

Lying there I thought back to the first time Rose had slept here…

It was the summer before our last year at Hogwarts. I woke up to the sound of something hitting my window. Pulling open the doors to my balcony I stepped out to see who it was.

"Rose? What are you doing?"

Rose tried to talk, but her lips quivered and she started crying.

"Give me a second, I'll be right there." I raced down the stairs as fast as I could, without waking my parents.

"Rose, what happened?" I pulled her into a hug. "So-omething happened to Ddd-ad on h-his last case, an-nd he-es in . Mum's staying with him, and Aunt Ginny c-c-came over to take care of me and Hugo but I just needed to get out of there. I couldn't think of anywhere else to go. Just forget about it, this was stupid, I shouldn't ha-have come. I'll ju-"

"Whoa, Rose, what are you talking about. Of course you should have. Come on, upstairs." I grabbed her hand, pulling her into the house and up to my room.

When we were in my room, I was finally able to get a good look at Rose. The open balcony doors let the moonlight pour in onto Rose who was wearing a small silky nightgown that accentuated her curves in all the right ways.

I was a teenage boy, I couldn't control the fact that seeing Rose through her semi see through gown didn't make me hard. And, it wasn't like we had never been together. We were great friends, who sometimes did things for each other, you know, when the other needed. I turned away from her as fast as I could and got into bed.

Rose climbed in next to me. "Thanks for this Scorp. I really needed this, you."

I tucked a curl behind her ear. "Of course Rose, anytime."

She turned her back to me then, pulling my arm around her and pulling my body against hers. If she felt me, hard against her, she didn't draw any attention to it. It wasn't like he, usually she would make a witty remark about it.

We both lay there, not saying a word, just breathing. Suddenly, Rose turned to me and touched her lips to mine. I went in for another but she pulled away. Her eyes met mine and her lips grazed mine again, and I could feel the want in her gaze.

Her hand slipped under my shirt as my hands wrapped around her waist, pulling me closer to her. Her hands sent shivers down my spine. I pulled her nightgown over her head as she kissed my neck. She led my hands down her body where I slip her silk underwear down her legs.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I whispered

She nodded and pulled me on top of her.

I woke up with Rose's head in the crook of my neck, her arm thrown across my chest. As I traced little circles with my finger over her bare back, the night's events came back to me. What had I done? Rose was vulnerable; her dad had just been admitted to . What had I done? Yeah, we played around, we made out, we went down on each other, but we had never had sex. Sex had always been out of the question. Yes, sometimes we had almost done it, but we realized before the deed and stopped before it was too late. God, she was gonna kill me when I woke up! And oh god, her family, if anyone ever found out, Al would hex my balls off himself, before Hugo even had a chance. I was fucked. That had been a fucking mistake, and I never should have done it. After all, who was everyone gonna blame? Me. I mean she had come on to me, she had kissed me. But I had let her. I had looked her in the eye and asked if she wanted to do this. But, she had said yes. The whole situation was fucked. All of this was fucked up. And yet…it had felt so right. This hadn't felt like the other times. The other times we had been messing around, having some fun. This, this had been different. Well, at least it felt like it had to me. Maybe something could happen between us. But, what if she didn't feel the same way?

I felt Rose stir next to me, and I nearly jumped out of bed. Actually, a few seconds later, I did jump out of the bed. I ran to the bathroom. I would remove myself from the situation. If Rose didn't want it to mean anything, it wouldn't. If she did, well, I guess it would.

As I closed my eyes, letting the water run over my face, I heard the bathroom door open.

"Hey Scorpius."

"Rose I'm-"

"It's ok, don't worry about it. I knew what I was doing. Thanks for letting me stay here."

"Rose wait-" By the time I was able to get out of the shower, and run out the bathroom, she was gone

"Scorpius?" Rose turned to me, bringing me back to the present

"I missed you."

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